Posts Tagged ‘MH-17’

Tube lights rocket Heading

Ok ……… the jokes on you Europe!

Well, and the Propagandized fearful American public!

The Europeans rushed stumbling over each other to put sanctions on Russia for the downing of Malaysian Flight #17 over the Ukraine because the United States said, ‘THE RUSSIANS DID IT!”

And even though there has been no proof that the Russians did it except that John Kerry said so, well the Europeans rushed to follow the Americans orders to place sanctions on Russia. 

Now the Russians presented their satellite captured information which showed that Russia wasn’t involved.

But ……… how can you trust a Russian.

The U.S. refused to provide their satellite information which is some of the best in the world because ……..? Well, maybe because it doesn’t show that Russia was involved or maybe because John Kerry is so tall that his view “that Russia did it” is as good as a satellite. Afterall Sarah Palin can see those Russians from Alaska.

Well THAT isn’t the joke ………

In order for the U.S. to launch their spy satellites they contract Lockheed and Boeing to supply RUSSIAN MADE RD-180 boosters ROCKETS to lift those satellites into orbit!

Now is that funny or what?

The spy satellites that could clear up who shot MH-17 down were placed into orbit by Russian Booster Rockets but the U.S. won’t release the information.

And even better all that sanction shit, well Congress passed the fiscal 2016 budget, which includes a provision that allows the US to continue purchasing the Russian made booster rockets.

See, the U.S. needs those booster rockets to continue the space program as well.

Seems that the Russian’s are about 20 years ahead of the U.S. in rocket development and the U.S. is ahead of the world in sophisticated spy-satellites. So together WE ARE A TEAM.


Can anyone hear hypocrisy from the home team?
