Posted: June 1, 2016 in 2016 Presidential Election, Bernie Sanders, economics, Hillary Clinton
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Tube Heading Steamed


Hillary $15


According to Fortune Magazine Hillary Clinton spends around $1400.00 on her pantsuits. They are designed by Nina McLemore who also have Elizabeth Warren and Janet Napolitano as clients.

McLemore states that Clinton doesn’t venture beyond the pantsuit because McLemore believes that, “Once the brain makes a conclusion about a person, based on a first look, whether that impression is positive or negative, it’s done; it’s not just a first impression, it’s a stamp.”

McLemore further believes that, “TV is where charisma and attractiveness count far more than substance.” Something Richard Nixon figured out as it was happening even though he lacked charisma and attractiveness AS WELL AS substance!

Now Clinton’s “blah” uniform: boxy blazer, shapeless slacks, simple shirt, statement necklace and sensible shoes don’t come cheep.

The pantsuit runs $1400, the “simple shirt” runs $200, the statement neckless can run from $300 to $1500 so say $600, the sensible shoes around $500.

So for Hillary to look “charismaly blah” it costs about $2700.00 not counting undergarments which Tubularsock will assume are cotton boxer shorts due to the lack of sexual interest in her from her sexually crazed husband. Granted the undergarment thing is speculative on Tubularsock’s part.


So it cost $2700.00 to look Clinton-blah. And she has dozens of pantsuits. So 12 x 2700.00 = $32,400.00.

Now Hillary says that $15.00 an hour is too much to pay a worker. She has backed $12 but Bernie has forced her up to $15. Or that’s what she says to get votes right now. Don’t count on that, folks …….. she’s a lier.

But it would take a 180 – $15 dollar hours to pay for ONE of Hillary Clinton’s blah outfits which is 22.5 — 8 hour days!

It would take 2,160 hours to dress Hillary 12 times.
(and Tubularsock doesn’t included the deductions from the paycheck for worker’s comp, taxes, and health care)
180 hours for one pantsuit set up

22 1/2 — 8 hour days to dress Hillary once

270 days to dress Hillary 12 times

or around 9 months of work.

And Hillary has said that businesses can’t afford to pay $15.00 an hour but she has been willing to vote YES on BILLIONS of dollars on war …… she never says we can’t afford THAT!

So the average Joelet can work an 8 hour day and still can’t pay for a decent lifestyle.
And Hillary is just above ALL THAT. You know, from the helicopter people even look small.

And yet, why is it that working women, Blacks and Hispanics support her?

too late


Tube Sig.red



  1. swo8 says:

    Tubular sock we are counting on you. Make it a straight $20.00 an hour.

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Well Leslie, while Tubularsock is at it why not a hundred an hour and benefits!
      It’s all made up anyway.

      Liked by 2 people

      • swo8 says:

        It’s coming when inflation hits with a vengeance . (wheel barrows will be needed)

        Liked by 1 person

      • swo8 says:

        Just to add to – there was a time, not so long ag


      • swo8 says:

        my computer isn’t behaving. There was a time not so long ago when a man could earn a decent living, buy a home, marry and raise a family sending them to university all on one pay cheque. The CEO’s weren’t making quite as much then.

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Leslie, Does Tubularsock have a deal for YOU! Tubularsock has just gotten in his new 2017 Wheelbarrow Stock for your shopping convenience. Roll one of these babies off the showroom floor and into your life. Buy today!

        Send a pretty-big-stack of unmarked cash to TWB.

        This offer is good while supply lasts.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Norman Pilon says:

    I don’t really pay attention to anything anyone anywhere has to spout about so called electoral politics, much less read anything about Hilarity Clitton, especially if the script promises to be nauseatingly smarmy, you know, insincerely ingratiating.

