Posts Tagged ‘Lesbian Rights’

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Tubularsock is going to relate a story to you that involves Tubularsock. And in truth it is rather “poetic justice” at one level because as you know Tubularsock puts out a lot of attack words toward our political leaders mostly because of the hypocrisy in their words and the injustice and inhumanity of their actions. Usually due to the ideal they say we hold dear and their actions that run counter to those ideals.

Hypocrisy really angers Tubularsock.
So does Intolerance !

My focus here is intolerance.

Years ago Tubularsock was involved with a group of people who were fighting discrimination against Black people in housing. Our group was a mixture of people of different backgrounds all focused on freedom for people/families of any ethnicity to be able to live where they liked.

At a televised city meeting Tubularsock was confronted by a group of the Aryan Brotherhood who attacked Tubularsock on his position calling him “Nigger Lover”. Only the presence of TV cameras and security prevented “Nigger-loving” Tubularsock from being physically assaulted by the Aryan Brotherhood.

Recently an issue arose within Tubularsock’s blogging neighborhood that Tubularsock entered into with his opinion.

The issue centered around outrage on the part of a Black blogger over Transgender discrimination issues being compared to Black discrimination issues. And the trigger point was the “Bathroom-use” controversy in North Carolina about which the Federal Government has taken legal actions in order to protect against Transgender discrimination.

The Black blogger’s blog rapidly devolved into an attack on Transgender people as “. . . you weird fucks stayed in the goddamn closet, just a cozying up to one another” and then more and darker insults demeaning gays and trangenders followed, until the blogger concluded with, “Goddamn it! Shut the fuck up over this gay rights bullshit SHIT already!!! It ain’t ALL about you!!!!”

Now Tubularsock expressed in his comment back to this blog that the issue of intolerance toward the Transgender community was no different than any other intolerance toward any other group.

And the fact that the author was spewing out hate toward a group that she didn’t understand and didn’t want to understand just brought up for Tubularsock all the hate that has been spewed toward the Black community from people who didn’t understand and didn’t want to understand people of another race.

The entire point Tubularsock was making was intolerance toward “others” is what Blacks have had to put up with and the Black blogger attacking another group is exactly what Blacks have had done to them.

The Black blogger’s response echoed the Aryan Brotherhood shout-down from Tubularsock’s past, but this time it was a Black blogger and Black commenters calling Tubularsock a “pink assed motherfucker”, “an idiot and a fool” and “a sick racist”!

And the topper, “hermaphrodite dude”!

So, from “nigger lover” to “hermaphrodite dude”. Is this some kind of life progression? Tubularsock doesn’t seem to know what it quite means yet. But for sure over all these years Tubularsock hasn’t stood still! Name calling and innuendo as if we were on a playground running “The Dozens” is a little childish for adult dialogue. The spectacle of hate directed toward the messenger is alive and well!




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So the lack of compassion for other people’s problems because you think you have the ultimate pain, and the belief that  discrimination against YOU is worse than the discrimination and pain experienced by other groups: This is a blindness. It’s insane to debate who has suffered more pain through discrimination and intolerance throughout history and into the present — Blacks, Jews, Indigenous peoples, homosexuals, gypsies, fat people, Muslims . . . the list is endless!

The question that needs to be addressed is the mindset that leads to intolerance of, discrimination against, and the outright murder against “others”.

This is not to minimize the horrid, grotesque conditions and demeaning atrocities of slavery or of genocide or gas chambers but groups that have endured that kind of torment should be the last people to condemn and demean others. Standing against the integrity and freedom of people to be as they are and condemn them because you don’t understand why they are “that” way is the recipe for this violence to continue.

It is way past time to embrace a solidarity against intolerance, not to fight over whose pain and degradation wins the prize for being the worst. Hell, when it happens to YOU …… you get it and why on earth would you want to pass it on to others?

This can lead to and has led to the “divide and conquer” tactic of those who continue to stir up minorities against each other so that the power structure can maintain control. It is an age old colonial tactic which has been very effective.

It is INTOLERANCE that needs to end: This thinking that “They are not like me and so there is something inherently wrong with them”.

Life is a projection and what you put out is what you receive back at you.

You can open to loving or you can open to hate.
You can open to tolerance or you can open to intolerance.




