Posted: June 26, 2014 in Uncategorized

Tubewater heading




Tubularsock was sitting in his top floor corner office in his underground bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. in Oakland, CA when his telegraph started dot, dot, doting. Immediately Tubularsock thought “it must be an old message”. The telegraph hasn’t been used as a means of communication for a long time.

It was a message from the blog site which is a great site to follow. It posts a variety of articles which cover a wide range of subjects. If the Huffington Post could do half as well Tubularsock would pay more attention to them.

The article that was posted under GUILLOTINE DETROIT WATER & SEWERAGE! was   from Common Dreams: UN to Detroit: Denial of Water to Thousands ‘Violates Human Rights’

The bottom line of this article was that the city of Detroit is shutting down the water to people that can’t afford to pay their water/sewage bill for a very odd reason, Unemployment.

You see the city has a poverty rate of 40% and a very high unemployment rate.

The United Nations was asked to look into this mess and has stated that ““The households which suffered unjustified disconnections must be immediately reconnected . . .”

Good luck with that.

The Detroit City Council has proceeded to approve an 8.7% increase in the water rates. And the Water Department has increased it’s disconnections in June to 3,000 a week!

But the U.N. has the nerve to believe that having water is a natural human right.

What will they think of next!

It is interesting to note that the power brokers in the city are aggressively pursuing  privatization of the cities water and sewage.

A Tube note: For an excellent researched post on this subject check out:  “Heads Up! I Am About To Go The Fuck Off! If You Have Delicate Sensibilities, Stop Reading!”

So Tubularsock has come up with this great protest idea that he is putting out to social activists in Detroit.

Have all those poor people that are affected collect in plastic garbage cans all their shit they can no longer flush and after three days take it and march to city hall with it in tow.

The name of this campaign ………  We Ain’t Taking Your Shit …. Here’s Ours!

Can you imagine 3000 a week in June. That is 12,000 shut offs. And say a family of four……. that is 48,000 shits! And that is a conservative estimate.

And just how long would the police force face off tons of shit. Damn the health risks alone!

And if you were arrested the benefits would be running water and a toilet that works.

Well enough! Tubularsock is going to go polish his telegraph key pad.

 Screen Shot 2012-07-21 at 11.55.56 PM


  1. I’ve got a great title for your next post –

    TUBULARSOCK says: Cholera

    Liked by 1 person

      • “TUBULARSOCK says: Cholera” That’s perfect — and YOU can create a post to equal it, without breathing hard.

        And your great Detroit protest idea has me imagining (feeble) headlines for the follow-up articles … though it’s not easy to imagine it would get much coverage in our so-called news media. Who would respond to these generous fertilizer donations anyway? The USDA? The EPA? CDC? Homeland Security, with their usual fearless confrontation of such domestic terrorism? Maybe the 82nd Airborne or National Guard? I can see our intrepid “war correspondents” embedded with the invading infantry. Or maybe not. How many are even current on their typhoid and hepatitis shots? … No, my guess says this would call for drone strikes, though it’s anyone’s guess whether they’d bomb the poop or the protesters.

        One headline, or protest poster, that would just have to show up is:


        Thanks for a great post illuminating this appalling outrage. – Linda


      • tubularsock says:

        Well Linda, you do pose and interesting question. Tubularsock thinks you hit it with the drone strikes. However, the way our government works they would bomb Minneapolis much like they bombed Iraq rather than Saudi Arabia for 9/11. Your headline has a nice ring to it. Could be good for the NY Times D section page 85. You know the maimed-stream-media, always vigil. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Tubularsock appreciates it. And whatever you do, don’t take any wooden escudos!


  2. Excellent. What more can I say?


  3. wolfess says:

    Tube, this is a helluva post!!!! 🙂 I would be honored to dedicate some of my shit to this protest … after a bottle of wine there is quite a lot of it! :-0 And you are right, that if the protesters are arrested at least they have water to drink and a toilet that works! **Thnx for the mention 🙂


    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks wolfess. You must drink thick wine! Just box it up and send it to:

      Shit For Detroit
      19180 Grand River Ave.
      Detroit, MI 48223.

      Tell them Tubularsock made you do it!

      And all kidding aside, I love you site.


      • wolfess says:

        Thnx for the address, I have been putting forth my best effort this evening to send a righteous deposit for this obviously important drive. I will be letting it age overnight and send it on its way bright and early tomorrow!

        I must also thank you for your kind words concerning our blog; and of course you know that the last header and the current one as well, are a creation of skulz — he really is such a talented fellow!


