Tube:Kerry real?


Screen Shot 2012-07-21 at 11.55.56 PM



  1. donzo442 says:

    Did you drone the whitey’s house? You know, cause there’s this big hub-bub about crashed drones on the whitey’s house lawn…


    • tubularsock says:

      Don, Tubularsock can not tell a lie …….. yes. And it did not crash as reported. It was shot down in a firefight. Lucky for Tubularsock the winds were such that gliding to the top floor corner office of the underground bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. from Oakland, CA was a breeze if I can use that expression. All’s good now ……. having my martini, shaken not stirred.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. No, sorry to disappoint you, Tube. He’s not for real. I never used to believe in UFO abductions before Kerry started behaving so strangely. I do now. That seems to be the only plausible explanation.


    • tubularsock says:

      Wow DrB, Tubularsock felt it but with your knowledgeable expertise that substantiates the facts, well it’s clear. A UFO abduction/replacement. HA! Same old story ……. same as it ever was. Thanks for the insiders info.


  3. It would seem that the alien that took over John Kerry is in the process of skipping out on him because his face is collapsing and imploding. Pretty soon, it is going to completely melt and pool down around his shoes and all that will be left is the empty suit that IS John Kerry. The ‘alien’ will have left its host. That fucker ain’t for real, for real!


    • tubularsock says:

      Ah yes, the imploding face ……. thanks Shelby ……. it is the first sign of an existing alien. But that empty suit is worth $2800. without him in it and the shoes run about $1200. Tubularsock may be able to pick them up for a song at the Alien Thrift Store. “For Real!”


  4. sojourner says:

    A friend now refers to John Kerry as “Lurch,” as in The Addams Family butler, for those not familiar.

    I think it fits! He needs to sue his plastic surgeon!


    • tubularsock says:

      sojourner THAT IS SO FUCKING TRUE! Tell your friend that he is spot on. Your friend could be a talent scout. That is so funny. Tubularsock will forever now view Kerry that way. Wow, power of suggestion …… thank him for Tubularsock. That is just so perfect.


  5. Jeff Nguyen says:

    I’ve always said that Kerry is two packets short of a ketchup bottle.


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