Archive for the ‘Extraordinary Rendition’ Category


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15 Years … Happy Birthday 9/11




No really, 9/11 wasn’t an INSIDE JOB … it was an out-sourced job … The United States out-sources ALL it’s terrorist activities! It’s the American Way!



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Why is Tubularsock not surprised? It was just a matter of time. And Tubularsock only can see a silver lining in this COPS DEAD DALLAS AFFAIR.

It is part of the Bring The War Home Program and once again it is working.

Somehow my heart doesn’t really go out to the dead cops and their families. Somehow it seems like justice served. And in Dallas, Texas! Could it get more perfect than that?

Now Tubularsock knows others response to Tubularsock’s line of reasoning but look at it.

Really, let’s just call it collateral damage. Isn’t that how we Americans write off all those dead people in other countries that Obama and the boys kill everyday?

Why even get worked up over a few dead cops?

The cops have been slaughtering black people without ANY responsibility for their actions. They have just been murdering them in plain site in front of video cameras and witnesses and the JUSTICE system looks at the videos and takes down the “facts” from the witnesses and proclaims that THE KILLING OF BLACK PEOPLE WAS DONE IN THE LINE OF DUTY. And then that cop is put back on the street to “protect and serve”.

This is done over and over and over throughout the nation to the point that it is clear that if one is not held accountable for their actions then there is no justice.

A large number of cops are ex-military, who when they come home from killing Iraqis and Afghans have a pretty limited range of job skills and so they go into police work.

The problem here is that military and police training are really different but similar. And the intention of the job is totally different. But the infusion of military style equipment has blurred the lines even more. It is clear that that reality hasn’t translated well into domestic policing. So you get cops thinking that they are on patrol in Baghdad rather than Detroit and there lies just one of the problems.

Now we have a Black Man with military training taking “justice” into his own hands and doing what any red blooded American would do by just copying the same outline of “justice” that the police have been handing out.

Sure. It looks different but both are just different sides of the same coin.


If Micah Johnson had done what he had done in Kabul, Afghanistan rather than in Dallas, Texas he would have gotten a medal! Which may be worth considering when we train and send soldiers off to “selectively” kill people. The “blowback” can be the unintended consequence.

So the same money spent training ex-military cops and ex-military civilians come from the same source. The United States Government!


But the head of the monster comes from a different place.

A major mind-set of OUR MONSTER was created with, of course 9/11. The entire defense department, the entire security apparatus, the entire intelligence bureaucracy did not protect the country from attack yet NO ONE was removed from duty for a complete failure of and dereliction of that duty. Rather many were promoted and some even given medals for a job well done!

Thereby setting the tone from a “leadership” role that people are not responsible for their actions.



And then Obama enters and took the position with his “Look Forward and not Back” that SOME PEOPLE were NOT RESPONSIBLE for their illegal actions as in torture, pre-emptive strikes on countries that never attacked us, rendition, and mass murder.

Thereby setting the tone from a “leadership” role that people are not responsible for their actions.

Then as the Banksters stole billions of dollars from the system, Bush and Obama held NO ONE responsible for their actions. In fact, they gave the thieves more money thereby establishing from the “leadership” role that it is alright to swindle, rob and steal.

We have the MIND-SET of the Monster created from the point of view that NO ONE is responsible for their actions and then the Monster was set loose.

The result is simple:

NO ONE is responsible for their actions has become the principle and the reality of the society we call America!


However Bush and Obama set by example the WRONG lessons!

And the new crop of “leaders” are simply pathetic! (which may be a step up)

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Tubularsock was sitting counting just how many concussion grenades he had put under his pillow last night before he went to bed. You can never be over prepared.

Tubularsock prefers the MK3 offensive grenade designed to produce casualties during close combat while minimizing danger to friendly personnel. Friendly personnel of course being Tubularsock.

The MK3 is very handy for demolition tasks in enclosed areas and very effective against enemy soldiers located in  bunkers, buildings, and fortified areas. The only factors  present on May 2, 2011 in bin Laden’s compound were two steel doors to blow out and the death of an old man in his bathrobe.

