Posts Tagged ‘al Qaeda’

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar — Thank You.


Now let Tubularsock get this straight.

OrangeTweet, the brainless wonder, is attempting to promote the idea that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is somehow tied into 9/11 because she is a Muslim?

And the scum-level of the likes of Half-Aborted-Baby Donnie Jr. and the silly FoxLies & Friends host Brian Kilmeade are making a deal out of Omar’s statement about 9/11 when she said, “Some people did something”?

Well some people did do something! Orange Dump on 9/11 even before the dust cleared said in his charming sensitive way in a WWOR radio interview that because of the twin towers falling HE now had the tallest building in “downtown Manhattan”!

And as to be expected Dump was WRONG even with that! His building wasn’t! No surprise there.

Brian even went as far as questioning whether Omar, a Somali refugee, was “An American first” in her loyalty.

Ilhan Omar was born in 1981.

When Congresswoman Omar was two years old, “some people did something”, Ronald Reagan and his CIA were just starting to arm and train the Mujahadin fighters who morphed later into the Taliban and into Al-Qaeda by 1988.

And on 9/11, “some people did something” by doing NOTHING, and allowed 9/11 to happen!

And “some people did something” with the money backing from the Saudi Royal Family providing funding for the attack and with 15 of the 19 hijackers being Saudi is a major something!

And “some people did something” as in the Saudi Embassy sending two Saudi agents, posing as students, to test airline security prior to 9/11. (FBI reports)

And “some people did something” when Shrub directed his FBI to help put all well connected Saudis on jets and send them out of the U.S. WITHOUT even questioning ANY of them.

WOW! Sure looks to Tubularsock like “some people did something”!



And now, “some people are doing something” as OrangeTweet and Jared arranged to SELL Saudi Arabia the ability, in the future, to build an atomic bomb!

Ahhhhhhh …….. and Brian Kilmeade is asking if Congresswoman Omar is “An America Firster!” Shitttttt ………..!
Brian was kidding, right?

Oh Tubularsock forgot. Brian and the rest of Foxlies & Friends have their heads up there asses so far that the light of day is still a mystery to them.

And Mike Pompeo is running around worrying about Iran having an atomic bomb which to date they don’t.

But hell, NOW THEY WILL!

And we can thank OrangeDump as “the person that did something”!

And as expected, IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!

It appears that with Dump and Pompeo they will bring about another Pompeii but this time instead of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius it will only be an atomic chain reaction!

“America First” Are they fucking NUTS?

THAT is a rhetorical question!






Do you ever get that “feeling” that you have seen this before?

Well Tubularsock calls it WARJÀ VU.

It is that “Here we go again moment”.

 George W. Bush promised a humble foreign policy with no nation building:

“If we don’t stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we’re going to have a serious problem coming down the road. And I’m going to prevent that.” (Candidate Bush)

He criticized the Clinton-Gore Administration for being too interventionist.


                                      Barack Obama spoke out against the impending war in Iraq in the fall of 2002 and in 2004 questioned the Bush administration’s management of the Iraq War, and highlighted America’s obligations to its soldiers.


As Ivo Daalder, a former National Security Council official under President Clinton who later headed up a team advising Obama on nonproliferation issues, put it, “There’s a feeling that this is a guy who’s going to help us transform the way America deals with the world.”

AND YET, Obama pursued similarly imperialistic policies to those of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
In fact, if you are counting Obama out did Bush in bombing and killing!

Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia.

Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria.


“I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital V,” he thundered. “The world must know that we do not go abroad in search of enemies.” (candidate Trump)

Trump’s view  of the Iraq War BEFORE he was President:

*** March 2007 interview on CNN (“Declare victory and leave”)

*** 2008 interview with British GQ (“First, I’d get out of Iraq right now”)

*** 2011 interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan where Trump said he’d get US troops in Iraq “out real fast.”

Donald Trump promised an America First foreign policy that would shrink the US role on the world stage and spend more money at home than abroad.


1. Sending more American troops to Afghanistan.
no timetable for when those troops would come home.

2. Syria, where Trump has deployed sizable numbers of American combat forces and directly attacked the military of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

3. Iraq, Trump has not only dispatched hundreds of new US troops to the country but has also put them closer to the front lines and given them more freedom to bombard targets from the air.

