Posted: April 9, 2014 in ART, BUSH ART, Crimea, Dick Cheney, Horse Shit and Bush
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Who says art isn’t fun. As stated in Tubularsock’s last post George-The-Smaller exposed his art to the public at the Bush Center in Dallas.

Art is in the mind of the beholder and Tubularsock beheld George’s “art” and the best that can be said is that George has a long way to go as a painter but he does do a very good Barney!


But so did Adolf Hitler do a great dog.


Now don’t get Tubularsock wrong here. There is no comparison between George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler. First off, Adolf was intelligent.

But George-The-Smaller was the guy that so many people said they wanted to have a beer with before his election and he left office with an extremely low popularity rating. Most wouldn’t want to share a pretzel with him today.

Oh, ok there are still some brain-dead within our country who would be able to relate to him. But the IQ level would be in the single digits.

But the shame of all this is that George W. Bush should be in prison for Crimes Against Humanity but instead he is attempting to pass himself off as a “painter”. Does horse shit get any thicker that that?

Bush Hitler Paint

Now the idea that is being actually promoted here is captured in the title of Bush’s exhibition: The Art of Leadership: A President’s Personal Diplomacy”  First off, if you repeat something often enough people start to believe it to be true. Unless you paid attention and then you’d realize Bush couldn’t wipe his own ass without Cheney telling him how to hold the toilet paper. “Leadership”? ABSURD!

As for “personal diplomacy” that too is equally ridiculous. The best description of Bush is that he is just a piss-ant. It’s sad but true.

Second off ……..  Adolf WAS an artist.

hitler art work

George IS NOT!

bush art

And then there is Bush’s rendition of Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin bush

 Bush’s portrait of Putin has a bit of a back story …….. hence, that is why Putin looks like that to George.   You see George feels he has captured Putins “real” character based on an encounter he had had with Putin. In the interview on the Today Show with his daughter, Jenna asking the questions George revealed that Putin had “dissed” Barney (Bush’s dog) one time by saying, “You call it a dog?” And then Vlad proceeded to say that HIS dog was bigger! And then a year later when Bush was on a visit to Russia Vladimir says, ‘Would you like to meet my dog?’ And according to Bush “. . . out bounds this huge hound, obviously much bigger than a Scottish terrier, and Putin looks at me and says, ‘Bigger, stronger and faster than Barney.’”

2D274905544406-today-bush-putin-140304-01.blocks_desktop_medium   As a result, his painting of Putin, at least to Bush, reflects a character who thinks ‘my dog is bigger than your dog’ is something to crow about. Tubularsock doesn’t see much character in any of Bush’s work except maybe his toes in the bathtub and Barney.


And really, don’t stop and think about this ……… two grown men both with the ability to press the RED BUTTON and blow us all to hell ……  and they live with these petty thoughts. SCARY!   Now Vlad is an “artist” as well ………… In fact back in 2009 Vlad sold “snowfall seen through a window” for 37 million roubles ($1.15 million) at a charity auction.



Wow, maybe Bush and Putin should take art classes together!


But in truth, there is a bit of deception here. The auction organizer said Putin had painted the picture in 20 minutes and then a professional artist filled in the details. Hey! He’s Russian, that’s just how they do art there! But all in all art critics are not overly impressed with Bush’s work. It seems to be a basic agreement that George’s work is basically very simple-minded. But Tubularsock agrees with art critic Deborah Solomon when she said, “I think a lot of us wish he had become a painter as opposed to a president. We all could have been saved a lot of trouble.”    Screen Shot 2012-07-21 at 11.55.56 PM

  1. Bill Kueppers says:

    I’m with you and Deborah Solomon on this one. Hey, Tube, didn’t know you’d stretch to art criticism — good for you! I’m sure the NYT is noticing!


    • tubularsock says:

      Hey Bill, thanks for taking the time to comment. Tubularsock has a large selection of hats he can wear. Art criticism is just one. I’m afraid that the NYT is too busy covering up for American foreign policy imperialism to worry about what Tubularsock is up to.


  2. Tubularsock – Isn’t there an old story about a Vienna art school that once rejected Hitler’s application? The punch line goes something like —

    The next time some no-talent named Schicklgruber wants to attend this school … for god’s sake let him!

    And … well, somebody has to say it — I may not know much about art but personally, I’d be happier at this point if Bush was painting to while away his multiple-life sentence in Spandau prison, along with a few other war ccriminals. Nice piece, thanks. – Linda


    • tubularsock says:

      I am with you Linda on the Spandau prison scenario. But alas Tubularsock doesn’t see it happening. You may be interested in a movie called MAX staring John Cusack, a 2002 British-Hungarian-Canadian fictional drama film. Fits into the Vienna art school in a way.

      Thanks for your comment ………


  3. heila2013 says:

    LOLOLOL!! I had to laugh out real loud! Great, smart, and cynically hilarious!!


  4. […] 13th Presidential Library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration.  See:  and […]


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