Tubularsock is having a little bit of trouble with this Putin-Trump-Thingee.

Now what does it tell you that Donnie and Vlad met in “secret” under “rib vaults, and flying buttresses” in The Presidential Palace’s Gothic Hall in Helsinki?

Followed by a wider working lunch in The Hall of Mirrors.

Think on this, just a moment.

The Gothic part may show that Putin has been influenced more than we have been led to believe by Pussy Riot, the feminist Russian punk-rock collective based in Moscow.

Pussy Riot may seem a little Goth at times to Vlad and Donnie’s proclivity toward grabbing pussy makes it a great reminder of the “pee-pee-tape” so as not to have to remind Donnie of Vlad’s influence. Always best unsaid though loud and clear.

And then of course ………. The Hall of Mirrors.


On the one hand there is the problem that meddling in our elections is something new and our moral high ground on this activity is ludicrous. Like we have never done this constantly to nearly every country on the globe. What was the CIA created to do anyway?

So lets get this straight, once again.

Killery DID NOT lose the election because of Russian meddling!

Killary lost the election because she IS/WAS a lying, conniving, corrupted corporate-Democrap bitch!

Plain and simple!

And the American public knew it.

Can we lay that to rest now?

And hasn’t it been convenient that Killery’s total corrupt rigging of the Democrap primary edging Bernie out has all but disappeared. EVEN BY FUCKING BERNIE!

Talking about collusion ……. fuck Bernie too!

On the other hand …….. that fucking pee-tape must be one hell of a show! There is no doubt that Vlad has got Dump by the balls! Wow, that is gross just thinking about this!


And then third …….. Tubularsock is in favor of working with the Russians and ending this neo-con cold war bull shit.

Remember back in 2009 Step-en-fetch-it-Obummer and Killery-of-state wanted to “reset” U.S. relations with Russia. So why all this backlash when Dump is going after it?

The U.S. might try something new this century and get along with others rather than attempting to control others. Tubularsock knows how unreasonable this seem to the rabid and stupid deplorables but they seem to love their Imbecile-In-Chief and with his love fest with Vlad we might get peace in our time.

Oh sure, if it all goes well Dump with get brand new hotels in Moscow AND Vladivostok and the rest of us will get sauerkraut for dinner.

Hell …… that is pretty good faire for peasants!


  1. sojourner says:

    “Tubularsock is in favor of working with the Russians and ending this neo-con cold war bull shit.”

    Me, too! Who in their right fucking mind wouldn’t be. Oh, I remember the new left, the warmongering left, the there is no left left anymore.

    Of course Putin is a dick, every rich bitch, wealth and power broker is a dick. But at least Putin a dumb fuck, lacking in knowledge of anything, ass like all of the “servants of the people” in this piece of shit!

    And I agree completely with you, Tube, on the “Russiagate” bullshit. So what if Russia did, just as you said, Tube,

    “On the one hand there is the problem that meddling in our elections is something new and our moral high ground on this activity is ludicrous. Like we have never done this constantly to nearly every country on the globe. What was the CIA created to do anyway?”

    We’ve fucked with Russia’s elections, so what’s the big whoops?! I know, as one alt reporter put it, “The US expects all other countries to do as it says, without questioning what it does, ever.”

    It’s the fucking hypocrisy I can’t deal with! Fuck the USA!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sha'Tara says:

      Damn it, Sojourner, but I like your tone of voice. If I knew how, I’d nominate both you and Tubularsock for a No Bell Piece Prize. Keep up the rants, they remind me of me about 50 years ago, and I may have been wet behind the ears but not so far off the mark either.  Yeah, fuck the USA and the murderous hypocrisy. 

      Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Sha’Tara, save the No Bell Piece Prize! It just doesn’t ring and when it does there are long distant charges ……… damn AT&T!

        Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Sha’ Tara, I always thought it was the Know-bell peace prize? As in KNOW Mr Bell and you get the peace prize.;-)

        You say they remind you of you fifty years ago. Well, that makes sense, because I am a late bloomer hater! I never loved America, I was just too busy being in love with making music.

        Now that my musical days are over, my new love is hating this fucked up government and ranting my ass off.

        And I am glad I have you and Tube, who both seem to like my rants, most folks here, think I’m a “commie pinko”, and I might just be soon, if nothing changes!


        Liked by 1 person

      • Sha'Tara says:

        This “commie pinko” thing must be an Americanism… what does it mean? Aren’t there other kinds of commies, like commie whacko? Commie blue? Commie done-for? My sweet Commie? Or that line from an old song… “Commie Rose, what’s that sickle you hold on, Is it just a rusty tool from days gone by?…

        Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Right on sojourner. However look closer at the Dick cartoon ……. inside the glasses.

      Liked by 1 person

      • sojourner says:

        I didn’t catch Trump’s reflection, Tube! In fact, I just now noticed that the guy on the right was you.

        Senility has set in, Tube! What can I tell ya?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. sojourner says:


    “…but at least Putin isn’t a dumbass…”


  3. sojourner says:

    Sorry, I forgot this:

    “The U.S. might try something new this century and get along with others rather than attempting to control others. Tubularsock knows how unreasonable this seem to the rabid and stupid deplorables but they seem to love their Imbecile-In-Chief and with his love fest with Vlad we might get peace in our time.”

    Spot on!

    Except, it is the neo-left that doesn’t want peace with Russia, even more so than the working poor (“the deplorables”).