4. In Yemen, elite US special operations forces are conducting ground assaults while the US wages an increasingly brutal air campaign against

Trump even mused about sending the US military into Venezuela, though he didn’t offer any explanation of why or what their mission would be.

This is the exact opposite of what many of Trump’s core supporters had expected. And same went for Obama and Bush!

And here is the key:

We have never left the neoconservative foreign policy paradigm that the U.S. must dominate the world. And that is where regime change comes into play.

So these continuous wars that we find ourselves in, REGARDLESS OF THE FEELINGS OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, are due to a pre-fixed program of American domination.

And no matter which Party or what the President says about being AGAINST WAR, they are not.

Yet the public falls for it time after time.

As Zbigniew Brzezinski expressed, “Most Americans are close to total ignorance about the world. They are ignorant. That is an unhealthy condition in a country in which foreign policy has to be endorsed by the people if it is to be pursued. And it makes it much more difficult for any president to pursue an intelligent policy that does justice to the complexity of the world.”

So the way the ignorant citizen is directed into this false and dangerous foreign policy is by “false-flag” actions such as the Gulf of Tonkin and the 9/11.

Because an external enemy threat has been the tool to keep the citizens in line even when they are opposed to continuous wars.



John Bolton is so conservative that he, years ago, had fallen off the “right” end of the conservative spectrum into the lunatic fringe.

He believes that a first strike against North Korea and Iran would be acceptable.

He falls in with the Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz crowd that brought us the Iraq War.


Yes, not only delusional but just plain stupid in the dangerous way.

And Trump has appointed him his National Security Advisor.


Trump has appointed her the new Director of the CIA.

She not only condones torture but oversaw a black-site in Thailand for the purpose of torturing prisoners.

And on top of BEING A WAR CRIMINAL for that she also prepared the cable granting permission to destroy tapes with an industrial shredder of the interrogation sessions of terror detainees.

This was done after the CIA had been instructed NOT TO destroy the tapes.

The direction to prepare the cable granting destruction of evidence was given by Jose Rodriguez, director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center.

And is the classic case of “just following orders” from Gina.


And it will.

Which leads us to THE NEXT FALSE FLAG EVENT.

It is necessary to galvanize the American Public into supporting a war or wars they really don’t want.

Wouldn’t it be fun if Tubularsock was WRONG?

Sadly, he’s not. You’ll see.



Raise your hand if you support terrorism.

Well, did you raise your hand?

Well if you are an American citizen you do. Because your elected representatives do and because they “on paper” represent you. So the ayes have it!

Now this 4th of July you’ll hear a lot of Human Shit from the Horses Asses that go off to Congress to REPRESENT YOU.

So if you do support terrorism then you can praise that they are doing their job and all is good in hypocriteville.

But if that Congressman, Congresswoman or President goes on and on and on and blah, blah, blahs about 9/11 and the terrorism that we must fight and fear then all that is,  well ……. it is just silly blather and posturing BULL SHIT!



Congress is refusing to pass a bill agreeing to stop funding terrorists. And that is all you need to know. That is the BOTTOM LINE! That means that WE DO SUPPORT TERRORISTS, period. End of argument!

Senator Rand Paul has introduced a bill in the Senate called The “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”. He has NO co-sponsors.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard introduced a bill in the House called The “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”. She has only 14 co-sponsors.

The fact is the U.S. DOES SUPPORT terrorists all over the world and to act like we don’t is just a LIE. And if you didn’t understand or believe it before, your very own Congress has just spelled it out to you in black and white. (Or should that be red, white, and blue?) DO YOU FUCKING GET IT YET, AMERICA? Once again you are being played, chumps!

The fact that we supply ISIS and al Qaeda directly and indirectly through Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey is not news to anyone. We have been doing it all along. We even helped to create both groups because of our short term goals and our long term failures. And it really isn’t even hidden IF YOU LOOK. The information isn’t even secret but alas, one does have to look.

Ok! Stop and think about this. Bush, Obama and Trump sold and agreed to sell in the future billions of dollars of arms to Saudi Arabia. Yet Saudi Arabia supported the terrorists that hit us on 9/11! And funded the operations according to U.S. investigations.