    But when Tubularsock writes about the goings on of an election, I come and read what he (or she? (accusations have recently been made and rumors now swirl about the internet, calling into question the direction in which the Tube’s tube(s)’s yearnings really swing (is he being (or has he already been?) irradiated by transgender radiation (a secret Illuminati technology) of the kind to which both The Wachowskis brothers and Chelsea Manning obviously fell victim?)) has to say because I know that the inherently meaninglessness of the American personality contest for president will be transmuted into honest and meaningful commentary. Never am I disappointed or left without pondering at least one important question.

    Why do women think that Hilarity should be their man in the presidential office? Why should they even care?

    That’s a really good (rhetorical) question for all the reasons you lay out.

    For it should be obvious to all by now that Hilarity is an initiate of the exclusive theosophical luciferian cabal of cotton underwear wearing lizards, to whom you will never belong and who have taken humanity hostage. She will be president, with or without your vote, no matter your color or accent.

    The presidential election is for entertainment purposes only. You may not rely on any information or opinions expressed during the election for any purpose other than the election. This Terms of Service (“Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (referred to herein as “you” or “your”) and (“we”, “our”, “us,” “the Illuminati,” “the Theosophical Luciferians” ) for access to the rigged Diebold voting machines that record the way you choose to vote even though your vote will not be counted though forwarded on to all law enforcement agencies, including those of the UK. We thank you for your conscientious slaving and for believing everything we say.

    (Sorry, Tubes, I just couldn’t stop writing. It was as if I was under someone else’s control.)

    Liked by 4 people

    • sojourner says:


      When I played in lounge bands in the seventies, I was known as a “lounge lizard”. But I didn’t wear pantsuits or wear my hair in a “flip”, nor was I a bleached blond!

      Just an FYI!

      Liked by 3 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        How enticing! Tell me more . . .

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner …… the meaning of “lounge lizard” in a bar setting is sordid, corrupt, and immoral. Down right sleazy! Rather impressive credentials even for a forced celibate sax player.

        But not a “Lizzy” in the social-political sense. And even as a sax player using drugs, may have that inner-planetary experience, it is not like real planetary arrivals.

        Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Well thank you Norman, Tubularsock is very happy that he has awakened your attention to the key issues of the political nightmare by casting the light on Hillary’s garments.

      And yes, even Tubularsock has to check every morning to see what poly-sexural he happens to be on any given day. Well, at least due to “others” conjecturing opinions.

      Tubularsock usually leaves lizardazation to David Icke. For sure the Queen of England and Dick Cheney but Tubularsock would not give Hillary that high of Lizard Rating as
      “ initiate of the exclusive theosophical luciferian cabal of cotton underwear wearing lizards”. Perhaps newt but NOT lizard!

      And don’t be concerned, Norman “The Terms of Service Agreement” is ALWAYS directed by “someone else’s control”.

      Thanks for your comment, now rest.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. donzo442 says:

    why do ameriKKKans “support” any candidate of either party? short answer might be that ameriKKKans have a very short attention span and prefer to spend their time in the very shallow end of the intellectual pool. OR, ameriKKKans really love to be screwed by corrupt politicians and this screwing has been going on for so long the ameriKKKans don’t know any better.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I admit to being mystified by Hillary’s fashion sense. Why does she continue to bleach her hair blond and to wear it in a flip like a teenager – when she deliberately wears ugly pansuits?

      Liked by 5 people

      • donzo442 says:

        hillary is an enigma wrapped tightly inside a corrupt conundrum. trumpf is bad and hillary is worse. ergo, life is like a box of rancid chocolates. go ahead and pick one… i dare you.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Those are not “ugly pantsuits” that she’s wearing, but “fancy pants,” a gussied up version of ordinary old “man pants,” as in who wears the “pants” around the house. One thing’s for sure, it ain’t Bill, what with his habit of taking them off at every least bit of provocation. As for the bleached blond hair and the flip, to some degree we are all in denial about what the ravages of time have done to us at a certain age, before we realize that our struggle to maintain an appearance of youth is not only futile but unseemly. Hilarity just hasn’t come to that realization, yet. Conceit is blind and the ruling folk do have a lot of it and as a result it takes a little longer for them to catch on to the manner in which they actually appear to others, or at least ought to appear to others if it wasn’t for the dang media and the fashion industry that they control. Or it may be that Hilarity herself has really fallen under the spell of all of ‘dem’ fashion magazines. I dunno. But I’d sure like to get to the bottom of this pantsuit issue, the blond hair, and the flip.

        Liked by 4 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Tubularsock too is “mystified”, DrB.
        Tubularsock attempted “a flip” with his hair but it made him fall over.

        But Hillary’s pantsuits are ugly. And if clothing makes the person then ……………..

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Don, well stated. Especially the “corrupt conundrum”. That alone explains the entire political system that seems only to produce “rancid chocolates”!

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Now Norman, your pursuit of the pantsuit and flipped blond hair issue is admirable. Many feel the need to get to the bottom so they can raise to the top. And some at the top may just fall to the bottom if they don’t maintain their old-decrepitude youthful appearance.

        What to do, what to do.

        Oh sure Tubularsock has the answer.

        Liked by 2 people

    • sojourner says:

      Don, Spot on Correct! Nailed it!

      Liked by 4 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Tubularsock is very sorry to inform you Don, but the “ameriKKKan intellectual pool” has be drained so corrupt politicians can screw the exceptional “ameriKKKans” without getting their feet wet.

      Previous pool hours will resume after the election. Thank you for your cooperation.

      Liked by 4 people

  4. Michael Fuhrig says:

    Trump would dress his women more stylishly than Hilary dresses herself..But he just “might” expect something for that. With either Hilary or Trump as president somebody is going to get screwed.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. sojourner says:

    I have been posting a few articles, here and there, on this every four year farce. But I hardly read much of anything about this ruse. And most of what I have posted simply serves to satisfy a tiny little bit of my rage!

    But as Norman points out, you, Tube, can always get down to the nitty gritty of this issue, and so I find myself drawn to your posts like a moth to a bug zapper!

    And Donzo nailed it, by the way!

    Personally, this particular subject matter makes me a little more psychotic than I already am, a little more fucking pissed off beyond words! This is Hillary’s version of “Let them eat cake!” Terms like elite cock-sucking bitch and whore-wife to a sexual predator come to mind at the moment. And visions of Hillary and Billy dangling from a rope, in the town square, come to my mind’s eye as well.

    But I refuse to give in and use these nasty forms of communicating in a comment. No wait, I just did use them! Oh shit! Damn this tumor, it has shifted in my skull one more time. I just slammed my head against the wall, and in every way, now, I am feeling much better!

    You know, I am wrong! I shouldn’t be pissed off at this low life piece of shit in a $1400.00 pant suit, I should be angry with myself and everyone else like me; we who have allowed this stooge of the oligarchy/plutocracy, and all those like her, to get away with her murder for far too long!

    The Csars and families are, once again, in dire need of being put out of their misery!

    BTW, Hillary wears these pant suits to cover up the hideousness that lies beneath!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Norman Pilon says:

      Two points of contention, only:

      a) You waver between anger, one could almost qualify it as being somewhat “murderous,” and a strange sort of forgiveness that isn’t really forgiveness, but for which I have no word, and for which you must forgive me. You need to make up your mind, Sojourner.

      b) I note that we do not subscribe to the same aesthetic standards in regard to the feminine physique: whereas you spurn hideousness, I find myself strangely attracted. I mean have you ever really taken a good look at the nuts and bolts of human genitalia: hideous is the only word I can think of as an accurate qualifier. Do have a second look, but no gawking.

      Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:


        On point a:

        I am well known for being confused about my feelings at any given moment, just ask my x wife, deceased parents and a multitude of other people who have known me (to their dismay). In other words, Norm: I’m so confused! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up! etc. I blame this on the damn tumor (a term of endearment, not real, at least, not yet), but it might just be a natural part of my “charm”?

        However, this is not the case here, Norm. Nope! Not at all! The Tube, you see, just brings this contradictory, doing-a-shtick part of me out in the open. I longed to be a comedian, but alas, theory, analysis and composition stole me away.

        Oh yes, there is some truth in these statements, pertaining to my anger, as you have sensed, but for the most part, it is all put down in words in order to get a response, a yuck, yuck, a giggle and “here he goes again”.

        On point b:

        although I see your point, Norm, especially when it comes to the masculine physique, I don’t know that I would use the word hideous in describing the feminine physique, in most cases (Hillary being one of the exceptions, of course). The masculine physique = hideous, the feminine physique = not hideous (in most cases). But that’s just me. When you think about it, it’s really like scotch, it’s an acquired taste (visually speaking), isn’t it?

        And there is the point that was made on Seinfeld, all those years ago, that both men and women, no matter how attractive, can look hideous, naked, when coughing or sneezing!

        But hideous, like beauty, is solidly in the eye of the beholder, right?

        Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        On point a):

        There you go again . . . (Yes, I know, the NSA is watching . . .one can’t be too careful . . . and I agree, there was no shame in Galileo Galilei’s recantation in the face of the inquisition . . . those fuckers really got nasty, and as I understand it, so can the nice people working for the security state apparatus . . . and I understand why comedy, under the circumstances, is an art we would like to master because it won’t be too long now before you will only be able t speak your mind in ‘double entendres,’ although we probably already have reached that point.)

        On point b)

        You make my point for me. We disagree. We are at an impasse. But curiously, we are attracted to the same thing, objectively speaking.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        No, let me qualify that: on Hilarity, we are of one mind, most definitely, and nothing at all about her physical appearance, no matter what could be done with it, could cure me of my revulsion.

        Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks sojourner. Tubularsock has been compared to many things but a “bug zapper” is a first. And hell, Tubularsock will take a compliment no matter which direction it comes at him.

      Tubularsock was VERY impressed with your steeled ability to not use “nasty forms of communicating” while discussing that elite cock-sucking bitch and whore-wife, Hillary.

      Yes, you have improved so much sojourner. At first Tubularsock was confused until he got to the “low life piece of shit in a $1400.00 pant suit” and then it dawned on Tubularsock ……. that’s sojourner writing this!

      So keep up the good work!

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Tube wrote,

        “Yes, you have improved so much sojourner. At first Tubularsock was confused until he got to the “low life piece of shit in a $1400.00 pant suit” and then it dawned on Tubularsock ……. that’s sojourner writing this!

        So keep up the good work!”

        I’ll try, Tube! I really will! But it does take a toll on me!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Hariod Brawn says:

    Are you kidding, Tubular one? Hilary doesn’t pay for her outfits! It’s called ‘product placement’. Although she probably does shell out for the boxer shorts, granted.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. sojourner says:

    Norm wrote:

    “How enticing! Tell me more . . .”

    Unfortunately, that particular portion of my memory has become rather hazy. I just have brief flashbacks to styled hair, wide collars, elephant bells and platform shoes. There are little bits and pieces of women and men humping on the dance floor, as we fought to stay awake while playing a medley of Saturday Night Fever hits by the Bee Gees.

    And then, of course, there is the every-so-often recurring memory of the drummer, lead singer and guitar player going home with a “babe”, while the trumpet player and I (sax) sat and drank 7 and 7s, while bemoaning out celibacy!

    Other than that, the rest is just history, Norm!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Norman Pilon says:

    Ooooo. Celibacy. I remember those times. Sometimes it got really messy, all tangled up there by myself in the bed-sheets, a pillow jammed between my legs, conjuring up pretty much anyone I wanted, sometimes four or five of us at a single go — man did the room ever get crowded sometimes! Ah, those were days of pure, unrestrained pleasure, when the sap flowed pure and often. (But come to think of it, now that my wife and I have separate bedrooms (not because the relationship has in any way soured (it hasn’t), but because we simply got older and priorities have changed from “at the first, even unintended twitch that intimates anything from her or his side that could be remotely interpreted as a need” to “could you please stop moving, I really just want to sleep), I find myself, now and again, reverting, some might call it “regressing,” back to strategies of self-contentment that echo my glory days of yore. Of course, I’m making all of this up. None of it is to be taken as anything personally confessed, here, in public. Like the presidential election that we are discussing and on which we are unrelentingly focused, I offer this reply up to you for entertainment purposes only, eh.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Norman Pilon says:

      Of course, it would be a whole lot funnier if only it were true . . .

      Liked by 1 person

    • sojourner says:

      Exactly, Norm!

      That’s why I do the same here.

      When we get right down to it, and I know most of the other commenters, here, will agree, we know this election is a farce (rigged), as it always has been. So why not bring some brevity, some jocularity, into the conversation, when discussing this sad joke? Why not lighten it up with some stupidity and yuck yucks?

      Fuck the NSA, CIA, FBI and all the other mfuckers out there, who are watching our every move and checking out everything we write and say. If they don’t like it, they can come and get me, or kiss my ass.

      The real criminals, as we all know, are not in state prisons (whether white, black or blue with pink polka dots), they are in corporate and banking boardrooms, they are on Wall Street and in Washington, DC, The City of London, The Hague and the Vatican.

      So much of our time is focused on all the hell these criminals are perpetrating all around the world, and rightly so. So, from where I sit, I need some time for getting away from it all, and just treating it as a joke. It’s sanity for me, as I know it is for you as well.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Matt says:

    Wow, you’ve been wearing me down on Hillary lately. Not that there are really any better options no matter how you look at it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:


      Well Matt, there are better options than Hillary. Tubularsock has always voted his conscience. Tubularsock has always voted that way. His candidates never seem to win which is a REAL loss for this country but Tubularsock has NEVER voted for that lessor of two evils concept! Horse shit!!!

      And now the situation has finally happened and it is the result of the continued “voting for the lessor of two evils”. We now are at a point that TWO EVILS ARE RUNNING!

      Now what the fuck are you going to do?

      Now Tubularsock has already voted in the California primary because Tubularsock votes by mail and Tubularsock voted for Bernie only because Independents can vote because it is an open primary.

      Tubularsock voted for Bernie only because Bernie has actually some integrity and his record shows that he thinks before he decides. Now, Tubularsock will not vote for Bernie if he got the nomination because he has a poor foreign policy record.

      But voting for Bernie against Hillary was a no brainer. Tubularsock would vote for a pile of dog shit before he would vote for Hillary Clinton!

      Which leads us to Trump. The all time pile of dog shit, to date.

      The bottom line as Tubularsock has said time and again, Hillary will be the President because the deal was in way before all this Trump and Bernie side show shit.

      The American public is living in the the Truman Show, all this has been orchestrated from above.

      But in the Truman Show , Truman woke up! Unlike the Americans! Poor bastards.

      Thank you Matt for your comment. Enjoy your movie reviews.


  10. wolfess says:

    That-who-shall-remain-nameless is butt-ugly inside and out, so it is my contention that wearing pantsuits just allows all that butt-ugliness to ooze out all over
    body. Did you notice how I described ‘that’ using her initials??? (It’s time to release the poppets!)

    My last hope is that Tubularsock wins!!!!

    Pwr 2 the TUBULARSOCK-VOTING peons!

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Thank you so much for your support, wolfess. Tubularsock was celebrating his decisive win in the California primary yesterday. Little has been said due to the fact that the day before the California primary the maimed-stream-press declared the winner before California even voted. And Hillary was the maimed-stream-press’s “prick” which fit so well into Cunt(on)! Yes, wolfess RELEASE THE POPPETS!

      Liked by 1 person

      • wolfess says:

        Ahhhh Tubularsock, knowing how well you did yesterday truly gives me hope that we won’t have to put up with ‘that’ being in power for even one minute — thank yah; thank yah very much! And yes, I will be releasing the poppets by end of day tomorrow!

        Liked by 1 person

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