Posts Tagged ‘barack obama’



Tubularsock has a very good solid friend that is like one of those “God-people” and there is no question that if one looks for “credentials” this friend has studied many spiritual systems in depth, and has noticed—and conveyed to Tubularsock, the observation of many sages that “Everything is God”.

“All is working together for the ultimate good—no matter how it appears at a given moment”.

Now to lay this on Tubularsock’s God given cynicism is a lot to take in but Tubularsock is willing to go along for the ride and see what “spiritual” insights that may appear.

So lets see if we can get “Out of the Closet”!
“DEMOCRACY must be saved” is a bull shit talking point the Democrap’s have attempted to use against Plump-Donald.  Obummer and Wasserman Schultz REMOVED Bernie Sanders in 2020 and 2016 respectively from a chance at the Presidency by pulling the rug out from under him. You know one of those democratic moves Obummer speaks so highly about. That is an example of Democracy at work? Right?

Drump’s holding a stranglehold on the Republican’ts? Is that any different than Obummer holding a stranglehold on the Democrap’s when with a phone call he bargained Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar all to jump ship on Bernie when Obummer gave the word. Democracy? Sure it is ………….

The “system” is being exposed by Trump—and for anyone who cares to look at the Democrap’s ACTUAL actions they fair no better.

Obama, Clinton, Biden —scoundrels dressed up in their Sunday go-to-meetin’ suits—fooling the people with their “smooth-sly bull shit” acts.

Trump doesn’t have a Sunday go-to-meetin’ suit, yet his ability to rawly expose the system run by scoundrels of his own making as he speaks of “cleaning-the-swamp” is equally impressive!

Both sides of the fence—Democraps and Republican’ts are completely corrupt but The Dump has thrown a monkey wrench into the mix and exposes the corruption right out in the open AND NOBODY STOPS HIM FROM DOING IT. Ahh, the first dictum: Law and Order, out the window! To make that work SOMEBODY has to say NO!

IF you don’t think that fucking Nancy Pelosi with her fucking $24,000.00 refrigerator filled with fucking custom ice cream and her fucking husband doing insider trading isn’t corruption and on top of it totally DISCONNECTED from the “people” she should be representing, then you haven’t caught up to the system as it is in reality.

Now Nancy does represent very well, as a corporate whore is paid to do, the REAL people she does the bidding for BUT IT AIN’T YOU SUCKER!

But as Nancy plays the Ice Cream Game and ACTS like she is a real living person (HA!), Donald rushes about in his golf togs calling “Make America Great”, the phrase he stole from Ronald Reagan, having no interest in doing that but settling rather on ME, ME, ME!

Even Bernie can’t be excluded. He has a blind spot that still believes in the system.
And that belief caught him off guard two times and you’ll see him climb on his horse again believing that the likes of Senile OLD JOE and CORPORATE WHORE KAMILA will listen to “progressive voices” for change. Dumb move!

Bernie still hasn’t gotten, after all these years, that the only way for so called progressives to win over the rotten core of the American political sewerage (aka, the Democraps and the Republican’ts) is to roll in Tanks and blow them to pieces.

Hell, when it’s finished ……… call it Democracy!


But alas, As Tubularsock’s “God-person” said, “All is working together for the ultimate good—no matter how it appears at a given moment”. REMEMBER?

And that is best summed up by Bradley Blankenship, a Prague-based American journalist, political analyst and freelance reporter, when he wrote:

“Trump may have accelerated Washington’s downward trajectory by embarrassing the US on the world stage and self-imploding the US economy over a mismanaged Covid-19 response, but most understand that this is reflective of the US itself and not just Trump alone. After all, a country that could actually produce a Trump presidency and then follow that up with a very obviously mentally deteriorating 77-year-old (soon to be 78!) is unfit to be the world’s foremost power. It is also merely a fact of history that empires don’t last forever.”

Amen Brothers and Sisters!

And the best Tubularsock can come up with in Tubularsock’s Cynical Spiritual Quest is
that It may be time for the American Society to stop and focus on some self-reflection!

Scary, right?






Has it ever occurred to you that attempting to understand the actions within an insane world that you have been born into or have been dropped in from another planet without your permission is rather simple if you follow THIS Tubularsock basic principle.



ONE MUST ALWAYS FOLLOW THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$”.


Now this basic principle isn’t unique to Tubularsock for many have expressed it before Tubularsock but as long as you follow it you’ll at least feel like YOU AREN’T THE CRAZY ONE!

And where is the easiest current example being exposed by this principle?

(reality check: we are still killing people in Afghanistan, Somalia, and Yemen as well as working on a war with Iran and Venezuela as fast as we can!)

You will see that this principle ALWAYS centers around death and destruction. Because those things scares EVERYBODY!

Now according to the New York Times ORANGE-Dump has a “small financial interest” in hydroxychloroquine.

BUT “. . . the president’s family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, the manufacturer of Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine. Associates of the president, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, have also run funds that hold investments in the pharmaceutical firm.”

Now Dr. Anthony Fauci has invested his life into VACCINE development and has ties why the Pharmaceutical Industries. And according to several sources, Fauci doesn’t have any direct personal investments in Vaccine development.
This sounds all on the up and up BUT position usually equals reward!

