Posts Tagged ‘Sandy Hook Elementary’

Tube kick

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Tubularsock isn’t going to fuck around with this  ……….. here it is ……….. I watched the Jan. 8th Daily Show with Jon Stewart and it blew me away. I hadn’t watched him much because he has become so corporate and this show points it out once again. He did this hard core presentation on gun violence which had several funny and poignant points. The main gist being that assault weapons must be reigned in from public use to avoid these mass killings.

He then put down the “lunatic fringe” for the position that their guns are needed to protect themselves from the “government” itself. Like that isn’t a real possiblilty.

Tubularsock finds that if you look at the Patriot Act that our representatives  “technically” are supposed to protect the public interest signed into law several times and add to it the fact that the government can spy on your phone calls and emails and then add to that the ability of the President of the United States (or his representatives) having the authority to kill or detain a citizen and hold them in secret detention forever without any legal recourse for the individual, well who’s the lunatic, Jon?

And here is the best part. The second segment of Stewart’s show was an interview with a true lunatic himself, General Stanley McChrystal. A true war criminal if we ever had one but now we have him murdering minds at Yale and pimping his book on the Daily Show.

And of course Corporate-Jon is right there with him asking his opinion on gun violence.

Wow. That is rich. A man who would gut a child and torture a women and kill a family with his Special- Forces-mentality is ask about gun violence!

It is a sad commentary on “American Values” if we had any. We don’t!

Now roll all that in a ball and save it so you have room for this next bit of toxic information.

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The new film, Zero Dark Thirty, which has just been released fictionalizes the killing of bin Laden. It pushes the issue that it was done by torturing which helped to get his location. It’s out and running, grab your fucking flag and see how it wasn’t done!

It’s an apologist film by the CIA helping to rewrite history in a way to convince the American public that torture is “sometimes” necessary and that those who torture really aren’t sick, perverted psychopaths but true heroes just saving America which in reality may be one and the same thing.

The film representatives defend the torture fiction saying, “it’s only a movie” and the public can decipher fiction from fact.

Please explain THAT to all those people in this country that still believe that Iraq had something to do with 911.

Give Tubularsock a break here, will yah!

Now Tubularsock could have saved Columbia Pictures a huge sum of money if only they would have just bought Tube’s Cliff-Note-Movie Version of the killing of bin Laden.

It goes like this:

WARNING: This is the true version of the killing of bin Laden.

A bunch of heavily armed young trained animal-minded-Special-Forces with helicopters and night-vision-goggles land in the yard of a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

They all jump out and shoot their way to the third floor of the house with pretty much no resistance.

They burst into a bedroom and blow away an old man in his pajamas watching porn.

Quickly they all start masturbating on the American flag at the sight of their heroism.   

They take the old man’s riddled and bloody body and (this is the fictional part) washed it with the kindness of a mother’s love, wrapped the now clean, bullet riddled shiny body in a clean and well pressed white sheet (which the Seals always carry for these occasions) and then covering the body with great respect in order to conform with Islamic tradition of covering a dead body carried it lovingly and respectfully into their helicopter.

Once the body of bin Laden was lovingly placed in the helicopter they then grab all the porn tapes they could carry and rushed back to their helicopter and flew out of town. Later dumping the body (this is another fictional part) in a very respectful way into the ocean.

Mission completed they fly back to their unknown location thinking themselves as heroes and calling themselves DEVGRU which is another name for Seal Team 6 because they can’t count higher than that number.

The End

Now that bin Laden is dead this time or maybe last time or perhaps the time before that because … bin … has been reported dead several times before this time that he’s dead.

America broke out in joyous revelry knowing that all al Qaeda would disband and turn in their jehad. Wow. Isn’t it just great. And for a Black President too. It may have been the first time in recorded history that a Black man killed a Brown man for the good of the White man. Isn’t America great?

Now roll all that in a ball and save it so you have room for this last bit of toxic information.

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With all the killing that America does around the world it is very difficult for the American public to understand why gun violence in this country is so rampant.

But, thank the Gods that, Tubularsock can clear that up for you in an easy example that, of course, you’ll agree with because it is as clear as the nose on your face.

And it goes like this:

What is the difference between what Adam Lanza did at Sandy Hook Elementary


and what this U.S. Marine does every day?



The U.S. Marine gets a medal for it.

Now you see how easy the truth is when you look at it honestly.

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