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You know, every once in a while people come up to Tubularsock and say, “Tubularsock, why is the world so fucked up?”

Now first, the fact that they call out Tubularsock’s name alerts Tubularsock that they are addressing Tubularsock specifically. And that is satisfying because it tells Tubularsock that these people that say, “Tubularsock, why is the world so fucked up  . . .” are putting their question to someone who KNOWS the answer.

That alone should give YOU a huge sense of relief. Do you feel better just knowing that? Tubularsock does.

In their annual survey, Win/Gallup International found that the United States is considered the number one “greatest threat to peace in the world today” by people across the globe.

That was the findings from their End Of Year (2013) survey that has been conducted every year for 37 years. And they do this survey according to Win/Gallup International because “this survey is compelling and is undisputedly the world’s first and longest global survey of its kind”.

But funny thing. That survey was so compelling that after the 2013 survey conclusion that the United States was the number one threat to world peace Win/Gallup International decided (after 37 years) to no longer conduct that survey. Which just goes to show you that if it’s Climate Change information, the Fukuyama Nuclear Disaster, or War Findings the best way to improve the truth is to NOT REPORT ON IT ANYMORE. Ahhh, now that’s settled.

1. Now the reason the United States has found itself in this situation is not because when it comes to arm sales the U.S. stands head and shoulders plus a head and shoulders plus a head above all other nations in the world. In fact, in 2010 fucking Obomber approved a 60 BILLION DOLLAR weapons deal with that sick and deranged Saudi dictatorship, the biggest arms sales in U.S. history!

2. Nor could it be because when 111 nations of the world called for the BAN on the use of the cluster bomb the United States would not sign the treaty and then proceeded to sell cluster bombs to the Saudis and supported their use of them against the population of Yemen!

“Obama has himself previously planted and detonated banned cluster bombs in crowded civilian areas of Yemen and killed several times more civilians, including some 21 children and 5 pregnant women, than were killed in the Boston Bombing.” (Robert Barsocchini, 5/3/15 Washington’s Blog)

Just think of the above statement when you watch Obomber sing Amazing Grace in front of that congregation in Charleston for Rev. Clementa Pinckney. And when he talks of those who “terrorize and oppress”. If that congregation had had any intelligence at all they would have gotten up and walked out on that mother fucker but oh no, they all “did their duty” oblivious to the baby killer they were singing with …….. shame on them, shame!

3. Nor could it be that the United States is the only country in the United Nations that will not ratify The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which is a human rights treaty which sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children.

The reason is because it forbids both the death penalty and life imprisonment for children!

During his 2008 campaign for President, then-Senator Obomber described the failure to ratify the Convention as “embarrassing” and promised to review the issue. And now it’s 2015 and well, ahhh.

No none of the above are reasons why the world believes that the United States is the number one threat to world peace. bell alarm

The reason is because we ARE the number one threat to world peace.  And we as a people are delusionally sound asleep to ourselves.

But as things move along as things do it is painfully becoming obvious that it is doubtful that our institutions can pull America out of its trough. 

In fact if you really look at the truth of “our?” Congress and “our” President you will quickly realize that “our” own government is AT WAR WITH US!

According to Gallup only 8% of the American public have any faith in Congress!

A huge number of American citizens believe that the government is no longer serving its own  people.

And as Senator Jeff Sessions, one of the 39 Senators who voted against the TPP deal, stated, “They won the vote, but lost the trust of the American people . . . It is remarkable that so much energy has been expended on advancing the things Americans oppose, and preventing the things Americans want.”

And the amazing thing about all this is NOT GRACE but the fact that what we have as a so called leader is an empty, pathetic, sad example of a man that has no grace at all and that is sadly amazing.


  1. Wick Burner says:

    I do feel better that you know the answer, Tubularsock. It’s a conflicting thing, though. You know, the world wants to love Obama. A lot of the world does.

    But then these pesky facts get in the way of that. Pesky facts about drones and Saudi arms deals, and non-closure of Gitmo, and cluster bombs, and what-the-fuck-is-with-Syria/ISIS/Daesh/Iraq/etc., etc. And now I can add to that, incarcerating and executing CHILDREN against the will of the rest of the ‘civilised’ world.

    I just hurt my hand by banging my clenched fist onto my desk in my underground window-less bunker overlooking nothing….

    Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that a President has been installed because the world should want to love him, but he can just keep on allowing really shit things to happen and appear almost powerless and without the will to do the things that were promised. Hope. Change. Progress, goshdarnit…

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Wick Burner thank you for taking the time to comment. So let Tubularsock provided you with information to improve your personal environment before we tackle the world’s view about Obomber.