A major example is Obummer had no direct personal investments in BANKS but after he double crossed the average citizen and bailed out the Banking Industry the BANKS payed him off AFTER he left office by paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars for a series of hour long speeches saying fucking nothing but was set up for him to collect a series of pay days that were handsomely lucrative.

It is called “Quid pro quo” (something for something) after the fact. And few even questioned it. Well, Tubularsock at the time did!

Or the Hunter Biden/Ukraine mess. No knowledge but paid big bucks… why?

Or Chelsea Clinton receiving $302,880.00 for attending six meetings on the IAC Board a “leading media and Internet company”. With little experience in the field. Why?

Well, the same WILL WORK for Fauci in the future and his payoff will outdo Obummer’s at ten thousand to one! MARK TUBULARSOCK’S WORDS!

And besides the obvious there are many “financial advantages” within the health system where different institutional patents “pay off” to individual who have worked on projects that have obtained patents for the vaccine produced.

And then as Dr. Elizabeth Vliet pointed out in her article in the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) :

“Money appears to be trumping medical wisdom in the recent enthusiasm for remdesivir
(Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral medication developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences.) based on just one study with modest results.

One naturally wonders whether this may have anything to do with the fact that the “world’s largest asset manager,” BlackRock, owns the largest share of all Gilead stock at 8.4%. BlackRock’s influence in Washington, D.C., is legendary, and it recently was awarded the financial crown jewel of administering the Federal Reserve’s $4.5 Trillion COVID-19 loan bail-out program.

Is someone stacking the deck in Gilead’s favor? Nine of the experts on the NIH COVID-19 Panel recommending treatment options have disclosed financial support from Gilead. Why did these nine experts not recuse themselves? Did financial conflicts of interest affect the recommendation against HCQ, the older, safer, cheaper medicine, and for use of remdesivir, the new, expensive experimental medicine, based on weak, not-yet-peer-reviewed evidence?”

And then throw in Dr. Judy Mikovits who’s view exposes both Fauci and Bill Gates for pushing expensive and life threatening VACCINES over less expensive approaches to slowing and preventing Covid-19, hydroxychloroquine for an example.

Her views are counter to the establishment medical positions and thus she has been censored from being shown on videos by YouTube, Vimeo and FaceBook.

And Vinmo is even better


But you can still find her video but they keep taking it down, so go to and find it there. The name of the Documentary is Plandemic. It is worth a viewing.

And then ask yourself, what in this intro film is so dangerous to have it be censored?

When asked if “this virus was created in a laboratory” Dr. Mikovits answer was rather clear.

“I wouldn’t say created but you can’t say naturally occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. So it’s very clear that this virus was manipulated and studied . . .”

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Director Anthony Fauci awarded a $3.7 million grant to EcoHealth Alliance in 1984 which then moved it to the Wuhan Institute in China for studies that supported research on coronaviruses.

And there is a direct link between the U.S. Army Medical Command labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Laboratories and the Chinese Wuhan Laboratories.


Scientists say there is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped from a lab. But on the other hand there is no evidence that it hadn’t either!

And then there is the WARP SPEED Covid-19 groundbreaking “Clinical Trial Results” which has created a vaccine developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates that damn near killed three of the 15 human guinea pigs or as they called it “. . . suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving . . .” the new and improved Covid-19 vaccine.

Nothing new there. The insane idea that one vaccine helps ALL is utter bullshit! This idea has created a huge number of deaths and side effects from vaccines because each person is different. We are each different and to attempt to vaccinate everyone like we are each the same is just plain dangerous.

Moderna is the pharmaceutical company created by the Bill Gates Foundation that did the study with a 20% fail rate. If this vaccine was used to shoot up the world it would result in “grave injuries” to 1.5 BILLION humans!

BUT can you imagine the DOLLAR VALUE to be made by Moderna even if you kill 20% of your customers.

Oh Tubularsock forgot, Fauci and Gates are doing this because “they care”. Sure they do but NOT for YOU but for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$’s.

Now Tubularsock has just covered a tiny sliver of information here but because we live in a sick society in terms of values we end up with a sick society in terms of health.
It’s in inevitable!

Our value system is built on “getting ahead” but to where?

Our value system is built on what you drive, wear, “do” all shallow worthless objectives which when even obtained doesn’t make one “happy” or “contented”.

Our value system is built on the MORE you have the more you’re worth. To whom?

And it is clear that a HAPPY society doesn’t shoot each other or drone other countries.

Nor does a HAPPY society lock up hundreds of thousands of people in jail because the society has failed them.

And what tells it all about our society is that during a Pandemic on the list of ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES that must remain open are liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries. Not a sign of a happy society. It is a sign of a depressed society.

And the clearest indicator that our society has lost its way can be found in the amount of garbage we dump on the earth EVERYDAY.


So the Covid-19 Pandemic is just a “SIGN” that the Universe has had enough of all of us. And just perhaps it is a wake up call to all of us.

But to change direction will require a TOTAL shift in the world’s consciousness which, AS YET, doesn’t seem to appear on the world stage.

We are still playing Macbeth and King Lear but the cosmos has its own game plan and Let’s Make A Deal ain’t going to cut it!

But don’t give up ………..

Just maybe all of this financial skullduggery is much more simple than it appears.

What would happen if you put a 6’3” around Gemini into a room with a 5’10” tall Scorpio and a 5’7” tall Capricorn? (Dump-Gates-Fauci)

Well, from a Tubularsock perspective ………. could be a sign!