Bush, Obama and Trump have and will sell millions of dollars of arms to Turkey even though they support terrorists. And have for years.

Qatar, during Trump’s Middle Eastern trip was praised for being a loyal and faithful ally of the United States, but a week later Trump joined the Gulf States in condemning Qatar as a hotbed of terrorist support, and a week later allowed a $12 billion agreement to sell Qatar as many as 36 F-15 jets.

All of these countries are involved with ISIS and al Qaida support yet WE SUPPORT THEM with military supplies!

We know that THEY SUPPORT ISIS AN AL QAEDA – – – – so what gives?

What gives is that the United States supports terrorism! And this support is part of U.S. foreign policy and has been for years.

There is a plan BUT YOU, the citizen, have been deceived.

The problem is that most Americans only get their information from the maimed-stream-media and THAT “NEWS” is just fantasy-land! And has ALWAYS been. American’s have over their life times been led to believe that our news outlets provide “real” news. With “real” facts but with just a tiny bit of effort you can see how false that idea really happens to be. But rather than looking into it most people spend their time defending the falsehood of the “free press”. It is managed-press which is just propaganda.

Hell, don’t take Tubularsock’s word for it ………… LOOK! Then get back to Tubularsock on the subject.



Tubularsock has been studying mating dance rituals to develop Tubularsock’s NEW THEORY ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY.

For one reason it is just a “click-bate” technique to trick people into reading about American “relations” with North Korea. Yes, there is a lot of fucking around!

Have you ever wonder why North Korea ALWAYS seems to want to provoke it’s neighbors by sending off missiles into the, ahhh ocean?

Now at first it may seem odd Tubularsock admits. But it really isn’t when you look at the REGULAR SCHEDULED EVENT. It’s springtime again.

Every spring North Korea’s neighbors (South Korea and Japan) along with our very own antagonist, the United States join together to play WAR GAMES off the coast of North Korea ……… Every fucking spring!

And when your neighbors tend to run their bombers and their battleships and their missile launchers up and down your coast with a “play-like” attack scenario, well it just may APPEAR aggressive. Don’t you think?

But somehow ALL the news outlets lead with stories like NORTH KOREA THREATEN NEIGHBORS WITH RENEWED MISSILE LAUNCH. Well, no shit Dick Tracy!

Or better yet, NBC banners, “North Korea Threatens U.S. With Nuclear Strike Over War Games!”

And of course Arms Sales To The Region increase and so does the rhetoric of just how “CRAZY” Kim Jong Un happens to be to “threaten” his neighbors. And it is left that HE’S the “crazy-one”!

YAWN ……………..

A different side of the same coin is all that American military buildup along the boarder between Poland and Russia and then promoting the idea that Russia is so aggressive!





The United States has 735 (2005) known military bases around the globe but this number fluctuates a great deal. The number changes by the U.S. military changing the definition of what constitutes a “military base”. And the presence of “military personal” has different definitions at different times such as using “Special Operations” and other forces.

Those special categories are almost certainly operating from undisclosed locations which the size is unknown.

And the “drone operations” have a variety of “bases” some unknown.

So it is a numbers game but there is no question that the U.S. has far more military bases outside its boarders than any other country in the world by a factor of 33 and a third!

One just might interpret that as a bit “aggressive” and the end result is a lot of animosity toward the U.S. even from it’s “allies”.

It is an infrastructure for war but our propaganda is such that we are a “peace loving nation” with the caveat that you “believe it or we’ll kill you”!

It really should be obvious by even the brain dead that all this shit is made up! It only exists if the United States goes out and “kicks the dog” so to speak.

And in order to insure Arm Sales we’ll poke anybody!

Oh, and you thought we were doing it to protect ourselves and bring democracy to the peoples of the world.




Plain lunacy is distinguished from complex lunacy by the fact that one does not need a protractor to figure it out. Remember protractors? Tubularsock has three. One plastic, one metal, and one wood. The wooden one is by far the best to keep Tubularsock “grounded” while working with complex lunacy. But fear not. We aren’t going there today.

Plain lunacy is recognized by a commodity known as “common sense” which in today’s world is in very short supply. And due to that let Tubularsock give you an example.