      Tubularsock would recommend a “Tubularsock Rubber Desk” which you can order through TUBULARSOCK EMPORIUM OF LIFE SAVING DEVICES or TEOLSD.

      The “Tubularsock Rubber Desk” you can find on page 33. It will prevent fist damage and will give you that added excitement of being angry!

      And not to leave you in the lurch Tubularsock also has his “Underground Window Catalog” where you’ll find all the under ground windows you’ll ever need.

      Here’s a little hint Wick, your underground window-less bunker overlooking nothing…. is due to the Window-less part. That is why you are overlooking nothing! Tubularsock also provides a full line in instillation options that will fit all budgets. Contact us today and receive our free pamphlet, “Your Overlooking Options”.

      Now that your world view has the possibility of being corrected Tubularsock will try and assist you in understanding the World’s love of Obomber.

      Now first of all, when have FACTS ever gotten in the way of anything political?

      And the world HAS gotten Hope, Change, and Progress from Obomba. It’s just that the Hope, Change, and Progress has been delivered to a different address than the majority of the people in the world.

      The issue isn’t lifting oneself up by one’s own bootstraps to obtain Hope, Change, and Progress it is all based on zip code!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. talesfromtheconspiratum says:

    Thank you oh great next president Tuby! Re-blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Oh TFTC, it is Tubularsock that thanks YOU for the reblog! You are too kind. And as your next President you can rest assured that favors given to candidates before an election will be repaid after an election. That is what ambassadorships are all about.


  3. […] SMOKEN’ MIRROR OPRESSION | Tubularsock. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. donzo442 says:

    el Jefé the Obama is a ‘token’ president and to think the Nobel losers gave this fuck the “Piece Price.” Damnably absurd I think. Well of course IF anyone were to ask. Generally ‘they’ don’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      You make a great and clear point here Don. That “Piece Prize” is really only a meaningless token anyway so why not give to a “token”.

      If the token fits …….. as they say.

      Thanks for your comment. The absurd seems to be the order of the day, don’t you think? Sure Tubularsock’s asking!

      Liked by 1 person

      • donzo442 says:

        If we were trending only on the absurd, our social systemic might not seem so bad. However, we are trending on the utterly bizarre to postmodern schizophrenic which is wholly lacking in comedic content. I mean, black guy occupies the White House and is so enslaved to the Wall Street white guys and absurdity becomes a sick paradigm on amoral if not banal platitudes. Or something like that there.

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Well, Tubularsock isn’t sure that absurdity isn’t the core value of the trending trend. At least when it comes to fucking cats!
        But your point is well taken and again you hit the nail on the head ……. “postmodern schizophrenic” THAT COVERS IT!

        Liked by 1 person

      • donzo442 says:

        I thoroughly disapprove of cats and I think they serve humanity best as rugs. Domestic cats of course. Big cats on the other hand are wondrously wonderful and will eat your face for absolutely reason whatsoever.


      • tubularsock says:

        You may be swimming up stream with your view of cats, Don. But big cats are truly beautiful and house cats, Tubularsock has found, fall into two cat-e-gories ….. calm and evil.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. sojourner says:

    “In fact if you really look at the truth of “our?” Congress and “our” President you will quickly realize that “our” own government is AT WAR WITH US!”

    Be careful, writing this can get you in a whole lot of trouble, believe me. Not with the government, mind you, just in a whole lot of trouble!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. swo8 says:

    Bang on! That is the problem! Now let’s change it!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Tubularsock, You know the old adage, if you can’t say anything good … say nothing. Must be what the pollsters are doing. And after all, ignorance is bliss. We should be very damned blissful about now!
    But apparently most of the world is … way less ignorant and not fooled at all. Hope we haven’t decided to kill them all in order to save them! Sometimes it looks as if we’re trying that though.
    Hmm. For a minute, I did feel better, knowing that you know what you know. But now … maybe it’s worn off. Thanks for a fine post anyway! – Linda

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Linda, thank you for taking the time to comment. Tubularsock agrees with you insights presented.

      May Tubularsock suggest a little stronger drug to use that even takes a longer time to “wear off”. You see the issues at hand are very very large and consuming and to avoid their reality you may wish to try TUBEMINDOSPACE®.