Oh boy. Tubularsock is sitting alone in his top floor corner office in the underground bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. from Oakland, CA (see Bunker Tour) and the view is surreal and down right depressing BUT ONLY IF you haven’t gotten on your protective Tubularsock over-gear protection attire from what’s really happening.

Fortunately you can purchase your very own TOGPA (Tubularsock over-gear protection attire) for an inexpensive 13 hundred dollars and change.

And then you-2 can be protected from the society you live in everyday.

Tubularsock set some time aside from the world of political decay to watch some current movie trailers. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with this society? THIS SHIT is entertainment?

They have got to be kidding. Destruction, mayhem, endless car chases to no where for no reason and broken, shattered, deformed, fucked up relationships that have absolutely NO-NONE-NADA reason to even care about the fucking outcome!

The end of civilization, end of communities, end of relationship and having one’s face ripped off like it is a mask by some freakish disembodied “thing” that resembles “your mother” and you are expected to eat hot buttered pop corn after THAT!


So, Tubularsock adjusted his TOGPA and pushed on to the political terrain and the daily happenings of “Western Civilization” and well, Tubularsock can’t tell the difference from the movie trailers.

Dump is out of control, Barr, jokingly the head of the “Justice” Department, is kowtowing to the OrangeDufus and throwing the rule of law out the window to allow Roger Stone to walk.

The few “headaches” of our military personal after the Iranian missile attacks in retaliation for Soleimani’s killing has morphed into many more dead and wounded that is slowly leaking out from the Pentagon but MOST significant is the killing of American Michael D’Andrea who was a prominent figure, the head of Iran operations for the CIA, and the man who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani as well as other targeted murders.

This is BIG enough that, the MSM hasn’t really covered it much.

Nor has the OrangeDump noticed that what goes around comes around. Tubularsock figures no one has informed him about it for safety sake.

And in further “spy news” it has been “leaked” by the Washington Post (a CIA outlet) that for years the backbone of the Cold War was the CIA’s ability to have a “backdoor” to nearly EVERY country’s computer system so as to spy on them.

Strange. Who didn’t already know this? So just why is the CIA leaking this now?

Has to do with Huawei (the Chinese leading global provider of information and communications technology).

It’s a PR stunt to warn that China is spying (supposedly) on EVERYONE the same way the CIA has done for years. And if the world goes to Huawei’s 5G system then it edges out the CIA’s “backdoor” to the world wide system.

It also puts a dent in the sales of American technology in Europe and South America.

Which brings Secretary of State Mike Pompeo out of the woodwork like a cockroach to declare that the Chinese Communist Party is “the central threat of our times”!

Does it really matter if the 5G system is from the U.S. or China when it fucking fries your brain and turns your skin to a Trump-Orange-Tint?

And the Democrap’s are out doing themselves to stop Bernie but the PEOPLE seem to be awakening at least a little ……. we shall see.

It is rather funny that Bernie is a “socialist” BUT Obummer took government money, tax payer money, and bailed out the Banks and the Auto Industry and ALL of the Presidents have backed Government subsidies to corporations BUT they call it “a free enterprise system”! Horse shit supreme!

In a free market system the fittest shall survive! Once the government steps in and SUBSIDIES corporations we are headed for fascism.

But if the workers start to control the means of production then it leans toward socialism.

And Bernie leans toward New Deal Socialism which is a focus on the citizen and the citizen’s well being as opposed to the American oligarchs.




Well isn’t it about time for another conspiracy theory?

Sure it is ………..

Barack Obummer has publicly stated that he would do whatever he could to keep Bernie Sanders from getting the Democraps Presidential nomination.

Killery Clinton has cast disparaging comments about Bernie Sanders and would not even venture a position on whether she would support Bernie Sanders if he did the get the Democraps nomination.

NOW REMEMBER they both are taking this stand in the FACE of a TRUMP WIN!

And if these two sleazeballs would not back Bernie Sanders if he got the nomination then what would that tell us about the Corporate Democraps?

A Tubularsock hint: THEY still make lots and lots of money with a Trump win. It is the regular people that lose!

In the final hours of the Iowa Caucus, Bernie Sanders’ momentum was shaping up FOR A WIN. Or at least that was what was reported.

And what is the best way to slow down an exciting and powerful momentum?

A computer glitch?

Huh. Funny that.

The company that was running the count was a company named

So far so good.

And who is the head of Shadow?

Well, that would be Gerard Niemira who is a veteran of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

And who is on the board of directors of Shadow?

David Plouffe, one of the chief architects of President Barack Obama’s campaigns.

Hmmmm. That Democrap Establishment. Are they at it again?

You remember: Disgraced former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has admitted that the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders in order to allow their favorite candidate to win.



And YOU think Dump’s bad!

Well you know conspiracy ……… maybe yes, maybe no.

Tubularsock goes for YES! Those fuckers are at it again!



Now Tubularsock has become aware that an impeachment is really an old concept of the so called “civilized” world.

You know the story: “No one is above the law”. EVERYONE in the political sphere are willing to say that over and over with a straight face.

And yet, rather than look into the offense and totally investigate the charges, the game is to obstruct any just-process for investigating and dodge, using procedural maneuvering to bypass any information and hide it from the American people.