    And another except, Tube: you and I are members of Hillary’s “deplorables”, as well. Remember, Tube, it was the working poor, “the deplorables” who built this empire from the ground up, and for the last forty years, these people have been getting fucked in the ass, dry. They have been kept in this “deplorable” state by fucking elite swine, and their stooges, Bill and bitch Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now the asshole they ignorantly trusted and voted for.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. swo8 says:

    As long as they’re taking they aren’t dropping bombs on us, much to the dismay of NOC, LMT, RTN etc.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Lou says:

    Right on Tubie, re-blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Lou, for some reason Tubularsock can’t seem to leave comments on your blog. Check it out. Been happening for some time. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lou says:

        That explains things. I’ll check it out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sha'Tara says:

        This is a comment to Lou, from Sha’Tara: remember me? Your blog has disappeared for some time; I’ve found some posts in the “junk” part of my tablet, but nothing on either this net book (using Thunderbird email here) or on my phone. I tried many times to access your blog, but I usually get a “page not found” message from WordPress or FireFox, so I can’t use the “follow” button to reactivate… are you under attack from the Deep State, buddy? (Thanks, Tube, for reminding me of this problem).

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Sha T’ara, THE DEEP STATE! That’s the answer. So Lou, fix it. Tubularsock will send you the necessary munitions through our regular channels.


  6. […] Windbag Clinton, Political science, Politics, Putin, Russia, Trumpf, USA. Leave a comment Source link Posted: July 17, […]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. sojourner says:

    Sha’Tara said,

    “This “commie pinko” thing must be an Americanism… what does it mean?”

    Yes, it is, an old one. back in the sixties, if you were against the war, many referred to you as a commie pinko, or a communist homosexual, I guess. Them damn rednecks, it was the only comeback they had!

    Loved your other commies, but especially, this one: ““Commie Rose, what’s that sickle you hold on, Is it just a rusty tool from days gone by?”

    And I’m glad you apologized. I was so hurt and dismayed (triggered) that I went looking for my safe space and teddy bear!;-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sha'Tara says:

      Thank the Great Pumpkin for that teddy bear, huh? 

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Yup! Teddy’s the bestest! But my analyst won’t let me bring him home, that is, when they let me go home!


      • Sha'Tara says:

        An old trick of mine that fools them everytime, Sojourner, is to wrap up Teddy in my favourite thumb-sucking blanket… they never suspect.

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Interesting ploy Sha’Tara.

        Tubularsock took his Thumb-Sucking-Blanket to the analyst AND it ate the analyst!

        Or was that the horror movie Tubularsock saw last night?

        Tubularsock gets so mixed up so often!


      • Sha'Tara says:

        Have you been watching too much Stephen King? You know what Fodder or Modder would say to that. I just hope your thumb-sucking blankie knows your scent by now. Maybe you should encourage it to go after NRA gun toters and politicians, either Repugnicans or Dem-o-Craps? Or would you start worrying it might get a stomach ache from their poisonous innards? Nothing’s as simple as it first seems, is it. What a quandary!


  8. tubularsock says:

    Sha’Tara with the exception of Tubularsock WE all make mistakes so be easy on yourself.

    You may want to take a lesson from sojourner and grab yourself a Russian Bear that is Pink!


  9. Sha'Tara says:

    Ooo, la la! Une petite ourse rose de Russie, que ca serait joli! Merci pour m’y faire penser! (I had to use the feminine because a male bear in French is spelled “ours” and we know that in English ours doesn’t mean bear… )

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Bien sûr, un petit ours russe rose est joli!

      (le visiteur-sojourner) n’aurait pas d’autre type.

      Heureux que tout cela vous a fait penser. Sinon, ce serait difficile à supporter!


  10. Jay says:

    Just about the only good thing in all of this is that it’s terrific fodder for you, so I’m glad to see you taking advantage.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Batt Guano says:

    Tube: such a discussion! It inspires me to a poem.

    –Oh Mother Russia…
    –Land of Czars…
    –And prison bars…
    –If the government doesn’t like your style..
    –They send you into exile…
    –To the frozen reaches of Siberia…
    –All based on totalitarian criteria..
    –Into this morass…
    –Steps America’s great horse’s ass..
    –The man with no class..
    –Our incomparable President Trump…
    –To try to give peace a bump…
    –But our intrepid Trumpian Yankee Doodle
    –ended up, according to Schwartzenegger
    –Looking like a “little wet noodle”..
    –Oh well. Mother Russia…
    –Land of Lenin, Stalin and Putin…
    –And the rest of the totalitarian bunch…
    –We congratulate you for…so effectively
    –Eating Donald’s lunch…
    –And some day when all quiets down…
    –Perhaps you’ll let us know just what you have…
    –On our orange haired clown

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      That Russian watching you from that car
      Knows now exactly who you are

      And no he’s not a friend of the czars
      That is why he has that crowbar

      And now when you bad mouth Trump
      You may get a Russian crowbar bump

      But don’t you worry, don’t you fret
      The Donald has a new hotel all set!


    • Sha'Tara says:

      Oh but he was a poet, and he didn’t know it…

      Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        “Oh but he was a poet, and he didn’t know it…”
        until he starts to flow it!

        As it runs all over his foot
        He chose to take a second look

        And found that putting words
        in funny ways

        He may return another day
        Most prefer he stay away.


  12. Batt Guano says:

    In this blog…
    I’m having a wonderful time…
    Because everybody including the great tube..
    Knows how to rhyme…

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Remember Batt,

      A rhyme in time is not worth a dime

      And a dime isn’t much
      if you need to buy lunch

      A “wonderful time” a rhyme is indeed
      And if you could get ten dollars

      you could get a pastrami with cheese


  13. Batt Guano says:

    Between you and Trump my mouth is hanging open a lot these days.

    Liked by 1 person

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