It is “common sense” that if you stand in quick sand you sink. And yet mankind has conducted wars between one another from the beginning of time sinking deeper and deeper and yet finding the only solution is to conduct another one and another one and another one, ad nauseam.

The thing about “common sense” is it is organic by nature and that may be why it is in such short supply while living within the GMO corporate-industrial-military-security-psyop-complex. Matrix for short!

Now none of this is even new to any of you. Nor to Tubularsock. But it all came crashing back like a nightmarish dream during Orange-Tweet’s “presidential?” speech to Congress.

Much of the PRESS praised Orange-Tweet for SOUNDING so Presidential. Which only means that Orange-Tweet read his speech from a teleprompter and that the speech was written by somebody else with the knowledge of the key and appropriate PLATITUDINAL-BULL-SHIT that is uttered by every other President that has given speeches to the nation.

And a complete and utter moron could give you a synopsis of all that was ludicrous about that speech but Tubularsock will just provide only ONE point that is ALWAYS one of the best tricks out of a BS-magic show.

Parading out the grieving widow! THE HEIGHT OF BULL SHIT MAGNIFICO!

At this point let Tubularsock just say that this entire “show” was really at the expense of Carryn Owens, the bereaving widow who had just lost her husband. For her, the intensity of pain was palpable and very sad.


However it appears in this photo that the VERY BRAVE GENERALS were more “shocked” by her behavior of showing emotion than having any emotion of loss themselves. They’ll go home to their wives and instruct their drivers what time to pick them up in the morning to return to the Pentagon to plan more death and destruction based on existential fear! Ass holes all!



The use by Orange Tweet and the Generals of an intense display of the TRUTH OF WAR they, as always, attempt to give us all that total crap about just how BRAVE, COURAGEOUS, SELFLESS, HEROIC WARRIOR dead Owens was and added to that the embarrassing shit about “. . . battling against terrorism and securing our nation.”

WELL NO! Thirty-six year-old Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, was mislead. Unfortunately Owens believed that he was serving and protecting his country. As delusional unfortunately that happens to be in this case. In most in truth!


Tubularsock wonders if Owens EVER even thought what the fuck was he protecting us from while shooting up  Yemen?

No! Owens, according to The Chicago Times, dreamed of becoming a SEAL since he was in high school and enlisted right after high school. The perfect age for stupidity! No thinking there!

Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens was a dupe, just cannon fodder, and now dead Owens has to be pumped up with empty meaningless adulation so as the next stupid high school student will want to throw his life away as well!

THERE IS NO GLORY IN KILLING OTHER PEOPLE ……….. PERIOD. There is absolutely nothing courageous or brave or selfless or heroic. It is just extrajudicial murder and one who carries it out is just a murderer plain and simple.

As so well stated in The Americanization of Emily, a 1964 movie about WW2, Lt. Cmdr. Charles E. Madison (James Garner) says: “We shall never end wars, Mrs. Barham, by blaming it on the ministers and generals, or warmongering imperialists, or all the other banal bogeys. It’s the rest of us who build statues to those generals and name boulevards after those ministers. The rest of us who make heroes of our dead and shrines of our battlefields. We wear our widow’s weeds like nuns, Mrs. Barham, and perpetuate war by exalting its sacrifices.”

Now there is no question that “Ryan” Owens “bought into” the “serving your country crap”. Tubularsock has no argument with the protection of one’s country. The argument comes when it IS OUR COUNTRY that is the aggressor to other countries.

Afghanistan NEVER attacked the United States!

Iraq NEVER attacked the United States!

Libya NEVER attacked the United States!

Vietnam NEVER attacked the United States!

And by far not the last example, Yemen NEVER attacked the United States!

So just exactly WHO was Owens and the pack of Chicken-Shit-Navy-SEALS murderers protecting? Definitely not you or Tubularsock! Or for that matter any American citizen.

Yemen? American military killing people in Yemen? What the fuck?


Wonder why?

Well, it is simple really. Let Tubularsock return to the “common sense” of Plain Lunacy.

Never arm lunatics with guns!

You should remember that there was no such thing as al-Qaeda until the U.S. created them to fight the Russians in Afghanistan back under the Reagan and Carter Administrations.

