Archive for the ‘Selfies’ Category


Posted: September 26, 2015 in ANGELA MERKEL, Germany, Russia, Selfies
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Tube Camera ReadySELFIE MADNESS!

Oh sure, Tubularsock is really a dare-devil. And because of this heavy duty risk taking Tubularsock has placed himself in DANGER!

This year, so far, death by selfie is greater than death by sharks! (12 to 8)

Now Tubularsock stopped eating shark years ago once it was found that the amount of mercury present in shark was so high that it would  better serve you as a thermometer than being served to you on a plate.

You see we high risk thrill seekers attempt to take high risk selfies ……..

Like, backing up and falling off a building to grab that great shot, being hit by a train, or getting a selfie with a wild animal …. say like a bear, tiger, but not a shark (so far).

Al Jazeera and Reuters has both reported that the Russian Interior Ministry has put out a leaflet that states: «Прохладный selfie может стоить вам жизни.»

(“A cool selfie could cost you your life.”)

An assistant to the Russian Interior Ministry stated, “Before taking a selfie, everyone should think about the fact that racing after a high number of ‘likes’ could lead you on a journey to death and this last extreme photo could turn out to be posthumous.”


tube merkal shark

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