Archive for the ‘MITCH McCONNELL LEGACY 2020’ Category



Well we are in the middle of it here in California. Tubularsock received an EMERGENCY TEXT on Tubularsock’s old flip phone with a screen the size of a postage stamp which read that Tubularsock was under an emergency stay at home order.

As you may recall Tubularsock lives on the top floor with a corner office in an underground bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. from Oakland, CA. (see Bunker Tour).

Now we have been in this situation before and Tubularsock because Tubularsock is in the essential service of political blogging Tubularsock believes Tubularsock can do as he wishes and does.

But while free floating Tubularsock wears a mask which many have said that Tubularsock looks better with a mask than without and Tubularsock does an 8’ social distance because why not? Tubularsock doesn’t like people that much anyway.

Several friends chastise Tubularsock for believing in the mask and social distancing but Tubularsock seldom worries what others think of him with a very solid view of FUCK YOU to go along with it.

Now it is not that Tubularsock believes in these tactics but it is because Tubularsock has learned the hard way that if one believes one can poke a bear in the eye because it appears to be sleeping perhaps one should heed the advice and not do that.

The Corona is difficult enough to get along with why poke it?

And Tubularsock is a big believer of YOU doing what you wish just stay away from Tubularsock while you do it.

Alas, this diatribe ends with more pressing thoughts on Tubularsock’s mind. But using Tubularsock’s ability of the ancient cave dwellers pictographic abilities Tubularsock has created a small series of pictographs to summarize for non-readers current topics of interest.

And besides, it saves letters for use in later manuscripts where a larger variety of the alphabet can be used. Don’t thank Tubularsock yet.
















Now with Bernie Sanders and Josh Hawley coming together pushing for a second round of $1200.00 Stimulus Checks while the rest of Congress is willing to drop help to the American people and shore up the rich again is par for the course in Washington, D.C.

So there is little surprise there.

No money for people but plenty of money for war.

Does that seem a little distorted of a belief ideal?

But Mitch won his election bid in his state of Kentucky which is one of the poorer states which NEEDS stimulus and health care which Mitch has blocked.

And yet they still vote for him! Now who’s fault is that?

And Nancy has held up and prevented stimulus checks prior to the election so as not to allow the possibility of Trump taking credit for the checks.

And now here we are ……. and oh gosh, what to do? The Christmas Recess is upon us and Congress just must go home for Christmas.

Now Sanders and Hawley have vowed to block Congress from leaving town without an up or down vote on the stimulus.

It would be so much easier if it was a vote on adding an additional three trillion dollars to improve our drone fleet. We ALWAYS have bipartisan support for money for that with little or no debate.

Killing people is easier than keeping them alive.

THINK ON THAT! The next time you vote.


So let Tubularsock sum up for you with the help of visual aids for Americans who don’t like to read too much. Sure Tubularsock is looking after you. What are friends for anyway?


And once and for all let’s let go of that adage …… “With Age Comes Wisdom” as the horse shit that it happens to be!



And then there is this dead end street.


To acquire wisdom, well you have to be alive. These walking cadavers have cashed it in years ago! And WE are paying the price and then some. But who elected them ……….. well, take out a mirror.

This society needs to upgrade it’s consciousness and re-frame our priorities as the pandemic is pointing out to us.

And “getting back to fucking “normal” IS THE DIRECTION OF OBLITERATION. NEW NOW!






Tubularsock “loves” the remarkable chimera of calling out William Barr as a “man of the highest character and unquestionable integrity” by three men who are so lacking in those characteristics that there just don’t have the ability to even recognize integrity and character.

Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Kevin McCathy released a joint statement on Tuesday, calling Barr a “man of the highest character and unquestionable integrity.”

And the humor value can not be underestimated.

These three complete assholes believe that their stance on favoring a man who has equally bent over with them and sold out as well, somehow will generate “respect”?

It appears that the Republican’ts leadership will be buying a lot of anal lubricant to continue their careers.

When the pigs in the pig farm won’t smell the bacon their future is not stellar.

Bottoms UP!



NO. Tubularsock is not surprised at the Republicant’s vote. That was going to happen without a doubt. Nor is Tubularsock surprised at the excuses they have come up with to defend their cock-sucking-activities.

You know, “I agree that “TheDump” did wrong with bribing a foreign country to cheat in the next election but how can that rise to the level of being removed from office”?

OR, “I voted to not call witnesses to the crime in order to save the integrity of the Supreme Court and Chief Justice Roberts because if the vote would have been 50-50, Roberts would have been put in a difficult position. So I sold out on the entire idea.”

And the best one ……. “cheating in an election, what’s wrong with that?”

As a result, Tubularsock is sending all his political donations to Ukraine, Russia, and Israel because that is where American elections decisions are being made.

And as for Mitch McConnell ……….. What A Legacy for the history books. And for the sex-ed books as well. Anal sex has been solidified and sanctified as a political position every-time Mitch bends over. A slam dunk Mitchy-Boy!