And even to this day the U.S. government keeps pushing that IT’S THE TERRORISTS, IT’S THE TERRORISTS, IT’S THE TERRORISTS but the U.S. government keeps arming them.

Whether it’s Shrub, Step-En-Fetch-It, or Small-Hands-Orange-Tweet each have continued to provide arms and support to the terrorists.

They all keep repeating that battling against terrorism and securing our nation is our goal sooooooooo,


Oh, unless there is another agenda that is not being stated to the American public, an agenda that Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens and so many others have literally “fallen for”. But rest assured SOMEBODY PROFITS!

And speaking about Americans there was another American citizen killed in this raid in Yemen. And that was 8-year-old Nawar (Nora) who was visiting her mother when the raid took place. She was one of the 24 civilians killed by the American “brave” SEAL murderers.


Of course there is always an answer. US Air Force colonel John Thomas said: “Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has a horrifying history of hiding women and children within militant operating areas and terrorist camps, and continuously shows a callous disregard for innocent lives. That’s what makes cases like these so especially tragic.”

But here is the problem with all that ……… THEY LIVE THERE!

US Air Force colonel John Thomas doesn’t!

It is like all those 100’s of thousands of civilians that guys like US Air Force colonel John Thomas napalmed in Vietnam. Burning them alive! They were all in there with the Vietcong ….. Remember?


It is the fucking brain dead like US Air Force colonel John Thomas that attacked them in THEIR COUNTRY!

That is like saying that all the people that died in the Twin Towers on 9/11 were in those buildings because of the horrifying history of capitalists showing callous disregard for innocent lives.


But that isn’t the entire story.
Nawar (Nora), was the 8-year-old daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Yemeni-American cleric killed in a targeted U.S. drone strike in Yemen in 2011. A strike ordered by Obummer. Anwar al-Awlaki too was an American citizen born in New Mexico.


And Obummer has never commented publicly on the targeted drone strike that accidentally killed Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old American boy and the son of al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki in 2011. The teenager, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who was born in Denver in 1995.


So so much for “protecting Americans”!

All this death and destruction was approved over dinner five days after the presidential inauguration by Orange-Tweet and his closest advisers.

Oh don’t worry, Tweet-boy didn’t lose any sleep over it and by using Carryn Owens as a propaganda prop it just showed better on TV! You see the Orange-Tweet could not help but brag that his words “. . . had inspired the hugest, greatest standing ovation ever, so long and loud, it’ll make your head spin. Believe me.”



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Ok, ok ……….

We’re not friends. Step-and-Fetch-It-Obama the out going puppet of the FWRM (fat, white, rich, men) and Tubularsock belong to different clubs.

So when Barack contacted Tubularsock to “take a meeting” with him, well ………

It only meant one thing …… Barack needed a fall guy and Biden couldn’t do it because he may be headed for a post in Killary’s Administration.


You may not recall but Tubularsock early in Barack’s Administration held the cabinet post of Secretary of the Inferior and was extremely popular.

Don’t recall: News Before It Happens …. Secretary of the Inferior, Missing!

Anyway, the bottom line is that Barack has asked Tubularsock not to bring up the fact that:

Guantanamo is still open for business.

The war in Afghanistan still continues.

The war in Iraq still continues.

The war in Libya still continues.

And Barack has added to that

The war in Syria AND

The war in Yemen AND

Starting in 2014 Barack carried out 674 military missions across Africa. And by
2016, you do the math!

And then add the special ops raids, the drone strikes, the “training missions” and the African Continent is well covered with American killers.

And all this has been accomplished by a Nobel Peace Prize Winner!


*** Political tactical note: this is called a pivot. A pivot is when one shifts the focus from the point of the discussion to a false narrative. (This was a Tubularsock teaching moment)




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Tubularsock is having trouble with the numbers. When Tubularsock adds up all the ISIS, IS, ISIL  fighters and their Toyota pickups and add that number to all of The Free Syrian Army members who don’t even exist and put those numbers with the numbers of The Syrian Revolutionary Front and taking that total and adding in the Islamic Front and the number of members of the al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and of course adding in the Kurds and taking that total and adding in the American “boots on the ground”, the Turkish “boots on the ground”, and the Saudi “boots on the ground”, taking the total of the “boots on the ground” number and dividing by two for obvious reasons, Tubularsock has accomplished not only an extreme run-on sentence but a number larger than the population of Syria!