When the Navy Seals dropped by Black Hawk Helicopters into Osama bin Laden’s compound on May 2, 2011 the lights of Abbottabad had been shut off and the ISI guards of the compound were taken off their watch and the Pakistani military was on stand-down and the Seals knew that they would have to blow out the heavy steel doors on the first and second floors of the stairwell and they knew when they reached the third floor they had to enter the second door on the right.

As the two Navy Seals entered the room bin Laden retreated into the bedroom and he was followed and shot to pieces in his bathrobe. He was an old invalid who was just gunned down by two heavily armed assassins from the United States Navy Seals.

These Seals were not brave men, not heroic men, not even decent men. They were just assassins who killed people in cold blood. The fact that bin Laden was old and sick and in his bathrobe in his bedroom when he was gunned down, well ……… it’s called murder.

we are all one CIA

Rob O’Neill always wanted to be a little chicken-shit sniper and got himself into the Seals. He is best known for his claims that he made in November, 2014 that he was the murderer that fired the head shots that killed the unarmed, bathrobe wearing, sick old man in his bedroom Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011.

Matt Bissonnette in his book No Easy Day documented his participation in the raid. He does not identify the man who fired the fatal shots at Bin Laden, referring to him as simply the “Point Man”. Bisonnette himself admits to firing his weapon at Bin Laden after the fatal shots were fired by the “Point Man” when Bin Laden was already “In his death throes”. Or in other words shooting the unarmed, bathrobe wearing, sick old man in his bedroom as he was “In his death throes”!

Think on this for just one minute ….. two assassins kill a sick, old, unarmed man in his bathrobe in his bedroom.

After these two embarrassing Navy Seals exposed their job description Rear Admiral  Brian Losey and Force Master Chief Michael Magaraci issued a public statement, saying:

“A critical tenet of our (The Navy Seals) ethos is “I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.”

And now you see why!

But just how could there not be a Hollywood film about this horrid, embarrassing event?

And of course the title: The Sick Old Unarmed Man Murdered In His Bedroom.

Oh sorry, Tubularsock forgot. That was the working title the final commercial title was


And just how exciting was it …… daring, dangerous, VICTORIOUS!

Oh sure, there was one small, tiny, little problem …… it was ALL a lie.

Funny how that works but it was draped in the fucking American flag and it inspired 12 year old boys to become big “brave” men and go off to kill. Oh sure, our society has become sick enough now that even some girls want to participate.

Now that would be enough if it wasn’t for Seymour Hersh and his article published in the London Review of Books.


Oh, hell yeah! Tubularsock and you, we already knew that but Hersh fills in the blanks.

And here’s the cliff note version:

The CIA followed the secret currieries, especially one, that over time lead them to the

Abbottabad compound. Not true.

Using TORTURE the information attained lead them to the Abbottabad compound. Not true.

They discovered a “treasure-trove of al Qaida active information” in the compound. Not true.

They buried bin Laden at sea. Not true.

They weren’t sure if bin Laden was in the compound. Not true.

The operation was risky. Not true.

There was a “fire-fight” that the Navy Seal encounter and had to fight their way into the compound. Not true.

One of Osama’s wives stood in front of him as the Navy Seals entered the room. Not true.

The Pakistani Government was not informed beforehand of the attack. Not true.

Saudi Arabia, had been financing bin Laden’s upkeep since his seizure by Pakistan in 2006. TRUE!

Now get this straight …… Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were OUR close allies in the WAR ON TERROR. See anything wrong with this picture?

Osama bin Laden had been in the custody of the Pakistani Government since 2006 and Saudi Arabia was supporting bin Laden’s upkeep. EIGHT YEARS!

“ A former senior Pakistani intelligence officer betrayed this secret and informed the U.S. in return for much of the $25 million reward offered by the US.” TRUE! (Seymour Hersh)

“ At the Abbottabad compound ISI guards were posted around the clock to keep watch over bin Laden and his wives and children. They were under orders to leave as soon as they heard the rotors of the US helicopters.” TRUE! (Seymour Hersh)

“ Pakistan’s army and air defense command would not track or engage with the US helicopters used on the mission.” TRUE! (Seymour Hersh)

Now all of this is just a quick glimpse into the lie that is America. And Tubularsock encourages you to read Hersh’s description of what transpired with the bin Laden murder.

