Tube smoke cafe Heading


Now the CIA has reported “someone in the CIA happens to believe that just maybe for certain that the DEEP STATE has hired an agent to orchestrate and develop a top secret project known, by ONLY real insiders, as ORANGE BLOSUM MATRIX.” (this is science!)

Now Tubularsock has word from the NY Times that they know almost for sure, kind of, that their CIA contact has substantiated that the Russians may be aware of this top secret project and that Putin HIMSELF may be at his desk RIGHT NOW hacking into Twitter for the truth!

The Washington Post, a subsidiary of the CIA, has gone on to say that all the facts if they had any would be correct! Not to be undone by the NY Times, The Post has made up their own fake news by paraphrasing a known CIA custodian who has categorically stated that he’ll be “cleaning this up!”. Which is all the news necessary to know the Russians did something nefarious.

So it is up to Tubularsock, “. . . first hand coverage, second hand news.” to come to the rescue of real Truth with a capital T!

Now Tubularsock can not substantiate this top secret, “for your eyes only” actual unaltered photo that many feel has a resemblance to Tubularsock himself. Tubularsock has gone on record at 331/3 and stated that he does have a new part time job.

That being said it is best not to speak of the matter. And this unaltered photo will self destruct in three seconds.

Or as that CIA custodian is often quoted, “You’re in deep shit if you speak deep state”.
But for deep dish pizza call John Podesta.


  1. Lara/Trace says:

    Does it feel like a false flag operation to you? It does to me. We blame Russia for hacking when we have done it too in other country’s elections.. hmmm

    Liked by 4 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thank you so much for your “false flag” comment,LT. You are absolutely correct
      there is no question about it. And to see the fucked-stream-media and the fucked-up congress and the fucked up public all rally around the “true-flag” theory is pretty funny really.

      What Tubularsock just loves to see are these fully dead John McCain types stand up there and pontificate on the evil Russians as the Democraps and the Republican’ts run amuck!

      Tubularsock’s for Putin, at least as far as the Vodka goes …. bottoms up!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. sojourner says:


    This reminds me, where’s the X-Lax?

    “Which is all the news necessary to know the Russians did something nefarious.”

    I hate it when you use big words!

    “And this unaltered photo will self destruct in three seconds.”

    Huh-uh! I waited for it to self destruct, and nothing happened!

    And you stop pulling the strings of our beloved Trumpster!

    Donny! Donny! He’s our man! If he can’t do it, then neither could Hillary or Jill!

    I’ll leave you, Yube (Yule mixed with Tube), with some twisted Xmas Carols:

    “Tis the season to be drunk, fa la la la laaa la la la Hiccup!”

    “You’d better not pout, you’d better not cry, you’d better not shout, I’m telling you why, Santa Claus is dead!”

    “My nuts roasting on an open fire, makes my testes burn….” (Yes, I know, disgusting!)

    It’s snowing here, and the temp is going down to 5 above zero tonight.

    Sojourner gonna freeze and shit!

    Bah, I say! Bah-Humbug!

    Liked by 4 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Ok, ok ……. sojourner LAX is a respected International airport! So what do you have against commerce? Check Google for the location!

      “Which is all the news necessary to know the Russians did something nefarious.”
      I hate it when you use big words! Sense when is “know” a big word?

      Dude! Did you wait for it to “self destruct” in standard time or daylight savings time. Come on sojourner get with it. This is the 21st Century!

      Ok sojourner, you have got Tubularsock on the “twisted Xmas Carols”. Being three sakes
      in this evening …….. they are somewhat funny! Two more sakes ….. hilarious!

      It too is cold here as well …… no snow but heavy rain …….. nice!

      Go ahead, hum-a-bug for Tubularsock!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. swo8 says:

    As John Keats said – “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
    but…..I’m not sure what the truth is??

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Michael Fuhrig says:

    If Putin and the Russians are hacking into Twitter they are bound to meet Trump there. Just think of that–the despot and the egoist together cyberspace. But wait a minute..which one is which?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Norman Pilon says:

    “Putin HIMSELF may be at his desk RIGHT NOW hacking into Twitter for the truth!”