This may be the exact reason why there is such a huge uptick in Syrian refugees going to Europe. There is just not room for regular people to remain in Syria any longer. That and perhaps being bombed and killed everyday.

Now if you take the numbers of Assad’s army and add in the the Russian “boots on the ground” and the Iranian “boots on the ground” and taking the square root of that total and dividing into the massive number of “Freedom Fighters” well ……..

We have a mess. So after four plus years now it has been discussed that Syria may be able to sit in on negotiations of this “conflict” without eliminating their government beforehand as the U.S. had wanted.

Tube pawns burn

But far more important to Tubularsock is, what ever happened to George-The-Lessor’s famous dictum …… “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”?

George-The-Lessor never made a distinction between the really “worst of the worst” terrorists (except all the ones he and Cheney tortured in Guantanamo) and the “moderately nice” terrorists. George said TERRORISTS! And if “you” aren’t with “us” then, well . . .  .

But now that the “decider” has been away from the Presidential Desk for almost eight years American Foreign has gone to shit. The Black-guy just hasn’t worked out all that well.


Well, he supports TERRORISTS and therefore is against us ……….. obviously!

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There is nothing like a well thought out plan when you are dealing with people of the world that don’t tend to have an appreciation of the nuance of the United States’ process of bombing the fuck out of their respective countries and removing their leaders and establishing LAW & ORDER American Style.

Most likely these people just don’t speak English!

And the conclusion from the American political front and the American freeless press hence therefore the American brain-dead public —- IT’S THE RUSSIANS!

Now there is a kind-of-a-rule for people with sense that if you climb over an 8′ chain-link fence and go over and kick the pitbull that there will be ensuring problems.

No really, it doesn’t take a Philadelphia-lawyer to figure this out!

And yet, somehow escalation is “blowing in the wind”!

 Escalation tube

Oh, do you speak English?


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It’s All For A Gas Line, Stupid!

News from TTOS (The Tubularsock Observation Satellite) which Tubularsock purchased from Radio Shack has just reported back from “somewhere over Syria” that the Russians have increased their presence in that area.

Now of course this move is for humanitarian purposes to attack ISIS just like the U.S., Turkey, and the Saudis. Wow, that ISIS must be some formidable force!

Side note: Russia is the only country out of the four that hasn’t financially assisted and provided guns, bombs, supplies and training to ISIS ………. Stop and think about this …. no really, think about this! Does that seem a little counter productive? So why is that?

The Assad Government is reaching a tipping point due to fighting a three front war against forces that want to overthrow the Syrian government. And Russia has substantially attempted to support Assad but from a distance.

The facts on the ground have shifted forcing Russia to enter the conflict directly. And directly meaning sending in Russian jets, attack helicopters and pilots and the Russian military.

The U.S. response to the Russian move being voiced by Josh Earnest (Obummer’s PR man) stated, “Any {Russian} military support to the Assad regime for any purpose, whether it’s in the form of military personnel, aircraft supplies, weapons, or funding, is both destabilising and counterproductive.”

Of course no one in the White House Press Pool ask the obvious question,“destabilising and counterproductive.” for whom?

You see, the bottom line is really simple. As long as the U.S. can keep this area of the world destabilized then the land rights to the most important gas pipeline in decades can be blocked from Russia.

The Wall Street Journal in July 2011 reported that a new Middle East pipeline, changing the geopolitical complexion of the region had been agreed upon between Iran, Iraq, and Syria. It was a $10 Billion Gas-Pipeline Deal!

And with Russia acting as shipper and liaison with its established European energy market via its energy giants, Gazprom and Rosneft, Russia’s role as the EU’s leading natural gas and oil supplier would be enhanced by the Syrian pipeline.

So what you have to eliminate from your mind is that the United States, the prime supplier of weapons and support to the “moderate-terrorists” as well as ISIS, is NOT doing all this to HELP THE SYRIAN PEOPLE OBTAIN DEMOCRACY by replacing Assad. 

business deal

little boy dead on beach

not last

For more background:


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THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG: a bin Laden story.