      It’s is pretty much agreed upon by Tubularsock that he knows everything.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. 1EarthUnited says:

    Hear Hear!! Do you think Obummer would simply bypass presidential term limits and re-elect himself again. Why not, Putin did it… with the support of his ppl. Did u know Russia is in the process of rewriting their Constitution, which was drafted in 1990 by ADVISORS FROM THE US!!
    Tell me, why the F*ck would any country use FOREIGN AGENTS to help decide their own destiny??
    Because after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was a wholesale takeover by the west. Washington eliminated the only global obstacle that kept them in check for all those years. Now US wants to recapture those *Halcion* days.
    Now you see why we need Tubularsock elected so desperately, to keep exposing the farce that is the US government. Perhaps we can improve our ranking to number *two* overall threat to world peace! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thanks 1Earth for reminding Tubularsock of the fall of those mean old Soviets. Tubularsock has a little bit of a different take on the entire Constitution thing.

      Tubularsock thinks that our agents didn’t “rewrite” the Soviet Constitution but traded the Soviet Constitution for the U.S. Constitution.

      Tubularsock believes this for two reasons. First, the U.S. Government outsources everything so when it came to “Agents” being sent into Russia to “help” they did what ALL OUTSOURCER do …….. pad their account for services and do the least amount of work for the most amount of payment.

      And the least amount of work would have been to Xerox off the U.S. Constitution using International Business Machine employees subcontracted from IBM to Xerox for maximum expense with minimum exposure because everyone knows that IBM is a CIA front organization and was where Obomba got his first job after college. (the latter Obomba information doesn’t have anything to do with the subject at hand but it’s just good to know)

      The Soviet Constitution was Xeroxed off using International Business Machine employees subcontracted from IBM to Xerox for maximum expense with minimum exposure because everyone knows that IBM is a CIA front organization and was shipped to the U.S.

      And the second reason is that all the removal of American’s civil liberties and our Bill of Rights after 9/11 seemed more like the Soviet Union Dictatorship than American Democracy and that is because IT IS! We are using their Constitution!

      Now I know what people will say ……. “Oh Tubularsock, that absurd!”

      Really? Have you read the Constitution lately? Congress doesn’t even read the bills they pass before they pass them into LAW ……. and YOU don’t read the Constitution!

      Not you, 1Earth but the American people.

      And Tubularsock has obtained a brilliant idea from your information here, 1Earth!

      Tubularsock will simply bypass presidential protocol and elect himself President with the possibility of bringing in Vladimir as Vice President and thus becoming one big tyrannical family!

      Don’t you just love democracy!

      Liked by 2 people

      • 1EarthUnited says:

        LOL, you bring up great points, as usual u’r satirical knowledge of world history and events are impeccable!
        I guarantee if Prez Putin climbs onboard as Tube’s running mate… well then I’m sure u’ll have the popular vote!
        As far as *winning* the required/ acquired electoral college votes… u’ll need to *suicide* a few senators, ok most of them. Hey it worked fabulously in Rome! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Oh, Tubularsock has a FULL PROOF plan for winning the Senators over to A PRO-TUBULARSOCK VOTE ………. Vodka!
        Has worked for years. Problem solved!

        Liked by 1 person

      • 1EarthUnited says:

        Yeah, that and the British PM/ Parliament working with the Vatican can supply all the fresh young boys… now that’s greasing the (ahem) wheels. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Hmmm. Grease is a petroleum product and the Vatican and the British PM both have investments in the oil industry so this could work on many levels! Thanks for your insight 1Earth.


  9. This is why people come to Tubularsock for answers!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The low support rating (8%) for Congress suggests that the corporate brainwashing isn’t nearly so effective as it once was. I guess that explains the militarization of the police and the widespread deployment of GIs and the national guard conducting “exercises” in US cities.

    At the moment I suspect the militarization of American cities is just for show. I doubt they have the manpower to implement true martial law without pulling back troops from the dozen or so countries we’re at war with.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      You may be correct DrB. time will tell. You know that 8% number surprised Tubularsock. Just why is it so high?
      “A hard rain’s a-gonna fall.” Leon Russell


  11. NaiveGaijin says:

    RE:[2. Nor could it be because when 111 nations of the world called for the BAN on the use of the cluster bomb the United States would not sign the treaty and then proceeded to sell cluster bombs to the Saudis and supported their use of them against the population of Yemen!

    “Obama has himself previously planted and detonated banned cluster bombs in crowded civilian areas of Yemen and killed several times more civilians, including some 21 children and 5 pregnant women, than were killed in the Boston Bombing.” (Robert Barsocchini, 5/3/15 Washington’s Blog) ]

    Actually USA and NATO used cluster bombs (as well as depleted uranium ones) in former Yugoslavia specif in Serbia (during Belgrade bombing), in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina in far 1999, when such bombs were aready banned by UN! And all eated that and continued to suck that..except very few ones like Russia and some others….

    whores all around )))


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