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Trump:Hillary FascismScreen Shot 2012-07-21 at 11.55.56 PM





  1. swo8 says:

    Not much choice there. You’re a shoe in Tubularsock.

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks, Leslie. Americans are not the brightest crayons in the box so even though Tubularsock shines to the enlightened the “masses” are still watching the soap opera we Americans call the electoral cycle. You know, the one right after football!

      Liked by 1 person

      • swo8 says:

        It beats hockey.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Ahem . . .

        Some of us, if not all of us, are not Americans. Some of us, if not all of us, live north of the 49th.

        If you thought your electoral cycle was soap opera-ish, you, too, would turn to hockey and, as crassly commercial and thuggish as it is, would learn to love it. It’s just the thing through which to vicariously vent all of life’s little and big frustrations, here, in a land of ice and snow — (now being attenuated by global warming, thank God!) — and soap-opera-ish fascistic politics, what with lyrics like “True patriot love in all thy sons command” and “Car ton bras sait porter l’épée, Il sait porter la croix!”, all of it solemnly sang with hand on heart before every fucking stump speech or anything happening in public before an audience of more than two people.

        Oh, what a pleasure it is, I assure you, when the gloves finally come off (they always do) and blood sprinkles the now tooth speckled ice, to watch multi-millionaires punch each other in the face like they mean it and well-high to exhaustion. That’s what an election which isn’t really an election should be.

        So no, swo8, it doesn’t at all beat hockey, which most certainly beats American football. But maybe that’s what you meant, eh. I know I always make typing mistakes, sometimes leaving words out entirely and inadvertently end up wounding some of my readers.

        Liked by 4 people

      • swo8 says:

        Dear Norman, I fear I have touched a nerve, for which I am truly sorry.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Thank you for your gracious apology, swo8. And please accept mine in turn, eh. It’s the Canadian way, eh.

        Liked by 2 people

      • swo8 says:

        As a fellow Canadian I accept your apology as well. It definitely is the Canadian way.

        Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Wow, Tubularsock is happy that the Canadians settled this Hockey thing. That’s that game with the stick right? Rich grown men pucking around just doesn’t much interest Tubularsock. But it may make golf more interesting if one could club his opponent to death with his golf-sticks!

      Liked by 3 people

      • swo8 says:

        Now there’s a though for you. chuckle.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Norman Pilon says:

        I’m with you on that, Leslie, “tough” for sure with a four-iron coming down on your head. That’s why in Canada, which sees a lot of professional hockey players out on the links during the off season, everybody wears helmets on the course, and nobody ends up dying from a drubbing with a club, unless your in a club somewhere in Quebec, of course, eh.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. donzo442 says:

    a clear case of sixes. half a dozen of crap vis-a-vie another six pack of putrified shit. oh yes and by the by, nothing beats hockey. especially not sharks. HAH! stanley’s cup Pengs.

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Tubularsock feels that they should just leave Stanley’s cup to Stanley! So many others seem to want it! #FREE STANLEY’S CUP …….. A new Tubularsock campaign for justice!

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      • donzo442 says:

        i hadn’t even considered that. good point and i agree.

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      • Norman Pilon says:

        Stanley was a super model, like Beyonce, I imagine. One day, a bunch of French Canadian admirers of Stanley started arguing with a bunch of English Canadian admirers about who should get a shot at Stanley’s cup. The gauntlet was thrown down, and ever since gladiators in kevlar suits have been skating up and down ovals of ice in pursuit of a puck and a cup. Oh, sure, she, Stanley, has since passed on, but what a cup she had on her. If you saw it, you’d understand. Some Canadians, more than I can credit, among both men and women, are very partial to this sort of thing. I say “some,” because obviously Leslie, my compatriot, like me, isn’t so much . . . On the other, I’m with you on that, Tubes, do indeed free Stanley’s cup and any other deserving of such an obvious honor. . .

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Oh hell yes, Norm! Because you brought it up ……… #FREE BEYONCE TOO!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Beyonce. Mmm. “Cups away!”

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Michael Fuhrig says:

    Donald Trump..and Hilary…
    Tweedle dum and Tweedle Dee..
    Donald’s background has…
    Corrupt business crud..
    And Hilary has Bill.
    The ultimate stud…
    One or the other…
    Will soon lead this land…
    Now ain’t that grand?
    But take heart America..
    Help may be on the way..
    For good old Bernie may yet save the day…
    And how you may ask…
    Can he pull that one off…
    By forcing his party
    To back off of the trough…
    The trough where big business
    Deposits its money
    Where politicians feed from it
    Like its milk and honey..
    For Bernie and his forces
    May boycott the vote..
    Come election day…
    And force Hillary
    To see things their way…
    And if this happens..
    There’s not much Trump can do..
    Except adjust his hair do..
    And get a shampoo..