Now everyone knows when it comes to fowl stories Tubularsock is on top of his game. Some even go as far as to say that Tubularsock is for the birds. Whatever!

Tubularsock just loves a good story and as luck would have it it is, THE SAME OLD STORY.


So let’s start at the beginning.

Mohammed bin Laden and his tenth wife Hamida al-Attas fucked and had little Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden.(an interesting fun fact is that Bin Laden’s name was as long as his 6’ 4” body when he became an adult. Could that have been some kind of sign?)

Osama’s dad had 58 children from 22 wives but as Sharia Law requires he only had four wives at a time. Damn rules!

Now like any good Moslem dad Mohammed divorced Hamida soon after Osama was born. ( Which may or may not tell us something about what Bin Laden was like as a baby.)

And Bin Laden’s mother then married a man named Muhammad al-Attas, who worked at the bin Laden company. (Sure, Tubularsock wonders just how many of the 22 wives ended up with bin Laden company employees. Just one big happy family. Just imagine the Christmas party, oops.)

Ok. Let’s fast forward ……… is this fun or what?

There is enough agreement that Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was born. In fact Tubularsock has not seen any documentation to date to question that this did not occur.

The problem? How did, when did, and who did die and was it bin Laden at all. There’s the rub!

So what is clear is bin Laden was born from there on, a story but “facts” ….. NOT SO MUCH!

It has been reported that Osama was 6’4” or maybe 6’6” tall. Or maybe less. It occurred to Tubularsock that math and measurement was an early achievement of the Arab World but no one even thought about getting out a measuring rod?

Remember The Navy Seals AFTER THE SUPPOSED KILLING of Bin in his bedroom laid down beside his crumpled bloody body to judge how tall he was ….. wow, those Navy Seals are kinky fuckers and none-too bright.

With all the equipment that they carry no one thought a measuring tape could be handy? Very poor planning if you ask Tubularsock. (you may have noticed no one has asked Tubularsock)

And after the unarmed old man in his bathrobe is blown apart by massive gun fire THEN they start to wonder if it was Bin or not? (side note to self: don’t hang out with Navy Seal bat-shit-nut cases)

In terms of personality, bin Laden was described as a soft-spoken, mild mannered, left handed man who used a cane.

Because Bin never exhibited any Fred Astaire moves it was assumed the cane was for health reasons. His bodyguard CONTENDED Soviet chemical weapons were to blame for his malady but reporters SPECULATED that kidney disease was the cause.

The CIA BELIEVED that bin Laden had Marfan syndrome or kidney disease.(Wright, Lawrence. The Looming Towern. New York: Vintage, 2006.)

The CIA THOUGHT that the possibility of kidney disease was credible. They concluded that bin Laden did not need dialysis, but does suffer from kidney stones.(Robert Windrem. “CIA is looking for a few good doctors.” NBC News, Dec. 29, 2004.)

On July 1, 2002, Time Magazine reported “. . . that physicians who analyzed photos of bin Laden determined that he PROBABLY suffers from secondary osteoporosis, which is often related to diabetes and kidney trouble”. (“Bin Laden Alive as of Late December”, Reuters; Sun Jun 30, 2002.)

Are you getting the picture? CONTENDED, SPECULATED, BELIEVED, THOUGHT, PROBABLY these are descriptive words for we don’t know shit about bin Laden’s true health condition.

Tube science rockets

Now David Ray Griffin, who Tubularsock has very high regard for concluded that Osama bin Laden died in late 2001 or 2002. But when you look closely at Griffin’s claims his evidence is based on rather weak information, if you ask Tubularsock. (you may have noticed no one has asked Tubularsock)

David Ray Griffin states the following five things from his article “Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?” to show that Bin Laden is dead:

“1. The CIA up until mid-December 13, 2001, had regularly been intercepting messages between bin Laden and his people. At that time, however, the messages suddenly stopped, and the CIA has never again intercepted a message. (maybe he figured out he was being listened to?)