      • tubularsock says:

        You are soooooo dedicated to the cause, wolfess. Thank you and Detroit thanks you as well. You are now part of the “Bowel Movement Shit In”!!!
        Tubularsock tips his hair to skulz for a task well done.


  4. I don’t think it would taken even three days for the water to be re-connected! About 24 hours ought to be enough …


    • tubularsock says:

      Very good point, SD. In truth, I am wondering what those poor people are actually doing with it now. Got to be a major problem, don’t you think? Thanks for you comment.


  5. Tube, I am absolutely floored by this post! Unbelievable! You manage to outdo yourself with each new one and thank you so much for plugging mine. The views are going through the roof! I am going to reblog this if you don’t mind. I have something to add and I just cannot resist!

    Thank you again, Dear Tube!


    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks, Shelby for the reblog. And sure you can do that ……. and I see that you have! You may have hit upon the perfect battle cry “Bowel Movement United and we’re not shitting you!”


      • LMAO!!! I love it! “Bowel Movement United and we’re not shitting you!” HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Damn! I am doubled over again! You’ve gone and done it again Tube!! Man, you missed your calling! Advertising exec has your name all over it! Marketing as well. You could ‘market’ shit and make it sound cool even when it’s still steaming!! LOL!!!

        And you are so right, since we ALL gotta go, “Bowel Movement United and we’re not shitting you,” it is!! LMAO!!!

        Detroit, wise up to this!! Get out there and get a ‘move’ on!!!!


  6. Reblogged this on shelbycourtland and commented:
    This post, “DETROIT WATER,” by my dear friend Tubularsock has an extremely excellent suggestion and if I lived in Detroit, I would be acting it out!
    To the people of Detroit, I would encourage you to bag up your shit after having eaten tons of beans with jalapeno peppers and chili and take that rank, stinking shit to City Hall and dump it, keep dumping it. Let it pile up and if by chance you get arrested, ask the police this, “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” Fucking fight fire with fire! It is the only way. The calling in of the United Nations is not going to do a damn thing to help your situation. Take matters into your own hands and believe me, if I could take bags of my shit to the White House and drop it off, I would!!! We fucking need a movement. Uh..dare I say, “bowel movement,” to get the ‘shit’ started! Power to the shit toting peons! Funk it up like you mean it!!!


  7. Guess we couldn’t call it a “shit-in”? Nah, you guys will do better than that, no question.


  8. Jeff Nguyen says:

    A shit-in…where are the hippies when you need them?

    These are crimes against humanity that are intended to speed up the privatization of the city’s water services. The banksters are counting on the lack of public concern for the “deadbeat” residents of Detroit to push this through.


    • tubularsock says:

      Jeff, the “hippies” are by nature NOT dependable. They have all become bankers and politicians with families and mortgages. All that is left is us chickens.
      Tubularsock thinks that what we have here is a rush back to the Middle Ages. Thanks for your comment.


  9. ThePoliticalVagina says:

    That Nestle` turd started the ball rolling with that and was quoted as saying water is not a human right, maybe ‘the movement’ could direct some of the effluent in their direction as well and cease buying any Nestle` product.
    WTF is the United Nations for except as a repository of whinge? They never do anything, we complain about how our government treats our Indigenous and our asylum seekers. UN goes yep that’s bad/illegal and then …..that’s it nothing. Is that all they’re there for – to confirm what we already know?,
    I see petitions going around about Detroit water, it’s bloody disgusting that it’s been allowed to get this far. You are quite right, what IS happening to all the poop? They didn’t think that one through eh? People will be pooping in the streets or ducking over to the watered neighbours or public toilets?
    What’s going to happen when there is a Cholera or Typhoid epidemic? Must it come to that? Geez that’s fucked up. Sorry about the swearing but that makes me cranky.


    • tubularsock says:

      Hey PV, thank you so much for your comment. Fuck Nestle! (that settled that) You have described the UN for what it is and Tubularsock thinks it does it well ……….. talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and confirm what we already know and then NOTHING. Yes, that is exactly what it does. It should embarrass the U.S. but it doesn’t. But the U.S. will rant about the U.N.’s virtues when it assists the U.S. in backing it’s “humanitarian” bombing of some little country some place!

      It does blow Tubularsock’s mind how Detroit got to this point without a better plan but the power structure wants to privatize the water system and rip off the public and they’ll be able to do that UNLESS the people follow their name and “detRIOT”!

      Tubularsock feels if it is built into it’s name it should be carried out.


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