Posted: March 7, 2016 in Uncategorized

Tube cafe heading

No, Hillary didn’t pull the trigger herself. She’s not a peon for Christ’s sake!

No Hillary was safe as can be but assisted in the overthrow of the Honduran Government by having President Manuel Zelaya abducted and took up the cause of supporting the new military dictatorship.

Even though by LAW the United States could not support this action and was required to place sanctions against the new military dictatorship. But because of WikiLeaks Hillary’s emails as Secretary of State show her approval of this illegal action. She supported it!

Now Tubularsock is not going to regurgitate the past history of the over throw of the democratic elected President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya in 2009. You can check it out for background if you need to but be careful because the CIA edits a lot of Wikipedia sites so research broadly.

Keep utmost in your mind that the United States treatment of Latin America is indicative of the United States torture training and brutal assistance by the US Army School of the Americas which is now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation ………. pure bull shit psychops branding!

The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation is still exporting death squads. That is what they do.

Anyway, Berta Caceres is a true feminist unlike Hillary who is just an apologist for Bill’s cock penetrating and abusing women! Gloria Steinem eat your heart out! Shame on you Gloria for supporting that bitch! Wake the fuck up.

Berta Caceres was the general coordinator and co-founder of the National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras. Caceres waged a grassroots campaign that pressured the world’s largest damn builder to pull out of the Agua Zarca Dam.

Berta Caceres: A True Feminist Leader. RIP.

Berta Caceres: A True Feminist Leader. RIP.

Berta Cáceres was recognized nationally and internationally as an environmentalist who fought for Indigenous rights.

Berta was also instrumental in leading protests against the 2009 coup that overthrew the democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. Since the coup the human rights situation in Honduras has deteriorated as human rights defenders and social movement leaders are routinely killed and systematically criminalized.

“There is a saying in Honduras about the Central American dirty war that “While the U.S. had its eye on Nicaragua and its hands in El Salvador, it had its boot on Honduras.”’ (Laura Carlsen, May 25, 2011, The World Post)

Well now, thanks to Hillary Clinton …… Berta Caceres was assassinated a few days ago!

So don’t give Tubularsock that crap that Hillary must be elected to the President of the United State position so WOMEN feel historically progressing! Bull shit.

If Hillary was truly a “feminist” she would not have killed Berta Caceres!



Tube Sig.red


  1. Bravo. Great post. Gloria Steinem has always been part of Washington’s elite power structure – long before she dated Henry Kissinger and even before she spied for the CIA in the 1960s.

    Liked by 5 people

    • tubularsock says:

      DrB. You ARE the National Enquirer! Tubularsock suspected that. Tubularsock was not aware that GS dated Henry. My god her taste in men ……. Tubularsock would have become a feminist too! And the CIA?

      Over the years Tubularsock has come to the conclusion that the “revolt” of the ’60’s was made up of Tubularsock and a handful of hippies and a huge contingency of CIA operatives.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. donzo442 says:

    Ah but Killary is everything the amerikan sheeple embrace. Shifty, shitty, inhuman, disingenuous, power mad, lying, conniving, soulless slice of bitchery, and one craven crone.
    How could the amerikan sheeple refuse to rally around exactly what defines amerikan feminism.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. 1EarthUnited says:

    Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Hillary has many skeletons in her closet, what’s one more!
    She’s not a peon, but an effective tool for the establishment.

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has spoken out against US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, calling her a “war hawk with bad judgment” who gets an “emotional rush out of killing people.”

    “A vote today for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war,” Assange wrote via the @wikileaks Twitter account on Tuesday.

    Assange also highlighted Clinton’s “poor policy decisions,” which he said have “directly contributed” to the rise of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

    Stating that Clinton went above the heads of Pentagon generals when it came to Libya, he wrote: “Libya has been destroyed. It became a haven for ISIS. The Libyan national armory was looted and hundreds of tons of weapons were transferred to jihadists in Syria.”

    He went on to state that Clinton did not learn from her mistakes, and set out to repeat history in Syria.

    “Having learned nothing from the Libyan disaster Hillary then set about trying do the same in Syria. Hillary’s war has increased terrorism, killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians and has set back women’s rights in the Middle East by hundreds of years,” he wrote.

    Referring to a CBS interview with Clinton in 2011, Assange expressed his disgust with her after she became “wild-eyed” and”publicly took credit for the destruction of the Libyan state,” gloating that “We came, we saw, he (Muammar Gaddafi) died!”

    “In the momentary thrill of the kill, she had aped, of all people, Julius Caesar,” Assange wrote.

    He concluded by saying that Clinton “shouldn’t be let near a gun shop, let alone an army. And she certainly should not become president of the United States.”

    Liked by 4 people

    • tubularsock says:

      1earth, thank you for the reblog. You are too kind but I’m glad you liked it.

      Assange is right on the mark about Hillary. And thanks for information. She is so disgusting!

      Brilliance is not exactly the American public’s forte.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Who in hell said, “And the righteous shall inherit the earth???!!!!” Because ‘the righteous’ are getting gunned down and planted! Monsters like Hillary Clinton get chased from the gates of hell by the hounds of hell ’cause they’re too goddamn vile, evil and monstrous for hell! And that evil monstrosity is going to take up residence in the Oval Office and we shall get more of the same while people who have been waging a peaceful battle for love of indigenous peoples and this planet are killed, indiscriminately as was the case with Ms.Berta Caceres .

    And here, I had given up champagne and yet someone who visited me today told me that I look like I could use a drink! Hot damn! I’m off the wagon! Hell! We’re all going to get planted anyway. No reason to look damn good, dead! Bottoms up!

    Yeah, you rest in peace, Ms. Berta Caceres, but I don’t know how the hell you can!

    Thank you for bringing Ms. Caceres’ ‘righteous’ struggle and accomplishments and ultimate assassination for her accomplishments to our attention Tubularsock. It sent me off on yet another tangent! But what’s new?

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      You are right Shelby. Tubularsock was talking with the Devil just last week and he was telling Tubularsock about his fears about Hillary moving into HIS gated community. Something about the property values and all that. He was livid!

      Like Bill said …… “I didn’t have sex with that skeleton”. Or “. . . that one and that one.”

      There have been so many great compassionate PEOPLE in Latin America that the United States has assisted in murdering not to mention the wiping out tens of thousands of Native Americans in North America. And still even when the dots are connected the best we are offered for leadership is Hillary and Trump.

      Serves this country right …… being doomed kind of has a good ring to it!

      And whatever happens Shelby stay off the wagon this is NOT the time to get pure!

      Thanks for your comment.

      Liked by 3 people

    • sojourner says:

      “And here, I had given up champagne and yet someone who visited me today told me that I look like I could use a drink! Hot damn! I’m off the wagon! Hell! We’re all going to get planted anyway. No reason to look damn good, dead! Bottoms up!”

      Shelby, I missed this the first read through! I’m still laughing! And now I’m thirsty, too!;-)

      Liked by 2 people

      • Well, don’t you fret none Sojourner! I don’t mind drinking for you too! In fact, I consider it an honor and a privilege to indulge in a wee taste of the bubbly on behalf of one so good as you, Sir! To your good health! Cheers! And of course, to Tubularsock’s health, Linda’s health, Skulz’s health, 1EarthUnited’s health, Dr. Bramhall’s health. By now, I’m seeing double. So, I think my wee bit has turned into the mother lode!

        Anyway, we could all use a taste or two of something these days just to dull the roar from the warmongers, war hawks and war criminals. And if I continue to drink up my ‘relocation to Guatemala money’, that boat that I eventually crawl into is going to have some serious ass leaks and my fruit and veggie stand is gonna morph into a homemade sign stating, “Tomatoes for sale!” with 5 green tomatoes on a table. SIGH!

        Tubularsock, I could sure use one of your conglomerates to sell me a leaky boat that only leaks if the wind blows in a southerly direction or something. Just sell me a boat that will at least get me offshore, please! Thank you!

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Tubularsock has received your urgent “mayday” message on his “All-Points-Alert-System” and has contacted the Leaky Boat Division of TUBULARSOCK SAIL AND OARS, LTD.

        Your leaky boat is almost at your front door NOW.

        Who says there isn’t a Santa Claus!

        Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Ho Ho Ho!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. swo8 says:

    She’s not one of us, Tubularsock.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. sojourner says:

    This sums it all up not-so-nicely:

    The Mad Violence of Casino Capitalism

    Liked by 3 people

  7. sojourner says:

    That reminds me, where’s my case of Wild Turkey?

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      sojourner, your case of Wild Turkey was inadvertently placed in the leaky boat that was sent to Shelby from the the Leaky Boat Division of TUBULARSOCK SAIL AND OARS, LTD.

      Tubularsock is so sorry for the mix up but just contact Shelby and Tubularsock is sure that she will ship it to you.

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        “How dry I am!”

        Liked by 2 people

      • Tubularsock, you are just going to have to send Sojourner another case of Wild Turkey. It did indeed arrive and I accidentally, through no fault of my own, quite by happenstance, opened the case mistaking it for a case of champagne and took a long swig from the bottle and I swear before I knew it, the whole case of ‘Wild Turkey Champagne’ was gone, gone, GONE!

        So sorry Sojourner about the fact that your thirst quencher, quenched MY thirst, but it IS Tubularsock’s fault. He even admitted to it without having benefit of counsel there to instruct him NOT to incriminate himself. No need for a lie detector test, he has admitted guilt. LOL!! I’d sue Tubularsock if I were you because after all, a promise is a promise is a promise and he is running for president and he did tell us that he ‘promised’ transparency and honesty. So there, since we can’t trust Tubularsock, just who can we trust?

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Well sojourner and Shelby expect a case of Wild Turkey at each of your doors by morning just in time for breakfast! And remember a vote for Tubularsock in November is the CORRECT thing to do.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. sojourner says:

    “It also may be, sojourner, that you had already partook in one of Tim’s tabs.”

    Far out, man!


    What a rush!

    Ya know, man, I think you may be on to something here!

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Dr. Tube, got you covered, dude.
      Now just where did Tube
      put all those Quaaludes?

      As well all know a basic food!

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Ludes!!!!! The reason I don’t remember much of 1976 to 1981, except for, of course, Carter’s “I’ve lusted in my heart,” and Jodi Foster’s boyfriend taking a potshot at senile Ronnie Reagan. Oh yeah, and that space shuttle thingee blowing up. You know the one where the astronauts were supposedly all killed but somehow were still alive, or some such thing.

        Only kidding, alcohol was always my drug of choice! And I need a fix!

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Funny thing. Tubularsock remembers that it was Jimmy that attempted to shoot Reagan right after he listed after Jodi. But Tubularsock might have that incorrect. But thanks for the trip down memory lane, sojourner.


  9. sojourner says:

    You know, I think my timeline was off on the space shuttle deal. The Ludes had worn off by 1986.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. sojourner says:

    “So sorry Sojourner about the fact that your thirst quencher, quenched MY thirst, but it IS Tubularsock’s fault. He even admitted to it without having benefit of counsel there to instruct him NOT to incriminate himself. No need for a lie detector test, he has admitted guilt. LOL!! I’d sue Tubularsock if I were you because after all, a promise is a promise is a promise and he is running for president and he did tell us that he ‘promised’ transparency and honesty. So there, since we can’t trust Tubularsock, just who can we trust?”

    Shelby, I don’t blame you at all. And you’re right, this is on the president elect! And I’m glad you enjoyed the long, long snort. I hope you got a big buzz for me!

    Shame on you, Tube, for telling a big fib like this! But then again, this means you are very much suited to the job of president of these here United States, doesn’t it? I mean, checks in the mail, and other tall tales are all part of the presidential gig, right?

    Besides, I lied to begin with, you never owed or promised me a case of WT! But I was hopeful, with all the wealth you candidates enjoy, that you might just show mercy on a poor old musikian like me and send me some good hooch!

    Oh well, it’s back to my old bottle of Jade East. It tastes terrible and makes me sick, but my breath improves considerably!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sojourner, I do declare, you are just too forgiving of our next president, Tubularsock. Now, if we don’t hold his feet to the fire, then he is gonna run roughshod over us mere peons. We have got to make sure that Tubularsock remembers who got him elected. If we give him an inch, he’ll take a mile. You know that’s how it works. LOL! You guys are a riot!

      Liked by 1 person

      • sojourner says:

        Shelby, I don’t know what to tell you! Tube is so busy chasing UPS trucks now, that he no longer has time for the people who have taken him to the top:

        “OMG! Tubularsock can’t spend time here ……. Tubularsock has to catch the UPS driver and stop a delivery he made earlier today!”

        See what I mean, Shelby? It may be another case of “Yes we can, until I get into office!”

        Yep, it seems the Tube has already been infected with the “I am president, hear me roar” bug! Or some such nonsense.

        You know I’m only kidding, Tube, don’t ya? So if you would, could you call off the CIA and SWAT teams, please? They’re breaking in my door right now!


        Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      OMG! Tubularsock can’t spend time here ……. Tubularsock has to catch the UPS driver and stop a delivery he made earlier today!

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Wick Burner says:

    Tubularsock! You are: TOTALLY ON POINT.

    Liked by 1 person

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