Seems par for the course to Tubularsock.

That is why Tubularsock sees that a more modern procedural process may be in order.

Just what if “A LONE WOLF” with access to drone driving takes out Air Force One on its way back from Mar-a- Lago blowing up Donald AND maybe even Ivanka (you know …. a twofer).

We could be shocked and run around pointing the finger at Iran, Venezuela, or Cuba for starters. OR EVEN the Deep State! (But whatever you do, don’t point a finger at Israel or Saudi Arabia.)

We could all run about saying “WHY?” or “WHAT HAVE WE DONE?” or “ONLY SOMEONE “EVIL’” would do such a thing!

You know, the same old brain dead response from Americans.

And then it would be off to war we go because what better way to abhor violence than to attack and kill …… well, those responsible.

EVEN if we don’t know or can’t prove who that may be it doesn’t really matter.

You remember Iraq, right? Or Afghanistan?

Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia which logically led to war with Iraq and Afghanistan.

So really, extortion, bribery, selling out to a foreign country for personal gain, using a political office to acquire financial gain, lie, cheat, obstruct justice and being Orange with small hands are really only minor qualifications of illegal activities for the Presidency as opposed to WAR CRIMES!

Just maybe Americans just might want to, besides draw and quarter the Orange Wonder, arrest and try Baby Bush and Obomber as well as the Orange Turd for Crimes Against Humanity!

And sure you can toss in fucking Killery and OLD Joe as well!

But that ain’t going to happen so Tubularsock will just have to wait for that Lone Wolf to do what others won’t do.

And please remember hypothetical scenarios ARE NOT threats but are simply wishful thinking of possibilities that could happen.

Tubularsock is not advocating violence toward anyone. But Tubularsock’s sympathy toward a dead rat is not high on Tubularsock’s compassionate scale. Just sayen’.

So how about a rousing chorus of kum ba yah to close.




Well it has become extremely difficult to deny that we are living in a complete loony-tune world and the escape hatch has been closed for repairs.

There is an attempt to dump Frumpy-Orange-Dumpy off the wall and all the kings horses and all the kings men won’t be able to put him back together again.

Doesn’t Tubularsock only wish.

No, the Orange-Turd has nine lives and his true followers lap up Orange-Turd’s shit faster than a bag full of Mac-nuggets.

And the Corp-Democraps have done everything they can to keep the same stagnated Biden-Clinton-Obummer clap trap and not even dress it up.

The CorpDems don’t want ANY change to the system in truth. They benefit with Dump in office personally and their income and investment portfolios prove it.

The CorpDems if elected may benefit more if they take control however either way they’ll benefit personally. So FUCK YOU America!

And don’t you worry, either party believes in and supports endless wars because THAT is where the money happens to be.

Helping the poor, helping the sick, helping education, providing education for the incarcerated, investing in infrastructure …….. COST TOO MUCH!

Killing people indiscriminately in other countries WE CAN AFFORD.

That is where the money is made.

And the CorpDems and the Repulicant’s will keep that going and pocket the money.

That is why ANY candidate that is NOT WITH THEM is against THE AMERICAN WAY.

And what is the AMERICAN WAY ——- KILLING!

Don’t think so ………….. take a real look at American History.

Now there is one way to really help shift this inevitable negative direction.

Tubularsock would take Baby-Bush and Obomber and arrest both of them for WAR CRIMES and put them on trial …….. NOW!

You see, if the stand-ins of the powerful keep dodging responsibility for their actions we’ll just keep getting the same corporate puppets.

And you know that is not going to happen so just sit back and say a little prayer for an atomic bomb test going awry and hitting Washington, D.C. while Dump, VP-Dense, and a full session of Congress are in session.

Tubularsock knows it is just too much to ask for BUT Christmas IS coming after-all!




Tubularsock has NEVER liked or trusted Obama.

As many of Tubularsock’ friends were taken in by Obama’s finesse, charm, and intellect ….. Tubularsock was not.

At the outset, Tubularsock FELT something was just wrong with him and his “slick-Willie” ways.

The way he oozed into the National political scene. Who was behind that?

Going back to his eloquent 2004 Democratic Party Convention speech, which Tubularsock felt was excellent on the “outside” BUT something very deeply was JUST WRONG!

Maybe it was living in a very diverse and multicultural city that made Tubularsock more sensitive to “jive”. Maybe it was just Tubularsock’s deep cynical belief that even it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, and it waddles like a duck it just may be still possible that it’s NOT a duck.

Whatever it was …….. there was something just not right.


And time has been on Tubularsock’s side …….. that boy’s a scammer!


Now the Barack news that has just come to light is that Obama has been, behind the scene, working to hinder Bernie Sander’s unlikely nomination at the Democratic National Convention if for some terrible reason, like popularity, it comes to pass!

Just as Hillary last time RIGGED her nomination and cheated Bernie out of a chance in the competition, a fact that still has been “white” washed in the public sphere but only goes to show you that Trump’s corruption is systemic and the Clinton’s and Obama are cut from the same cloth!

Obama, according to Politico “ . . . would speak up to stop Bernie Sanders from becoming the party’s nominee should the Vermont senator make significant gains”.

The Democrap’s establishment would rather lose the election to Trump than risk a REAL position of CHANGE for their established system of power. THIS has already been proven by Hillary’s dramatic loss which they allowed rather than backing Sanders in 2016. The Democrap establishment will never support true systemic change which would retool the system to real power to the people.