    What a coincidental coincidence! Twitter is also where I go for the truth, but I never find it. Mind you, I’m not a hacker nor Putin HIMSELF, though I might be, for all that I or anyone not with the CIA or the NYT or CNN or FN or any other outfit run by the spooky Twittering Mockingbirds. I mean if they ever did decide that I was Putin blogging incognito as well as perhaps unconsciously hacking Twitter to a high degree of probable but unverifiable success, how would I or anyone else be able to determine for certain that I was or wasn’t really myself, but what they would accuse me of being, namely, a Russian Manchurian Candidate whose mind had probably been hacked directly under Putin’s probable and likely supervision, since it isn’t likely that anything done by any Russian anywhere, including myself as Putin’s privately supervised hack, gets done without a likely nod from Putin HIMSELF.

    I don’t know, but it seems to me that I’m in a deep state speaking deep shit, and that sooner or later I or someone else, or both, will probably notice.

    What happens then? What then happens? Then what happens?

    Three different questions.

    A single answer.

    A mystery.

    The Putin mystery.

    This is your mission: It’s all we talk about now. So as not to talk at all. Good luck, Jim!

    This message will self destruct if it hasn’t already, long before you can count to three, but not before you count to two, but about midway between two and three. Go ahead. Start counting. One. Two. Poof! Three. — see!

    Liked by 3 people

    • sojourner says:

      Norm asked thrice:

      “What happens then? What then happens? Then what happens?”

      Not know, do I! As Yoda would have put it!

      I just had a flashback to an old chewing gun commercial: “It’s three, three, three mints in one!”

      I’m tired of PUTIN up with all this PUTIN hysteria! What happened to Nikita Khrushchev, and his bald head and shoe slamming?

      I’m fed up! I’m mad as hell, and I ain’t PUTIN up with this any more! By the way, one of my best old friends, a drummer no less, had the middle name of Vladimir. Does this mean he is a commie hacker and all around bad guy?

      My friend was Macedonian! Is that like Russian, only with a touch of Gyro?

      Uhhh… Uhhh… “USA USA USA!” “#1” etc

      Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner Tubularsock agrees, when a question is complex always check into what Yoda has said about the subject. Only a true Jedi would take that approach!

        As for the “old chewing gum commercial” Tubularsock remembers that that was a FED commercial attempting to get all the “mints” under their control. But it has been awhile so Tubularsock could be mistaken about this remembrance.

        Tubularsock is totally with you on your Putinization observations and Tubularsock feels much the same way.

        As for Nikita ….. “those were the days my friend” but today shoes made in China just can’t take that kind of wear and tear. And if Putin took off his extended heel shoes he’d be lower than the podium and well …… bad image a pounding shoe and a hand but no visible “tyrant”!

        The American PR firm that handles Putin’s image nixed the idea!

        Hmmm. There is something about a gyro, Macedonian, almost Russian commie hacker drummer named Vladimir that does captures Tubularsock’s imagination. Tubularsock is sure he played with his “STYX’s”!

        Thanks sojourner and love your new “USA” carol …… sooo Xmascy!

        Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      ATTENTION! ВНИМАНИЕ! 注意 ! УВАГА! ………… THIS DOCUMENT HAS ALREADY SELF DESTRUCTED! Too bad to. It was very informative BUT top secret as well. For a certified copy of this document please contact THE TUBULARSOCK INFORMATION CENTER AND SAKE LOUNGE ….. well, you know where . . .

      “how would I or anyone else be able to determine for certain that I was or wasn’t really myself,” Well, Norman Tubularsock uses the new NSA app “WAYOAE?” (Who Are You Or Anyone Else?) You can get it as a Xmas stocking stuffer via AppleApp/

      It is really helpful and it is NSA’s way of saying Thank You for letting us spy on you.

      The interesting FACT that has been “anonymously confirmed” by a guy outside the liquor store on Third Street wearing a trench coat and a Santa hat with a heavy interest in small children is that YOU ARE PUTIN disguised as Norman!

      Tubularsock was not at all surprised, only because there are few Candidates left that are Manchurian!

      “I don’t know, but it seems to me that I’m in a deep state speaking deep shit, and that sooner or later I or someone else, or both, will probably notice.”

      Interestingly, Tubularsock hadn’t noticed presumedly because Tubularsock too is in the same Matrix or at the least entering the swinging glass doors of WalMart on Black Friday or Cyber Monday or even next Tuesday. It all seems the same somehow.

      You were saying ………………..

      Oh yes, “the single answer” to a three part question which in fact is a single question disguised as a complex maze of happenings that in TRUTH is ……..

