tube-letter-skate-headingSWAMP GAS PERSONIFIED!

“Draining The Swamp” ………… Now there is a catchy campaign slogan. It would have to be ranked within the top ten best campaign slogans of all time. Right up there with “Peace In Our Time” and “I Am Not A Crook”!

And the best thing about campaign slogans are NO ONE BELIEVES them but everybody BELIEVES them.

Psychologists have a scientific term for people who “believe but don’t believe” at the same time and that term is


It really falls into the category of subliminal messaging. You know it is too good to be really true BUT you WANT IT TO BE TRUE. And then when you find you’ve been “had again” you toss it off as “just a campaign slogan” and go on with your business UNTIL NEXT TIME.

That is just how fucked-up-humans tick and the PR firms that run political campaigns as well as dog food advertising know exactly how to manipulate you ….. AND YOU KNOW IT! So you see we are right back where we started with the psychologist’s scientific term!

Now that Tubularsock has established that YOU are the problem let Tubularsock take a look at the swamp. Contrary to the urban legend, Washington D. C.  was not built on a reclaimed swamp, but wetlands did cover areas along the Potomac River. And the Tiber Creek, a natural watercourse, ran through the National Mall until the 1870’s.

So Washington was built on “low ground” or “near swamp” level so the idea of “Draining The Swamp” has had to come from the experience of shaking the hand of the first Senator you have ever met. And exponentially continues from there. Logical, yes?

Well as a result of Trump’s victory, of sorts, he has already lost his way and has gotten right on the escalator to hell but being Trump believes he is going up.

But Tubularsock will give Trump his due ……. Trump has proceeded in putting together THE CABINET OF COMEDY. And this may be the BEST EVER Apprentice-esque Show to date!

“No, really. They are the greatest, they are fantastic, they are the biggest!”

And because of their lack of intelligence in pretty much any expertise he has picked them to do they’ll do what they do best, produce SWAMP GAS! But this will be “the greatest Swamp Gas! No Swamp Gas will be as great as THE CABINET OF COMEDY’S swamp gas!”


Just you wait and see!

Rex Tillerson, Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos. THE SWAMP GAS-ETTES!

Rex Tillerson, Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos.



  1. Lara/Trace says:

    Are we thinking PITF: in 1994, the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence commissioned the Political Instability Task Force (PITF), formerly known as the State Failure Task Force, a clairvoyant-esque squad of social-scientist brainiacs charged with churning global political data into global instability forecasts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      The part Tubularsock loves about all that is that the U.S. led the charge for instability throughout the world so as to build a larger share of the CIA budget for the “brainiacs”! And by golly, their global instability forecasts were correct! Funny how that works. “If you poke a stick into enough people’s eyes ………… shit happens!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. sojourner says:

    Tube wrote:

    “Draining The Swamp” ………… Now there is a catchy campaign slogan. It would have to be ranked within the top ten best campaign slogans of all time. Right up there with “Peace In Our Time” and “I Am Not A Crook”!

    You forgot “YES WE CAN!”

    Tube wrote:

    “Now that Tubularsock has established that YOU are the problem let Tubularsock take a look at the swamp. Contrary to the urban legend, Washington D. C. was not built on a reclaimed swamp, but wetlands did cover areas along the Potomac River. And the Tiber Creek, a natural watercourse, ran through the National Mall until the 1870’s.”

    God damn, you are old, Tube, to know this for certain!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. sojourner says:

    Oh, and BTW, all of a sudden I can access your site and others again. Lucky you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      sojourner, don’t thank Tubularsock now but Tubularsock and the NSA fixed the problem for you!
      Now don’t say Tubularsock isn’t looking after your interests …. no, smile when you look into your screen!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. sojourner says:


    Pannell Beaters…

    Just to play the devil’s advocate here!


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