WHO would benefit from REAL health care, FREE education, and SUPPORT for a living wage?

Not Hillary, her family’s set up.

Not Barack, his family’s set up.
So a rounding FUCK YOU AMERICA by the likes of them.

But where is the surprise?


So let’s return to yesteryear and follow the bread crumbs ………..

Barack was a college boy with a desire to change the racial situation in the country by community organizing. And he got into this field at 24 years old and hustled himself into a job in Chicago.

At the time he believed that according to his 1995 memoir, Dreams from
My Father, that “Change won’t come from the top . . . Change will
come from a mobilized grass roots. That’s what I’ll do. I’ll organize black folks. At the grass roots. For change.”

Now it took Barack some time working as a “front-Black” for a all White inner-city agency, the Developing Communities Project (DCP), to get accepted by the Black community.

The DCP was an outreach program of The Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) who’s aim it was to get Black churches on Chicago’s South Side to become “agents of change” for their communities.

Barack’s biggest problem was to get Black ministers to “accept” him as Black and then to accept him as a Black who was representing the leadership of the DCP who had been having trouble being trusted by the Black churches because they were White. And maybe even worse Jewish and Catholic as well!

That combination was something that Black pastors viewed with distrust and suspicion which a Reverend Smalls, from the South Side, put succinctly directly to Obama, “ . . . the last thing we need is to join up with a bunch of white money and Catholic churches and Jewish organizers to solve our problems.”

Some of this attitude was expressed, if you recall, when Obama was running for President in the position of many Blacks when they expressed the racist attitude of whether Obama was “Black Enough”.

But Barack pushed on and discovered from several pastors he dealt with a key ingredient best described as having “. . . a church home” for himself. Without that he was viewed as an outsider. That way he could organize from a more trusted platform.

And by golly, Barack Obama found religion! (Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?)

His pastor of choice was The Reverend Doctor Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. of the Trinity United Church of Christ on the South Side. Over the years Wright became Obama’s mentor as well.

From Obama’s very first political activities he spoke as a “dreamer” but a very
pragmatic-dreamer and would “do what it takes” to win.

The Progressives saw and followed the “BLACK-Dreamer” but missed the pragmatic political hack part of the formula.

Barack will suck up to and work to move his personal agenda and EVEN, at one point, endorsed Richard M. Daley for Chicago Mayor!

You may remember Daley for what he’s known best for and that is machine politics, corruption, and racism and being an all around asshole.

Obama backed Daley which paid off when Obama ran for President because many of Daley’s powerful friends supported his campaign. (You know, you’ve got to bend over sometimes to get ahead and with Obama it’s an art form!)

It is worth your time to really look into Barack Obama’s rise to power. He is NOT the man that the image makers have created. His Presidency was lackluster to say the most and his “true beliefs” are really self serving and lack principle.

Now don’t get Tubularsock wrong. Barack’s political ways have been overlooked by the body politic and been idealized by the jive he spills out so well. But his “Hope and Change” talk were just words to him.

He is not an honorable man. He’s just as despicable as Trump but only a different “color-coated” hue!

But for Tubularsock the decisive moment that brought forward this lack of trust, this “feeling” that Barack wasn’t what he seemed was when the TRUTH was exposed and Barack Obama ran for cover and would not stand up and be counted!

If he would have he would have really brought about that “Hope and Change” instead he cringed and joined the lie.

And by doing that threw the U.S. populous under the bus and joined the facade that unless changed will bring the destruction of the country which is well on the way already.

And Tubularsock is referring to the Jeremiah Wright Controversy.

Obama denounced the statements in question that Jeremiah Wright made in his sermons and later in his media appearances that pertained to terrorist attacks on the United States and government dishonesty.

And when it appeared that a significant amount of shade was being cast on Obama for Wright’s remarks rather than REALLY standing up for Hope and Change, Obama took the cowards path and said that he was “outraged” and “saddened” and then later resigned his membership in the church.

Rather than START the process of educating Americans and lead them toward TRUTH into the new century he ended in a complete compilation to the same old order and thus sealed his name as just another SLAVE of the “system”.


So what truth should you know that Jeremiah was laying out for all to hear?

Tubularsock will just highlight here because if by this time if you haven’t figured this out you’ll need to enroll into the:

After 9/11, The Reverend Doctor Jeremiah A. Wright said in a sermon,

“ We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye … and now we are indignant, because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yards.

America’s chickens are coming home to roost.”

The very first time Tubularsock heard this it was the first time out of all the news coverage on 9/11 that somebody was telling the historical truth.

Even on the day of 9/11, when Tubularsock got word from a neighbor that these planes had crashed into the twin-towers, Tubularsock’s very first response was, “now what have WE done”. It was an automatic response and then the Gulf of Tonkin came to mind as I rushed to the neighbors house to see what had happened. Tubularsock hasn’t had a TV for over 40 years now …….. Tubularsock gets more reading done!

Really, for a gutsy Obama this could have been a teaching moment for the society he was wishing to lead into Hope and Change BUT HE CHOSE capitulation to the same old lie. Disgraceful and so is Obama!

And Wright continued,

“Violence begets violence. Hatred begets hatred. And terrorism begets terrorism. A white ambassador { U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck} said that, y’all. Not a black militant.