      Oh shit! This all was directed to “Jim”.

      Damn! Tubularsock has a principal about NOT reading other people’s self-destructing messages! Sorry!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        Before commenting, Tubes, should always read the self-destructing message to the end, carefully, maybe once or twice, to make sure he a) understands it thoroughly and b) knows to whom it was (secretly) addressed! I mean, Geez. (Or would that be, “Jeez!” Give me a moment while I try to sort out that last conundrum by having a consult with my many selves . . . Okay, the consensus is: “It’s neither “Geez,” nor “Jeez,” but — yes, again — Putin!” So let me try that berating exclamation one more time, so as to get it right: ) “I mean, Putin!” (Another variation might be: “I mean, for Putin’s sake!”)

        And what a great and original Xmas gift idea: the ““WAYOAE?”! I know a couple of mixed up identities (or would they only be (mainstream corporate press induced schizophrenic) voices?) inside my head who are going to be utterly and pleasantly surprised, maybe even relieved, to find out that the evil in the world isn’t actually emanating from a capitalist tyrant stained with a communist past rooted in a communist childhood, but none other than a good ‘ole American steeped in the ideology of ‘free-enterprise’ corporation, NSA Inc. USA, in affiliation with Apple’s AppleApp division, making for a better evil, a more righteous evil, a more exceptional evil, and, therefore, no evil at all, but really a metaphysical force for good in the universe, crushing all dissidence by remote control, however disguised, whether as me, Putin, or you, Putin, or as an innocent child, conceivably also Putin or about to become Putin, a Putin gnat, so to speak, anywhere on the planet pretending not to be Putin or that sort of gnat, and in particular, the category of sneaking under five-year-olds, easily and righteously pacified by destroying critical infrastructure, by bombing things by drone or manned aircraft, things like water treatment plants and hydro electric generating stations and the networks into which these essential services might have been channeled. Again, thank you!

        And indeed, you are quite correct: ” . . . there are few Candidates left that are Manchurian!” And that’s because most everyone has already been through the program(-ing) and is now a bona fide Manchurian, which explains why Chinese food is on everyone’s list of favorite things to order out or in. I mean if you are going to crush dissent, you need dissidents, and dissidents don’t just spontaneously appear. Someone’s gotta train and organize them and provide them with the material and logistical means to get themselves taken out or some Chinese takeout.

        Anyway, Jim, I gotta go. Nice chatting with you, again. Say hello to Tubes if you see him, for me.


        Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Thus spake Tube:

        “As for the “old chewing gum commercial” Tubularsock remembers that that was a FED commercial attempting to get all the “mints” under their control. But it has been awhile so Tubularsock could be mistaken about this remembrance.”

        Killer Tube reply! Still laughing!

        The Tube to Norm:

        “The interesting FACT that has been “anonymously confirmed” by a guy outside the liquor store on Third Street wearing a trench coat and a Santa hat with a heavy interest in small children is that YOU ARE PUTIN disguised as Norman!”

        Damn it! We were wondering what happened to Uncle Pud, and now, there he is, in Oakland!

        No fear, Tube, Pud pulls his own pud and leaves children alone. The trench coat can be deceiving. However, Tube (Yube), you should probably keep your distance from Uncle Pud, since he has a thing for male political types with fancy hair-dos, like you! Although, Tube, depending on how lonely it is in the bunker these days, Uncle Pud is a good kisser, or so I have been told! Maybe Pud would be a nice change from all those female models clinging to you, day and night?

        “Jim” who?

        Liked by 3 people

  6. sojourner says:

    Norm wrote:

    “And indeed, you are quite correct: ” . . . there are few Candidates left that are Manchurian!” And that’s because most everyone has already been through the program(-ing) and is now a bona fide Manchurian, which explains why Chinese food is on everyone’s list of favorite things to order out or in. I mean if you are going to crush dissent, you need dissidents, and dissidents don’t just spontaneously appear. Someone’s gotta train and organize them and provide them with the material and logistical means to get themselves taken out or some Chinese takeout.”

    Well, this explains a lot! It was just after the JFK assassination, when I first got hooked on egg rolls and chicken fried rice. I was fourteen at the time, and I remember that I would immediately see and turn RED every time I ate szechuan chicken! What a commie pinko trick, and on such a sweet and innocent child as the poor naive Sojourner! To this very day, when I eat Chinese take out, my burps come out sounding like “Putin, Nikita, Marx”.

