Tube BombDelivery


What do you think it means that the United States in 2014 carried out 443 drone attacks?

There were 377 in Pakistan, 59 in Yemen, and 7 in Somalia and what is striking is the fact that we are not at war with any of those nations.

And even more confusing Pakistan, we are told, is an ally.

So what are we doing?

Now there was a time in our history where we declared war against some country BEFORE we bombed the shit out of them.

But Tubularsock thinks that that must be one of those quaint old-fashioned ideas.

You know, like honesty, integrity, and honor. Which are all passé if we ever really had them in the first place. But Tubularsock remembers a day when at least we thought we had them.

Today we know we don’t. And Tubularsock thinks that without a guiding principle we as a country lack relevancy. Just why are we killing hundreds of thousands of people? What is the purpose?

No one really believes any longer that we are doing it to promote democracy and freedom. Especially when it has become obvious that those goals have been weakened in our own country to a dangerous level on the way to extinction.

head in hole

A lack luster election with no more than the old tweedledee-tweedledum candidates all “officially” lying to “the people”. “The People” all know that they are lying to them yet some are still willing to stand with signs and balloons and play like they are excited. Even THAT is an obvious lie. Really, watch their faces as the camera pans as a candidate is speaking and you tell Tubularsock what you see.

Our society is one of the most violent in the world. We kill each other at an alarming rate. We have the largest prison population in the world. We are drugged out of our minds. Far more than any other society in the world. And Tubularsock is speaking about “legal” drugs and their effect. These are the drugs that “respectable” people use. The ones rubber stamped by the government as safe as doctors hand them out like candy!

The only thing it appears that the U.S. is good at any longer is shipping our jobs overseas and having the largest military presence in the world today. Both noble goals for sure. Hell! We’re #1 in both!

Now don’t think that Tubularsock is going into morose-land here. No, there is always a silver lining.

You see Disney/Pixar released TOY STORY 4 last month and as The ‘Honest Trailer’ for ‘Toy Story’ explains:

“Get ready for the classic children’s film all about jealousy, broken dreams and the existential dread that you will one day outlive your purpose and be replaced by someone newer and better. … You know, classic Pixar stuff.”

Ain’t Amerikkka just great?

So now go out to your street and kick all the burned out fireworks left as litter from the Fourth of July Independence Celebration. Blowing things up is the national pastime.


  1. 1EarthUnited says:

    Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Ahh but love is the key that sets us free! Quite trite and meaningless when spoken aloud, yet revolutionary in it’s execution. Love is an extraordinary sword that cuts both ways. Start choppin’. ♥


    • tubularsock says:

      Well, 1Earth thank you for the reblog. Tubularsock appreciates you doing that. Love IS the key and it comes from within outward but Tubularsock is more versed in the lightsaber with solar panels. Just another savings. And it leaves a glow while chopping.


  2. swo8 says:

    Nothing is as they say it is, Tubularsock. (sad to say)


  3. sojourner says:

    Absolutely brilliant! The best yet! And I’m not blowing smoke here, or being funny!

    You encapsulated in a brief statement what remains of a never once, great empire. The US Corporation is a plague on its people, and even more so on the peoples of this world. It is time for this dying monster, this fraud of all frauds, to be put down!

    This one came from not only your mind but your heart, and it cuts like a scalpel right through to the awful truth!

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Wow sojourner, Tubularsock thanks you. I am glad you liked it that much. It did flow out rapidly. Maybe Tubularsock should not fill up his head with all this crap all the time.
      But I got some of it off my mind …… for a second! Yep, the heart did have it’s say as well.

      And thank you for the reblog. The more the merrier. Peace, bro.

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Any time! Like I said, I was not blowing any smoke here, you just nailed it! Keep ’em coming! We all need ’em!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. sojourner says:

    Reblogged this on An Outsider's Sojourn II and commented:
    “Our society is one of the most violent in the world. We kill each other at an alarming rate. We have the largest prison population in the world. We are drugged out of our minds. Far more than any other society in the world. And Tubularsock is speaking about “legal” drugs and their effect. These are the drugs that “respectable” people use. The ones rubber stamped by the government as safe as doctors hand them out like candy!

    The only thing it appears that the U.S. is good at any longer is shipping our jobs overseas and having the largest military presence in the world today. Both noble goals for sure. Hell! We’re #1 in both!”


  5. wolfess says:

    B-b-b-b-but how else can we spread freedom and hypocrisy, er, uh, DEMOCRACY if not on the butt [nose] of a drone? Sending all those drones to countries we AREN’T at war with allows us to spread democracy even faster!

    pwr 2 the PEACEFUL peons!
    GUILLOTINE [just another word for drone] US DEMOCRACY!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It strikes me that for the US to declare war is relatively unusual. Most of their military activity takes the form of “interventions.” The US has carried out more than 60 military or naval invasions of Latin America, and to the best of my knowledge none of these invasions was linked to a declaration of war:

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks DrB. You always bring sanity to Tubularsock’s rants! You are absolutely correct. The exception my be Viet Nam but Korea wasn’t a war it was a “police action” which was another two-words for war but somehow was sold well to the American public. You know those Commies. There was always that possibility that they’d be under your bed so they were always bad and scary! Boo!

      In Latin America they were ALWAYS “interventions” often for the United Fruit Co. and their symbolic banana which Bill could have used with Monica but went for the Cuban Cigar ( oops, Tubularsock digresses) instead.

      It does always amaze Tubularsock. And that haunting question: “Is it better to be dead in a war or in an intervention or police action or a drone encounter?” Oh, questions,questions,questions?

      Thanks for you comment.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Jay says:

    Sounds like it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lara/Trace says:

    The Gods of Money and bankers aren’t going to like us waking up.


    • tubularsock says:

      You are correct about that L/T but Tubularsock is not all that confident that a great awaking will be taking place soon. You do realize that the new TV season will be launched soon. Thanks for your comment.


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