Not a reverend who preaches about racism.

An ambassador whose eyes are wide open and who is trying to get us to wake up and move away from this dangerous precipice upon which we are now poised.

The ambassador said the people that we have wounded don’t have the military capability we have.

But they do have individuals who are willing to die and take thousands with them.

And we need to come to grips with that.”

And like any good preacher he continues with these excerpts from another sermon,

“ [The United States] government lied about their belief that all men were created equal.

The truth is they believed that all white men were created equal. The truth is they did not even believe that white women were created equal, in creation nor civilization.

The government had to pass an amendment to the Constitution to get white women the vote.

Then the government had to pass an equal rights amendment to get equal protection under the law for women.

The government still thinks a woman has no rights over her own body, and between Uncle Clarence who sexually harassed Anita Hill, and a closeted Klan court, that is a throwback to the 19th century, handpicked by Daddy Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, between Clarence and that stacked court, they are about to undo Roe vs. Wade,
just like they are about to un-do affirmative action.

The government lied in its founding documents and the government is still lying today.

Governments lie.

This goes on and is well worth the read because it is ALL TRUE!

Just look up “Confusing God and Government” a sermon by Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright.

And yet, Uncle Tombama said of Wright’s sermons on ABC News, “It’s as if we took the five dumbest things that I’ve ever said or you’ve ever said in our lives and compressed them and put them out there — I think that people’s reaction would, understandably, be upset.”


The one thing is appears that the majority of Americans can’t stand is the truth. Tubularsock feels that it makes them feel like “Daddy” isn’t in control so OMG who’s going to protect us!

Critical thinking or even general thinking is not the American’s citizen strong suit by any means.

And there lies the problem!

We as a country have be propagandized to believe that we are the best in the world and we as a country only attempt to do good and spread democracy and all that rubbish.

And when a Jeremiah A. Wright comes along and TELLS THE TRUTH that the empire has no cloths, well people just are too afraid to even consider he may be telling the truth.

So ALWAYS the best defense is to attack the ideas and the messenger rather than looking into the message.

In Wright’s message one doesn’t have to look far. BUT YOU DO HAVE TO LOOK if you want to know just how distorted Obama, Clinton, Bush, Trump happen to be.

They are all cut from the same scam and all we get to watch is how each will perform on the head of a pin.

AND THE PIN? Who is in control of that?

You don’t really think Tubularsock is going to just give it away for free, do you.

A 32lb garbage bag stuffed with Franklin’s placed under the park bench near 2nd and 33rd will go a long way to finding the truth …… Trust Tubularsock on this.

Until then ………………………






Well, if it hasn’t become obvious to you by now that Orange Tweet will throw ANYONE overboard and under the bus as long as it is not him, then you haven’t been paying attention.

That includes what is known as The United States of America as well.

Orange Tweet has no shame and ONLY cares about HIMSELF!

And the DEPLORABLES that lovingly get worked up by him time and time again seem to just love the redundant soliloquies he supplies.

Primarily because most of them have an attention span of less than four seconds which is just short of the time to tie their shoes.

But really, you know this.

What is wayyyyyyyyyyy more worrisome is the general American public that still believes that the Democraps, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, provide any direction other than same ol’, same ol’!

In fact, according to The New York Times, the Democrapian establishment is considering a possible shift away from Biden to  John Kerry or even Bitch Hillary!


But it shows that the Democrap Establishment is no different from the Republicant’s and both are ONLY centered on their own net worth rather than any care for the “regular citizens” of the U.S.

And those “regular citizens” do have the ability to tie their shoes BUT not to see the lie that they are living thinking they have a choice. We DON’T have a democracy! Will you get that clear.

Your 8th grade civics teacher unknowingly LIED to you. Only because that teacher was lied to as well and so on.


Oh sure Trump is an idiot in the open while Biden, Obummer, and Killery are hidden idiots. All that they are doing is business for themselves and their families and we the citizen pay for it.




It is pretty simple and it is out there in plain sight.

Tulsi Gabbard ………….. opposed to the continued regime change wars.

No main stream media would give her the time of day. The so called “free press”. Really a joke!

Bernie Sanders ………… plenty of coverage but the Democratic Establishment see him as a threat and are willing to lose to Trump rather than support the ONLY candidate who wants to shift the entire set up to a citizen first platform.

Can’t have that. Would cost too much or rather it would cost the ESTABLISHMENT corporate overloads too much.

Here’s the bottom line for Tubularsock.

The entire system is MADE UP.

So we the people just need to MAKE UP A NEW SYSTEM.

Well, lets start with Bernie’s modest projected programs and build from there.

And the cost? Hell! Making “money” out of thin air has already been perfected by the central bank, so we just make more of it and AGREE that the money is worth something.

That is how it is done now ……. take a look!

All Tubularsock asks is that all of these establishment people stay out of HELL so Tubularsock will have a comfortable warm get-away to hang out in because the Cayman Islands is just too expensive.






OK, here’s Tubularsock’s take on all this political bull shit.

We all know that Orange-Donnie-Little-Dick is a fucking crook!

We all know that Step-en-fetch-it-Barack is a fucking crook!

We all know that Killary-The-Bitch-Clinton is a fucking crook!

We all know that Head-Up-His-Ass-George W. is a fucking crook!

We all know that the Bill-Stained-Dress-Clinton is a fucking crook!

