Tube Thought Heading



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  1. sojourner says:

    To finish this lyrical quote, and as your photo-play strongly suggests, “DON’T BOTHER, THEY’RE HERE!” Yes, I know the song is “Send in the Clowns,” but bring is close enough!

    I’m suddenly filled with song,

    “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with Tube! Stuck in the middle with Tube!” and a bottle of WT!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Sing indeed! Just be careful of Motown tunes … ‘Tears of a Clown’ could be a downer. Me, I’m having a little trouble singing through gritted teeth. But what the hell — there’s no hint of a shortage of lies to laugh at. Lies to the nth power, squared. – Linda

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      OMG ……… Linda! NO, No, No! Motown isn’t what is needed for “gritted teeth”!
      Try this ………

      Liked by 3 people

      • Yes, that is better, thanks.

        Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        Oh shit! Satan’s music!

        Our president elect has been possessed, just like all the other sick bastards running!

        Quick, get the holy water and crucifixes.

        Okay, all together now, The Cross of Christ compels you! The Cross of Christ compels you!

        Grit your teeth? More like pull your teeth out, and without Novocaine!

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner, you may not have heard but some say, Tubularsock is the new messiah. With THAT PLACED IN YOUR MIND you may want to rethink Tubularsock’s musical taste. You haven’t been hanging out with Shelby’s relatives have you?

        Liked by 3 people

      • “OMG ……… Linda! NO, No, No! Motown isn’t what is needed for “gritted teeth”!”

        That was heavy, man! Some real head bangers stuff! A squirrel scampered over to me and screamed, “Shut that shit off!” Then it started biting the hell out of me, I’m now foaming at the mouth. Gotta go! I think I got rabies! Hot damn!! Never mind, I just need to pour some Champagne in and I should be right as rain in no time! LOL!

        This one is funny! Although, seriously, it shouldn’t be! But hey! I’d rather laugh, than cry!

        Liked by 3 people

  3. donzo442 says:

    We needs us a political messiah to save us. Save us from the clowns, downers, warmongers, political bitches, and Killary,
    How’s your schedule look Tubularsock?

    Liked by 6 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks for asking, Don. Tubularsock is extremely busy but just can’t resist the call for a messiah.
      Tubularsock much like the last one was born of virgin birth and in a barn. And because there doesn’t seem to be too many Romans roaming around, it even appears safe.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Jay says:

    I can hear the music and everything!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Abracadabra says:

    Clinton Supporter vs Trump supporter hot discussion:

    Bernie supporter is filming the debate 😛

    p.s. Cruz supporter previously was group beaten by those three above and run away crying and complaining ))))

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Thank you Abracadabra for the link. Tubularsock has to admit that at least THIS debate made sense and yes they both have the same foreign policy!

      And Welcome to Tubularsock.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Abracadabra says:

        It least in this video one can see why Trump voters dislike muslims. lol

        Here is another some funny link, bashing Obama… kind of friendly farewell:

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        It has always been troubling to Tubularsock when the truth has to be found in Russian rather than English! Thanks, Abracadabra.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Abracadabra says:

        Russia also ain’t perfect. Actually, no country without corruption exist. “No corruption” is kind of crap for what ordinary russians were bought at 90s time during their exploration of new for them capitalism. And it is that crap what is still sealable widely whole around undereducated and naive Africa, South and Central America.

        It is impossible completely eliminate corruption, so it is exist everywhere, and will exist in future.
        What really matters are firstly its scale, secondly – real goals of officials, their contribution to country development.

        However in Russia we have some internal battles and also some positive moments in this subject. )

        Based on real events and real persons (named in the toon):


      • tubularsock says:

        Abracadabra this is most true. Corruption is everywhere. And so is hypocrisy which is the cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. The Russian government aren’t sweethearts but the Americans seem to pushing Russia because our neocons are crazy fucks!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. sojourner says:

    “sojourner, you may not have heard but some say, Tubularsock is the new messiah. With THAT PLACED IN YOUR MIND you may want to rethink Tubularsock’s musical taste. You haven’t been hanging out with Shelby’s relatives have you?”

    First, what does Shelby’s relatives have to do with this? Me no comprende?

    Second, I gave up my last messiah sixteen years ago, and not at Lent. And while I support you as my next ruler, oops, I mean president, a messiah you ain’t, baby! You be da man and shit, all right, but messiah? Me no think so!

    Besides, I have innate tendency to rebel against authority. Tell me not to do something, and you have just determined that I will do it, come hell or high water. You should know this by now, el presidente elect!

    Yes, I know, I apologize for the wise ass remark above. But I just couldn’t help my self! Lack of control, you know!

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Would the fact that Tubularsock wears sandals, wanders in the desert, breaks bread with poor people, and believes that pot will inherit the earth make any difference?

      Tubularsock does not know for sure but has gleaned that Shelby comes from a fundamentalist background and her relatives would not approve of the “devil’s” music.

      And finally. You never need to apologize to Tubularsock about ANYTHING you say, write or yell even if it’s not true! Tubularsock does understand the “tendency to rebel against authority”.

      Been a major focal point of Tubularsock from birth because nobody asked Tubularsock if he wanted to be here ……. fuck that!

      Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        “Tubularsock does understand the “tendency to rebel against authority”…. Been a major focal point of Tubularsock from birth because nobody asked Tubularsock if he wanted to be here ……. fuck that!”

        Yep, I know! Why do you think I hang out here? Birds of a feather…! “Fuck that” is about right!

        I forgot about Shelby’s family being overtly religious. Now I get it!

        “Would the fact that Tubularsock wears sandals, wanders in the desert, breaks bread with poor people, and believes that pot will inherit the earth make any difference?”

        Hmmm, let me think for a second here…. sandals, wandering in the desert, it’s all been done before, been there, heard that! Breaking bread with the poor is a very good thing, even though it is a repeat as well.

        But this thing about a toilet inheriting the earth. I mean I know everything is really SHITTY now, and people are PISSED off, but a pot, a toilet, inheriting the earth? What deity do you serve, American Standard?

        And anyway, why the rush to become the next messiah? You know what happens to them, don’t ya? Bad stuff, man!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Have my inbred, ree-tard relatives surfaces somewheres near yew guise agin?? Ize dun tole dem polecats tuh stay poot! They’ze in church dee last I herd, yew mean day dun exscated? Um awf tuh rown ’em up! Be rite bawck!!!


      My churchgoing hillbilly relatives are all holy and sanctified, doncha know. That’s why they have nothing to do with me. Says I’m the devil’s own spawn. That’s alright by me ’cause if I’m hell bound, then unfortunately, I’ll meet up with them again. But I insist on bringing the muzac! LOL!

      Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        Shelby, you ain’t alone on this!

        I have been deserted by all but a few of my former Christian “brothers and sisters”. And I haven’t lost any sleep over it! To them, I am just another “dog who returned to his own vomit!”

        Better vomit than doctrine/dogma built on Zionist/Roman Emperor lies, I always say!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Well, we loves ya Sojourner! And I hope that counts for something! Us rejects gotta stick together! And believe me, I have lost no sleep either, over the absolute loss of nothing!

        Liked by 3 people

  7. tubularsock says:

    sojourner you speak the truth! Just maybe Tubularsock could be headed for a “rush to flush”!
    Messiahs do have to watch their pot!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. sojourner says:

    Shelby, like I’ve said before, quoting Billy Joel, “I’d rather live with the sinners than die with the saints, the sinners are much more fun…!”

    Liked by 2 people

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