Archive for the ‘MO’ Category

Tube heading slingshot 2014


Tube Police Tyranny


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Tube heading fire


Ferguson Perspective

Now Tubularsock noticed that many Oakland businesses were bringing down the plywood off the store front windows downtown. A bit optimistic from Tubularsock’s point of view.

Tubularsock has viewed and participated in many protests of different types dating back to the ’60’s and if Tube was going to create a protest, well ……. there are very easy ways to close down any city with just a handful of people. Yet, to date the organizers seem not to think outside the box.

And Tubularsock’s tactics do not include direct violence or direct confrontation with police. Nor does it include property damage. But the end result …….. bedlam!

So enough strategic logistics for now.

Tubularsock is safe in his top floor corner office in his underground bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. from Oakland, CA and wants to discuss some Ferguson shit.

First and for-most EVERYONE knew the outcome of the Grand Jury decision on the day they were called to start to deliberate. In THIS society the only way this decision would have been different would have been perhaps if the cop had been black and the kid had been white.

But lets look at the built in biases in the system ………….

Now the Grand Jury for the Ferguson incident was comprised of nine whites and three blacks. Of that there was one black man and two black women on the panel, and six white men and three white women.

Now for the St Louis County area this breakdown fits the demographics. But for Ferguson the black population is significantly larger.

But more importantly at least nine votes were required to indict Wilson. Interesting, 9 whites, 3 blacks funny how that worked out.

A Grand Jury meets in secret, a standard practice for such proceedings. And the District  Attorney presents the “facts” of the case and directs who will be called as witnesses and all other matters.

A District Attorney really can get anybody indicted for anything, because there’s no representative for the defense in the proceedings and the jury hears only the state’s evidence.

As Glenn Jones, an attorney with the Athens branch of the Ohio Public Defender’s office puts it, “It’s shooting fish in a barrel”. And Former New York state Chief Judge Sol Wachtler famously remarked that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.”

But what happens if the District Attorney DOESN’T want an indictment?

Bob McCulloch is pro-cop. His mother, brother, uncle, and cousin all worked for the St Louis police department and if that isn’t enough to question his ability to present a fair case to the Grand Jury then the fact that McCulloch’s police officer father was killed in the line of duty by a black man should give one pause.

McCulloch has called “irrelevant,” his fathers death affecting his decision making process in the Brown case.

But if you take into consideration that Bob McCulloch was 12 years old when his father was shot and killed by a black man ………… well, ask a psychiatrist or psychologist about an impact of such a violent, shocking experience on a 12 year old.

Irrelevant, bull shit!


But if you look at the judicial system as a whole you’ll find that Grand Juries overwhelmingly indict cases brought in front of them. Unless they deal with questionable police misconduct and then as a whole you’ll find that it is incredibly rare for a Grand Jury to indict a police officer.

A Grand Jury of “good citizens” tend to trust the police and even when the “facts” show possible guilt they will disregard the evidence because of their bias toward police.

When you add a jury’s bias into a situation like Ferguson where McCulloch’s background leans toward the police and thereby causes him to not really present a compelling case against Officer Wilson, whether consciously or unconsciously then the outcome is clear before the process even begins.

Justice was not served and don’t expect it to get any better except when enough white people get kicked around and wake up to the police state mentality that has allowed Blacks and Latinos to be fucked over because nobody’s looking!

But it will have to affect wealthier whites because poor whites aren’t worth shit either.

And what if ……… it is all a false flag operation? The old colonial tactic of divide and conquer.

If the “underclasses” woke up to the fact that they have more in common with each other than differences then some butt could start to be kicked! But without enlightened common organization the division between people will continue to be exploited.

Oh but first everyone has to get up off their big fat American asses and go to the streets!

Maybe tomorrow ……………  there’s a rerun of Father Knows Best on the TV and then a frozen pizza. Bon appetit!

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