 2. On December 26, 2001, a leading Pakistani newspaper published a story reporting that bin Laden had died in mid-December. ( oh! a leading Pakistani newspaper, then it must be true)

 3. Osama bin Laden had kidney disease. He had been treated for it in the American  Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, at which time he REPORTEDLY ordered two dialysis machines to take home. (see below)

 4. In July of 2002, CNN reported that bin Laden’s bodyguards had been captured in February of that year, adding: “Sources believe that if the bodyguards were captured away from bin Laden, it is likely the most-wanted man in the world is dead.” (maybe they were on break)

 5. The United States has since 2001 offered a $25 million reward for any information leading to the capture or killing of bin Laden. But this reward offer has produced no such information.” (until now)

But when you look at all five of these examples and follow them out they are all based on conjecture NOT HARD FACTS. Even Number 3, the Dubai hospital information can be called into question if you look at it.

The one reported “fact” that bin Laden was in the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001 and according to CBS News “. . . was being given kidney dialysis treatment in a hospital in Pakistan . . . the night before the 9/11 attacks” was first reported by the French newspaper Le Figaro.

The story was drawn from a leak from French intelligence (according to The Guardian) and not only provided bin Laden’s hospital visit but also the story that the CIA Bureau Chief “. . . was seen in the lift, on his way to see Bin Laden, and later, it is alleged, boasted to friends about his contact. He was recalled to Washington soon afterwards”.

The hospital “emphatically” denied that bin Laden was admitted to the hospital and the CIA denied that their bureau chief visited. Oh gosh, just who can one believe?

And then there is the kidney dialysis treatment itself.

CNN reporting on Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, speculation that bin Laden had likely died of kidney failure was then supported by CNN’s medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta who proceeded to evaluate A VIDEO with some earlier photos of bin Laden and concluded “. . . that he appeared to be in the last stages of kidney failure”.

From this Tubularsock would not go on record that bin Laden died in 2001 or in 2014 either. But what is clear is that whatever story the United States Government comes up with will be and is A LIE. That is the only FACT Tubularsock can draw from all of this bullshit.

Oh, but there’s more ……. wouldn’t you know.

According to Salon, in the article, The Many Deaths of Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011 Justin Elliott writes:

“The false reports of Osama bin Laden’s death began almost immediately after Sept. 11, 2001, and persisted at a rate of at least once or twice a year, every year. The reports — generated by (usually anonymous) statements by American officials and a dizzying array of foreign sources — often generated international headlines.

Here’s a sampling:

July, 2002 FBI counterterrorism chief Dale Watson tells a law enforcement conference of bin Laden: “I personally think he is probably not with us anymore, but I have no evidence to support that.”

August,2002 Popular conspiracy-mongering radio host Alex Jones announces, citing high-level Bush administration sources, “that bin Laden died of natural causes and that his family has given the body to the CIA.” Jones added, “they’re gonna roll him out right before the election, he’s on ice right now.”

May, 2003 French military analyst announces that bin Laden was killed in an American air raid in Tora Bora shortly after the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

February, 2004 Iranian Radio reports that bin Laden was captured in the Afghan-Pakistan border area “a long time ago” — but the official announcement was delayed because “Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election.”

April, 2002 The Israeli press picks up an account from a radical Muslim London newspaper: “We now report that the al-Qaeda organization has announced the death of Osama Bin Laden.”

September, 2006 French intel document says that Saudis believe bin Laden had died of typhoid in Pakistan.

June, 2008 Citing two unnamed officials, Time magazine reports that a recent CIA study has concluded bin Laden has long-term kidney disease and “may only have months to live.”

April, 2009 Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari tells the media that his country’s intel services “obviously feel that [bin Laden] does not exist anymore”’

But even here Justin Elliott shows bias by starting off his report with “The false reports of Osama bin Laden’s death . . .”

An interesting link that Tubularsock found in these travels to find bin Laden is:

You will discover here that Osama bin Laden has spent more time dead than living. Which in itself is an amazing feat for this amazing man.

So all the attack toward Seymour Hersh and his article on the re-death of bin Laden on May 11, 2011 is just another bin Laden death. The only thing it lacks is the Dairy Queen sightings with Elvis.

But it could be the true death of bin Laden or it could just as easily NOT be his final death.

So it might be helpful for a quick “fill in the blanks” historically for you and this little video made by Tubularsock in 2007 may help you recall what all this Afghanistan business was all about.