And we all know Walking-Alzheimer’s-Biden is a fucking crook!

But none of that matters.

These are the offers from the power elite for the American citizen to choose from and it is a closed system. THEY WERE PRE-CHOSEN for you to vote for and THAT is what is called a “FREE” election in the United States!

That is why we continue wars of aggression throughout the world attacking whomever we wish and supporting terrorists throughout the world to destabilize areas and KEEP them destabilized to “OUR” corporate advantage.

You do realize that the CIA is one of the largest TERRORIST groups IN THE WORLD! Right?

EVEN though the vast majority of American citizens DON’T WANT WAR!

We have continue war ……… NO MATTER which pre-selected presidential candidate you have the “freedom” to vote for in ANY given election.

Tubularsock calls it FreeDoom voting!

Yet it seems that few American citizens seem to notice and even fewer seem to care. They seem to rally around the clowns and circus not noticing it is all being orchestrated and at the end of the “free” election it is business as usual.

Yet, what seems to be true may not be. There is a bright side. There is a huge number of Americans who appear to have caught on that they have been herded like sheep and have decided NOT TO VOTE at all.

And for Tubularsock that is a possible beginnings of citizen “blow-back”. It is not not voting for lack of interest it is a lack of interest because in truth it is a LACK OF CHOICE!

They just would rather not vote than to vote for the same old same old.

But for Tubularsock THAT is only the first step. Recognition that you have been HAD!

Oh, and if you haven’t noticed the usual business does nothing to enrich the average Joe Schmo or his family ……. but there is always iPhone70 to entertain them.

Yet, here we go again ………

The Ukraine and the whistle-blower …… have YOU read the 9-page whistle-blower complaint? Tubularsock has and it is clear enough to prove that Orange-Dump is pretty much a C-rated mafia boss in a B rated movie with nothing even close to a “10” performance.

Talking about pathetic ………… Dump is pathetic. A true 3, max! And only that is due to breast size of a fat old man!

And to see a Ukraine comic and an American game-show host have a press conference together is really rich!

THIS!, is what World Leadership has come to?

And even more scary is the current dominate concept that the United States power elite puts Joe and Don up AS LEADERSHIP for the future for this country.

It is pretty much like stacking shit on top of shit and asking for a vote!

FLUSH …….. is the only answer if that is what the final ballot shows.

One really has to ponder, is this really the end of civilization? This is the level we have come to? Makes Global Warming look good!

And if your stomach hasn’t turned yet just take a second to look at Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Sanders defense of the Orange Turd and tell Tubularsock if you can tell the difference between them and a bedpan full of afterbirth fluid clinging to life support.

Damn those two are repulsive semi-human beings! Amen.

But you don’t think Tubularsock is going to leave you on such a downer note do you?

Hell no!

The entire shit show is represented best with “Mother” (Karen Pence) proclaiming, at a Minnesota campaign rally that she likes how Trump treats young women and sees the respect he has for his daughters.

Right on Karen, Donnie wanted to “date” and fuck Ivanka and in general grab pussies of women!

At least from this photo Karen seems to be prepared to protect herself from Donnie’s treatment of women.

But EVEN MORE QUESTIONABLE coming from a woman who teaches at a “religious” school which bans LGBT students is her husband’s “open relationship” with Donnie as shown in this photo.



But nothing turns “Mother” on more than Trump Fucking the American Flag!



Karen Pence TOO as well as her husband has lost all true perception and has fallen quickly into the cesspool of religious hypocrisy.

But why not, Mother should have remembered that playing with the DEVIL taints one’s soul …… amen.














Well like Tubularsock constantly says, “there is always something”.

And the “deplorables” make up much of the U.S. population …….. No! really.

Now don’t get mixed up. Killery first used the term “deplorables”, aiming at the low IQ or rather the NO IQ Dump supporters. Proving the Tubularsock Theory that no IQ-er’s stick together. (That’s Science!)

However when the “backlash” came in after her statement she did the regular political jig of re-framing the statement.

The only difficulty that Tubularsock can see about the term “deplorables” is that they span the entire American political system.

Tubularsock is not a firm believer in counting the votes of dead people in order to rig an election, even though many of the dead are smarter than living Americans, nor is Tubularsock a firm believer in running a DEAD-PAST-OVER-FINISHED-CANDIDATE for President of the United States.

Enter stage RIGHT ……… Gropen’ Joe Biden! The man who believes that sticking his nose and mouth into a woman’s ear or hair and wishing them advice or encouragement is a little outdated but WAS ok to do IN THE PAST.

Gropen’ Joe has JUST figured out that uncomfortable encounters or instances of inappropriate touching isn’t like it was in the good old days. Times have changed NOW and he understands that “social norms are changing” and “the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset.”

NO Gropen’ Joe, IT NEVER HAS BEEN OK! You old crusty fuck!


Creepy to say the least but slimy old egalitarian Joe sometimes let his hand wondered in all the wrong places.


Oh sure it’s creepy, but hell Gropen’ Joe has been around the block dozens of times and now the corporate Democrats are attempting  Resurrection and are just as out of touch with the American electorate as they were when they attempted to dump Killery-The-Bitch on the nation, which led to Head-Stuck-Up-His-Ass-Dump winning!


But OLD Gropen’ Joe also has other opinions about women which may be a little ahhh, well chauvinistic.