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Norman Pilon says:

    Ah, poets. With them, hope springs eternal.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. sojourner says:

    Choose your poison!

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Tubularsock will drink to THAT!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Norman Pilon says:

      My favorite is strychnine while reading those bits in the Bible that tell me that if I believe, nothing can harm me, not even strychnine by the pint, though I know, of course, that one should never test God’s wrathful mercy, in which case I’d get exactly what I deserve for having tempted His loving hand . . .

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Wow, I guess I never belonged to this sect of Christianity. In the fellowship I belonged to, we usually just had beer and wine at our social get togethers. We were under-the-influence warriors for Christ.

        But I have heard of them there Kentucky snake handlers. And the odd thing, Norm, is that the verse, in Mark, they base this belief on is disputed by many biblical scholars: most believe it was an add on at some point in time.

        So, of course, in this sense, these snake handlers aren’t really testing god, since their god never claimed this.

        Convoluted, ain’t it?!!

        Liked by 3 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Well yeah, it’s convoluted. And part of the problem is that you were in the wrong sect, although beer and wine, in sufficient quantities or tainted can be harmful and even deadly, unless you sincerely believe, which is why most beer and wine drinking Christians end up pickled rather than dead.

        And as for the verse by Mark being an “add on,” as you put it, Sojourner — look it, the whole Bible is an “add on,” made up from start to finish, so I don’t know how anyone can argue for what parts of it are “genuine,” and which “not.”

        And if God really does exist, I suspect that the Bible in and of itself is something he conceives as a kind of test of his divine patience, at least where logic is concerned.

        Yep, convoluted. And even more so, I’d say it was serpentine . . .

        Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        You do understand, Norm, that I am no longer a practitioner, right?

        The bible is like every other “holy book”, needless to say.

        I was just speaking in terms of how the biblical scholars and Christians look at things.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        I’m no longer a practitioner, either. I don’t think I ever rightly was unless a child of 5 can be said to be a practicing Christian. And then like the whole Santa Clause deal, the stories recounted to us in Catholic school kind of sounded far-fetched even to my impressionable young mind. And then I witnessed things firsthand that made believing in an all-loving God simply impossible for me, for the suffering to which I bore witness was that of many an innocent, of pain utterly undeserved. What could any child or infant anywhere ever have been guilty of to endure the most extreme of fates imaginable for any human? Of course, there were a great many other issues that didn’t add up, but early on, the problem of pain in the world was a real stumbling block for me. And then there was the recognition that the Holy Bible was just a book that had obviously been written by men, because right there on page iv, was the copyright held by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. 1950, 1958, 1961, by the Benziger Brothers, Inc. I mean if the book had been written by God, why did he need to find a publisher and why did the publisher have the right to have a copyright on that particular version of that Holy Book?

        All that to say that, yes, I do realize you’ve gotten past the bullshit and I’m right there with you. How grown up people can believe this stuff, some of it taken quite literally, is quite baffling to me. On the other hand, I am aware that all manner of groundless convictions swirl inside my own head. That’s the really scary part. Just how deluded about what am I? An unsettling question the answer to which I really don’t know. So I suspect that in many respects I am just as insane as the people who appear to me to be unequivocally so. What man and woman are, whatever that is in reality, is a really fucked up thing. And just look around you and tell me that ain’t so, eh? I mean that rhetorically, of course . . .

        Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        Believe me, I hear you.

        I had religion forced on me as a child, as I am sure is the case with you as well. And all religion had done for me, by the time I was in my teens, was make me feel guilty for every fucking thing I said, did or thought.

        And then I started losing friends in Vietnam, and I started to see, clearly, the hypocrisy in all of it.

        So then I sought to rid myself of Christianity by becoming an atheist. I took basic ed courses in college designed to make me an atheist, and that didn’t work either.

        So then, after college, after drugs, alcoholism and suicidal thoughts, I ended up going to this fellowship I had mentioned.

        But that’s a long, long story. Just suffice it to say, that this fellowship was devoid of all the pomp and circumstance of the churches I had attended when I was young, and instead, the focus was on theology.

        But I’ll tell you more about that some other time, in an email.

        Lastly, you wrote,

        “On the other hand, I am aware that all manner of groundless convictions swirl inside my own head. That’s the really scary part. Just how deluded about what am I? An unsettling question the answer to which I really don’t know. So I suspect that in many respects I am just as insane as the people who appear to me to be unequivocally so. What man and woman are, whatever that is in reality, is a really fucked up thing. And just look around you and tell me that ain’t so, eh? I mean that rhetorically, of course .”