As you get into the details it will remind you of the Uncle Remus story of the Tar Baby.

You remember that the Tar-Baby is a doll made of tar and turpentine used to entrap Br’er Rabbit. The more that Br’er Rabbit fights the Tar-Baby, the more entangled he becomes.

In modern usage, “tar baby” refers to any “sticky situation” that is only aggravated by additional involvement in it. And Obama’s involvement in the Osama bin Laden murder fits Br’er Rabbit’s problems to a T!



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CHENEY KICK-START: an idea whose time has come ……….

Tubularsock has never been a big fan of rendition but understands its legal necessity.  Extraordinary rendition is beyond the pale of decency and outside the bounds of acceptable behavior if there is to be a belief in the rule of law.

Simple rendition in law is a term which means “handing over” of a person or property from one jurisdiction to another. This is all completed under due process and is handled through the courts with warrants and is an open and legal process.

But extraordinary rendition is a different kettle of fish.

Extraordinary rendition falls into the extrajudicial category. This is when a government sponsors an abduction of a person and transfers that person from one country to another. It is not legal and it is a violation of laws of the United States and international laws and agreements.

Bush and the boys and Condo made it popular but old Alzheimer-demented Reagan did it and “distinctly-marked-penes” Bill Clinton also engaged in the practice as well.

Obomber uses it too but with reduced frequency, so it is said, but none the less it is still being used.

And to Tubularsock’s new way of thinking …….. thank goodness!

Here is the plan:

Tubularsock will find a country that will support a WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL that will prosecute DICK CHENEY for war crimes for torture.

Dick will be our test case ……….. a pilot program if you will.

Tubularsock will start a Kickstarter Campaign in order to raise the money needed to hire a team of underhanded-slimy-criminal-minded individuals to gag and put a black bag over Dick Cheney’s head and bind him with standard ACE hardware duct tape (to keep the cost down) and throw him in a trunk and slip him off to the country that has agreed to conduct the WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL.

Cheney kickstart

Tubularsock figures ……. say a $15 million Kickstarter Campaign. That will include the pre-operational expenses such as Tubularsock flying to Zurich to purchase a Gucci Bag to cover Dick’s head. Tubularsock believes in a class-act Extraordinary rendition so a regular plebeian bag for this dastardly deed will not cut it!

And for you penny-pinching followers may Tubularsock remind you of the financial savings that has already been exhibited by use of ACE hardware duct tape!

The pre-operational expenses also includes the WANTED FOR WAR CRIMES posters that will need to be printed. (as shown above) Hey, sure 100% post-consumer recycled paper is more expensive and so is using soy based ink. Do remember we are trying to improve the earth here not just bring war criminals to justice.

Another cost factor that has got to be addressed within the pre-operational expenses is the prepayment of the whores and booze necessary to ply the Secret Service. So as to be able grab Dick.       (excuse the expression)

Dick Cheney is so well hated that he has additional Secret Service Protection as well as Private Contracted Security.

The Secret Service Detail can easily be distracted with a couple of bottles of booze and a hot prostitute which has been shown time and again.

The Private Contracted Security will have to be killed! Now don’t get squeamish now. Every Extraordinary rendition has collateral damage, so get over it!

Now some are going to say that by starting a Kickstarter Campaign to raise $15 million will attract the attention of the authorities.

Not so! You forget that the FBI is so busy setting up mental-disabled Muslims with fake explosives and guns so as to be captured as terrorists within the United States that they have no time to review every Kickstarter Campaign.

And the CIA is likewise so busy running guns and drugs that they’ll believe it is one of their own operations and before they wake up to the fact that it isn’t ….. we’ll have Dick in an undisclosed location.

Now just to relieve any trepidation on your part about being identified as “co-conspirators” you can also contribute to Tubularsock’s Extraordinary rendition project more directly.

Send  $1000.00 in small unmarked bills to:

Secret Tubularsock Idea

#1 Underground Bunker

Oakland, CA xxxxxx

The zip code x’s provide extra security.


good ideas happen

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