Like Gropen’ Joe’s view on abortion.

Gropen’ Joe believes that the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe vs Wade “went too far”!

AND “I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.”

And as far as Tubularsock knows, no one has asked Gropen’ Joe, IF HE THINKS A MAN SHOULD HAVE THE SOLE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN TO HIS ERECTION OR NOT.


It may be a good idea that we keep the fucking government and the fucking church out of our fucking bedrooms. Now that is a FUCKING good idea!


NOW, you guessed it …….. that ain’t all folks!

There was the case of Anita Hill and now Justice All Hands Clarence Thomas who because of his fine upstanding sexual harassment became a Supreme Court Justice. No, Gropen’ Joe voted against Thomas’ nomination but he blocked Anita Hill’s corroborate witnesses to Thomas’ sexual conduct from speaking even though they were all present and ready to testify.

And who would be surprised from a guy who believes that a woman doesn’t have a right to say what should happen to her body!


However Gropen’ Joe makes a fine candidate for the Black vote.

If you haven’t paid attention, he had the highest respect for Strom Thurmond and Jessie Helms both solid racists. Gropen’ Joe also held a solid opposition to and successfully pushed through legislation against bussing that denied equal education to minority children trapped in underfunded school districts.

Another fine “freedom fighter”, that’s Ol’ Gropen’ Joe!

And we can’t forget his backing along with Strom Thurmond a bill that abolished parole for federal prisoners and the passing of  a bill that set a mandated 5-year term for anyone convicted of possessing a tiny piece of crack, creating the famous disparity in sentencing between “white drugs” and “black drugs.” Thus increasing the Black prison population.

NOTE: The way that legislation worked was a tiny bit of “crack cocaine” carried a 5 year mandatory sentence. And crack at the time was used primarily in the Black community. However “powdered cocaine” was not tied to the 5 year mandatory sentence thus saving all those White lawyers, White stock brokers, White bankers, and White Congress members from going to jail. Seems fair to ol’joe!

But don’t fear ………. Ol’ Gropen’ Joe in January of this year has cleared all that up by saying he “regretted” his tough-on-crime bills during his time in Congress. Well, oh gosh. That should settle all that prison time for the Black folk!

But what captures Ol’ Gropen’ Joe’s “old-timey” ways toward Blacks is best expressed in this statement about Obummer in 2007:

“. . . the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

Will, yessa massa’ ……… “bright and clean”!

All Tubularsock has to say is if ANY Black person votes for this “ol’ timey” racist grandpa, you deserve what you get!


Are you tired yet? Oh sure, Tubularsock can continue ………….. ad nauseam really!


Let’s look at the ability, just like Step-‘en-Fetch-It Obama, Gropen’ Joe will bend over and take it up the ass by Corporate America. And he’s proven it time and again!

Gropen’ Joe is a big Big BIG supporter of the Banksters! He, over the years, has bent over backwards to please them. Gropn’ Joe supported the to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act helping free the banks of Delaware to gamble with great success that helped to lead to the 2008 financial “to big to fail” collapse of run away banking.

Oh, yep ……… Gropen’ Joe has said he regrets this vote to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act but you know others lost their houses and pensions which just helped the White middle class folks FEEL like the Black folks.

Gropen’ Joe walked away unscathed. So FUCK YOU!

And Gropen’ Joe has served his Bankster friends by passing a long series of laws denying students the protection of bankruptcy laws. Students today cannot escape their huge debts and must accept lifelong poverty like responsible adults as corporations go bankrupt and still walk away without concern. Well hell, that’s Capitalism!


And let us not forget Gropen’ Joe’s support in the past of building a FENCE along the Southern boarder to keep out those “illegals” from bringing drugs to the U.S.!

As everyone ALWAYS has known, 90% of drugs coming into the U.S. has never gone through the Southern boarder, but rather through Ports of Entry such as Miami, New York, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, and Kalamazoo!

Some of the best cocaine Tubularsock ever tried was smuggled into SF harbor inside a cargo container of high resin skateboards from Brazil. The resin kept the sniffing drug dogs from picking up the scent. The not so amazing thing about this is that this was a weekly occurrence.

Oh well, Tubularsock lost contact with these smugglers and found that cocaine never really worked for Tubularsock. Tubularsock’s metabolism has always moved at a far greater rate than any “lift” coke could provide. So what’s the point?

And Tubularsock has a stack or is it a line of stuff here but Tubularsock is only going to mention one more thing about sleepy Gropen’ Joe and that is his MIDDLE OF THE ROAD position when it come to the New Green Deal.

Middle of the road is not a safe place to stand on ANY issue except for the gutless and it is there that Gropen’ Joe is at the height of his ability, GUTLESS! Fucking who needs that?

As for climate change and the environment there is NO TRUE DEBATE. Man has ruined the air, the water, the soil of this earth and all FOR WHAT? PROFIT???

It is way past time to turn this around and stop trying to “prove” or “not prove” if man is responsible for fucking all this up ……….. look at the rivers, the ocean, the air!

Even the most backward, uneducated, primitive creature has enough “common” sense to not shit in the water hole …….. NOT MAN!



Wake up and find a new creative direction rather than following a walking dead grandpa with no guts. And if the Democrats insist like they did with pushing Killery they will lose again.

Wake the fuck up!

Of course some thing still hold true: