Way back in the last century, Tubularsock taught high school history for many years until he discovered that in order to eat well, a person needed a job that paid enough so one could do just that.

As a teacher often you are paid a very low salary yet carry a huge responsibility, if one takes their career to heart. Now things have improved somewhat, but back in the good old days Tubularsock figured out that his hourly wage hovered at just about EIGHTY CENTS an hour.

Now this isn’t based on the time spent in the classroom, but on the time reading and commenting on the students’ work and creating lectures and activities to enhance a study that is not at the top of a teenager’s mind.

But today we as a culture have reached the pinnacle of teaching/student success.

And Tubularsock is speaking of AI !

Yes, AI!

Don’t think so? Well here is where we as a culture are headed, and the first beginnings are happening NOW!

Students have discovered that they can turn over ANY subject to their computer and plug in a subject and allow ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to write their paper for them.

However the student has nothing on the teacher!

So what we now have is AI collective knowledge being evaluated, corrected and graded by AI!

Finally! Just what is the purpose of the teacher and the student any longer?



Which means that when a human makes a mistake because human thought is always in slower motion than there is a possibility of correcting it before whatever disaster happens. Or at least sometimes.

When that same mistake is followed by AI, by the time AI recognizes it is an error AI has acted on it and bye-bye baby!

What’s next?

Think Junior Prom!

You sit home alone and plug in your AI and “date” your perfect date selection and dance the night away. AHHHH, what memories …… JUST PERFECT!

And the chance of pregnancy is foiled!

Here is looking for a bright and ideal future!

  1. Ms. Cat says:

    Here I was only using AI for cat pictures! I would have never thought about an AI-generated partner! 😹

    Liked by 1 person

  2. swo8 says:

    Sorry Tube, AI + AI = 2 AI. However, AI x AI= AI sq.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Now Tube,
    We have both lived enough history to know AI can’t dupicate life. Not yet, anyway. I’m not looking forward to AI-generated history, but maybe we will all be history by the time that happens.

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      KO, you are just a little bit late. Our country’s history has already been doctored to the point that it makes AI look like chump change!

      No KO, we all have been living a LIE from the outset of our founding! Imagine, throwing someone else’s private property into Boston Harbor!
      That is illegal!

      So much for Puritan Ethics.

      But …….. shit does happen!

      Thanks for your contribution!

      Liked by 3 people

      • I guess I am too late for a past that never happened. I do sort of remember my own past, but my sister tells me I’m even wrong about that. I suspect all we can really know is our own individual experience, as it happens. Whether we remember it is iffy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        KO, there is no past and no future. There is ONLY present moment!

        Live large NOW! It is all we’ve got!

        Tubularsock’s entire family is wrong from Tubularsock’s point of view. And YES it is ALL individual experience and YOU are the correct one in your family!

        Let your sister know. That will go over well ………



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