        I could not have related more to this than if I had written it my self!!!

        Like the subtitle of my blog states, the journey continues.

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Well Norm ……. just go ahead and fuck with God. Even test the motherfucker! Did your mother ever warn you about playing with fire? Tubularsock was just wondering.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Dear Tubes,

        My mother was always too late with her warnings. I played with that match and burned the whole house down, and then she told me that I should be more careful with matches. That’s why I married the woman I did, by heeding that disastrous lesson and later being extra careful with my matches, and so far no smoldering ruins.

        Still, I tempt the Hand of God, because if he originated this world, He and He alone is responsible for all atrocities that followed upon that origination. A real motherfucker, indeed. Lukily for me, I’m sitting in proximity to a well tried lightning rod as I write. It’s a sunny day yonder, but the rod is being repeatedly stricken and the thunder claps unearthly concussions.

        Be advised, Tubes, that you take the same care.

        Beyonce. Mmmm. Ever so slowly. “One cup at a time. A long succulent pause between.” Mmmm. How’s that for tempting the Divine? How’s that for a lightning rod?

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Norm! Let’s leave Beyonce’s cups out of this. They runneth over.

        Now that Tubularsock has cleared THAT up we can get down to business.

        God IS NOT responsible for THIS world for it is an illusion of our own making. WE fuck up this world (well, not Tubularsock but the other we) and then we blame God. And then God gets pissed and rains on us (well, not Tubularsock, Tubularsock has an umbrella but the other us) and then sends lighting which is a symbol for “here comes the light”!

        It has been said by Tubularsock that Tubularsock IS GOD. Don’t take GOD’s (aka Tubularsock) word for it. You’ll notice, if you go to the sanskrit texts that in sanskrit the word GOD and the word TUBULARSOCK are spelled the same and are used in tandem
        when discussing bad ass dudes!

        And from now on light your matches of the lighting rod. It is kind of like letting the strike strike without moving the match. Don’t stand in water!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Not much choice, swo8, surely you’re too kind. Run for office, Tubularsock!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. sojourner says:

    Hockey? Isn’t that the game with the brooms and the stone on ice?

    And do Canadians still call themselves Hosers? My friend from Canada, living here, claims he never used the term Hoser, but then again, he played soccer and tennis.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Norman Pilon says:

      Soccer and tennis? A city dweller and a snob, obviously. And of course he didn’t use the derogatory term to refer to himself. Nobody who has a smidgen of self respect does so unless ironically. On the other hand, it is true, not many of us are highly cultured, having been mostly bred and mostly used to hew wood and draw water. That doesn’t mean we aren’t prideful, eh. That’s where brooms and skidding stones across frozen surfaces come in: “for the fun of it,” one French guy said to an English guy, “lets see if you and your 8 other friends can use this broom to sweep this 50lb boulder to the bull’s eye I’ll draw 30 yards away.” The English, not known ever to turn down a challenge put to them by the French, however absurd, have been playing with the broom and the stone ever since, and among themselves. The French watch them on TV while they sip their brewskis and still laugh.

      Soccer and tennis, eh. What a hoser . . .

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Hey, Hoser is all I ever heard from the Canadian comedians that have taken over down here.

        And I know what hockey is. I, unfortunately, live in a city that has an NHL hockey team.

        Actually, when I was younger, I wanted pro sports here, of any kind. Now, I don’t give a shit about any pro sport, and I have just about died to college level football (parabolic spheroid football, not soccer) as well.

        I though this might get a response!;-)

        Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Well you did get a response. I guess you must be pleased with yourself, eh. Nationality baiting, eh. You Americans!

        But let me come clean: I admit that the français in me, under an intemperate English influence, no doubt, sometimes also unwittingly takes l’appât.

        So be it. Tit for tat, eh.

        Ou comme «nous» aimons le mettre : tit verser tat, eh.

        Except that you are not English, exactly, or at least not anymore than I am. In that case it’s just clean fun. Not that it’s anything more or less with the anglais, eh.

        Nevertheless, I will be on the lookout for future opportunities, Mr. Sojourner. I’m baiting my hameçon even now . . .

        Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Here’s the deal sojourner. If you go to a game of hockey and you light a “fatty” and start smoking it and the players down below take their puck and drop it through the hoop from the free-throw line ……….. send Tubularsock some of THAT weed in a hurry! Thanks.

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  8. sojourner says:

    To Norm and Tube, the only “fatty” I know is me!

    Liked by 2 people

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