    Excuse me, I have to go now, I just ordered a case of hot dogs, and thirty of mom’s apple pies! “Putin, Nikita, Marx”, those hot dogs and apple pies sure are good!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Norman Pilon says:

      “Jim” who?


      Liked by 2 people

    • Norman Pilon says:

      I see what you did there, with the burps. You conflated them under one sign, presumably the knew shorthand (code) for you know who(-ms) and who(-ses), as ordered from on high.

      Well, we can’t have too many codes, and encrypting them in bodily functions that are not quite autonomic, but almost, and that no one can possibly avoid, perfectly dissimulates “us” all, that is to say, it turns everyone of us back into ourselves while at the same time making everyone identical to everyone else, so that even the high and mighty become highly suspicious suspects to themselves, since the Power Elite, men like Hillary and Donald, like us and like me, cannot dispense with their baser organic functions.

      If you know your history, you know that this critical juncture in that story, through which we are now passing, very much is the Holy Inquisition all over again, again, and that as it enters into its burp phase, it becomes an equal opportunity persecutor, now exempting the Elite, and even all of the rich creeples, no more than the commoner.


      The Putin hysteria, Putin into effect by the Putin, now being encoded and disguised in burps — and who knows what later, but you can just imagine — now threatens to indidscriminately sweep everyone up into its dragnet madness, effectively becoming an obtuse but hungry reptile, say, a snapping turtle, eating its own tail!

      Do you hear it? I do.

      “I hear an echo of something Joseph Conrad wrote! I hear an echo of something Joseph Conrad wrote!”

      No, but admit it Sojourner! It was Burp who raised the ante and you are his private emissary and ambassador to the world, and if you are not Burp himself (themselves?), then in a way you are Burp himself (themselves?).


      — Jim . . . burp! . . . excuse me!

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Norm wrote:

        “No, but admit it Sojourner! It was Burp who raised the ante and you are his private emissary and ambassador to the world, and if you are not Burp himself (themselves?), then in a way you are Burp himself (themselves?).”

        Shhhhhhh!!!!! Be verwy verwy qwiet, we’re hunting burp!

        “The Putin hysteria, Putin into effect by the Putin, now being encoded and disguised in burps — and who knows what later, but you can just imagine —”

        Okay, a little closer! Next up, FARTS!

        But Shhhhh!! Got it? Good!!!

        Burp out!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. tubularsock says:

    WOW, Tubularsock sits back just for a minute and sojourner and Norman take off like a Jihadi on fire!

    Tubularsock was talking to Frank who is one of Jim’s closest friends and he says that Jim is exactly who he is and all this conjecture was for not!

    However Tubularsock just feels that Frank was lying in an attempt to throw Tubularsock off from paying attention to S & N’s communiqué. Can’t say for sure but Margret felt Tubularsock may be on to something so we both went off to the liquor store to see if sojourner’s Uncle Pud could give us some inside information.

    But it was Monday and sojourner’s Uncle Pud has a day off and gives up his Santa Hat to Billy Coxs who attempts to penetrate the night. Coxs knows nothing that can be spoken so Margret and Tubularsock went over to the Russian Embassy’s Coxtails Lounge where John Podesta hangs out if you get Tubularsock’s inference.

    Well, Margret with her charms was able to get information on the “Podesta-Group” ties to Russian oligarchs.

    Found out later that Jim was well familiar with the connection.

    So what does all this means?

    Well, for one thing …….. it at least appears that something is going on upon a blank slate!

    Tubularsock thanks you gentlemen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • sojourner says:

      Glad you have caught on and up, Tube! And when you see Uncle Pud, please tell him we all said hello, but that he doesn’t have to try to make contact. He’s a difficult one to deal with, you know, just like Jim V.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Interesting sojourner, Uncle Pud just laughed when Tubularsock told him what you said and said he’ll be at your house for Christmas dinner. Jim can’t make it because he had accepted an invitation from Norman. Bob, Margret, and Coxs will be out drinking with Tubularsock!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Jay says:

    At least you’ve got some great code words out of it.
    The whole thing just smacks of hypocrisy though…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. sojourner says:

    Won’t be home on Christmas. Oh well!

    Liked by 1 person

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