“You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world”

“You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head

You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead”
(John Lennon)

Tubularsock was just sitting around his top floor corner office in his underground bunker overlooking Washington, D.C. from Oakland, CA (see THE BUNKER TOUR) and just happened to pick up a copy of the United States Constitution in braille.

Yes indeedy-deed, in braille!

Tubularsock just happens to have a copy of the Constitution of the United States in braille because as you know in America, “justice is blind”!

And what could be more JUST than the Constitution?

Also it only takes about 12 minutes or so to read the entire thing with an additional seven minutes if you wish to read the Bill of Rights, slowly.

But it is the United States Constitution which Tubularsock wishes to draw your attention to.

You see, Bob Mueller has stated, in his recent nine minute statement about the conclusions of his 448 page Report summarized in 4 pages by Attorney General William Barr, that even though Trump DID commit a series of CRIMINAL OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE activities ol’ Bob can’t indict a sitting President for these crimes because of the Constitution.

Of course that led Tubularsock to read the Constitution! Again. NO WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION does it say ANYTHING about preventing an indictment of a sitting President for obstruction of justice!


So where did ol’ Bob come up with that bull shit?

Well there is an Executive-Justice Department RULE preventing him from indicting Trump for his obstruction of justice criminality.


This is JUST AN INTERPRETATION, by the Office of Legal Counsel of the Justice Department, of the Constitution!
The Constitution DOES NOT SAY THAT!

So the Department of Justice as well as Robert Mueller may be just FULL OF SHIT!

Now for the question:

The Department of Justice is part of the Executive Branch of the government.

How is it that THEIR interpretation in this case isn’t a conflict of interest in the legal sense?

Anyone in TubeLand know?

Tubularsock is not an expert on the law unless its breaking them.
But don’t be concerned. Tubularsock wears disguises.

So the only way for this issue to be resolved is by the Supreme Court and to give you an example how clear the Supreme Court has been on this type of issue let Judge Tubularsock present exhibit A and exhibit B.

Nixon v. Fitzgerald, a 1982 decision, the court ruled that the president had immunity from civil lawsuits arising from his actions in office.



Clinton v. Jones, a 1997 decision, the justices ruled that the president enjoyed no immunity from civil suits arising from his conduct while he was not in office.

And this too is clear.

So …….. we are back where we started:

Going back to before Nixon, the Justice Department rules that you cannot indict a sitting President …… YOU HAVE TO IMPEACH HIM!

So the catch 22 is that the Justice Department would have to disobey their own rule and indict Trump AND THEN Trump would take his case to the Supreme Court.

But that won’t happen because the Justice Department won’t indict so there is no case.

Oh sure, the Department of Justice could change their “rule” (because it is ONLY an interpretation) and then indict or the Congress could make an Amendment to the Constitution to clear this all up BUT everyone reading this right now would be dead before that process was complete.

Comforting isn’t it.

So it is not an understatement to say that THIS is a Constitutional Crisis and Impeachment is the only way to proceed to resolve the Trump problem.

And if you review Vol.2 of the Mueller Report you’ll find OVERWHELMING evidence that Trump obstructed justice. But unless Congress wants to REALLY stand up for the RULE OF LAW then no contest!

Oh, by the way ……. they all still receive their paychecks on time and their campaign contributions …….. Ahhhh, life is good!

  1. sojourner says:

    Boys and girls, can you say civil war? I live in Central Ohio, and I can tell you, if the idiots on the left impeach Trump, there will be hell to pay.

    Just sayin’. 2020 is a half year away. Why the hell impeach his fucked-up ass now, and take a chance on an uprising among the unemployed and pissed off as hell?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. swo8 says:

    Just admit it Tubularsock, we’ve been Sold Out.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. tubularsock says:

    Well sojourner, as they say …… there is NOTHING civil about war.

    And Tubularsock would join right in except he’d have to put down his frappuccino latte and pick up his AK-47 and in doing that the chances of spilling the latte before spilling blood is a major factor preventing Tubularsock from joining into the fray.

    Now sure, that’s California and not Ohio but Tubularsock just doesn’t believe that a civil war outburst will occur no matter what happens.

    Americans as a population are a lazy, passive lot easily distracted by their iPhones and reruns of Game of Thrones!

    They can’t even come out to vote every four years!

    Civil War! Don’t think so.

    Thanks for your comment and your latte is in the mail.

    Liked by 2 people

    • sojourner says:

      “They can’t even come out to vote every four years!”? Why would they? I sure as hell don’t! And I’m not alone:

      “On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, ‘If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain,’ but where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote — who did not even leave the house on Election Day — am in no way responsible for what these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created.” George Carlin

      Come on, Tube, you mean you still vote for POTUS, during the every four year farce?

      I don’t know, Tube, you may be underestimating what the once middle-working class can be driven to, if enough of what they consider to be shit keeps hitting the fan.

      As you put it, you live in California, not exactly the heartbeat of the nation, Tube. I lived there, and couldn’t believe how naive and backward the people were. This was 1981, and I was amazed at how unaware and immature most of Southern California folks were. But what can one expect from Disneyland/Hollywood hell?

      Anyway, my point was, why bother now, after three years of witch-hunting, to impeach this asshole? The pseudo-left resembles a spoiled brat doing something out of spite, rather than actually trying to enforce the law or change things for the better.

      Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Well sojourner, Carlin has a point and unless there is some type of “change” candidate to vote for then it is just peddling in place. In that case, voting is just a weight loss program!

        And there are many other things on the ballot besides the POTUS that do make change happen so voting still can be defended on those grounds alone.

        And the ballot is delivered right to Tubularsock’s bunker so how easy is that?

        As for Impeachment or not, the problem is, do you call out the criminality or do you give it a pass?

        There has been a great deal of exposure in the process and a “witch-hunt” it was not.

        To investigate wrong doing is not a “witch-hunt” but the problem is that the political-class are ALL criminals ……. there’s the rub!


        Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        That’s right! I agree! And by the way, I was just speaking of voting for POTUS and congress, not local and state issues!

        Ballot to the door, huh? if they start that here, I’ll have some kindling to use!;-)

        I’m an anarchist, Tube! What can I say! When it comes to statism of any variety, I’m a hater!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Sha'Tara says:

        To vote or not to vote? That is not the question for me, the question for me is to find a working alternative to the f****ng farce. The last time I voted was the year I ran for local council and almost made it on first time. That was in 1976 and there was still some “Hippie” influence to push for some sort of reform, or if not, some sort of change, basically any change, like “Yeah man, get those dudes out man!” The issue was “Save the Farmland” and if I’d been listening closely I would have realize my supporters just wanted space to grow their weed, man! So now I go to my Voters Anonymous meetings and introduce myself thus: Hi, I’m Sha’Tara and I’m a Voter… it’s been 44 years of stubborn resistance and I don’t regret one missed election. Thanks for your support!

        Liked by 4 people

      • sojourner says:

        Thank you for your support, my friend!

        Spot on! If you want to defeat the beast, then don’t feed it. Don’t enable it!

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Batt Guano says:

    Many of us eagerly anticipated…
    The Mueller Report…
    Because we thought..
    It would land Trump in court…
    But instead of a boon…
    To truth, justice and the American way…
    The report was more like letting air out of a balloon…
    So where do we go from here?…
    To get rid of the hated Donald
    To the ballot box next year..
    Let’s vote him out…
    And then we can dance & shout…
    And send him back to Trump Tower…
    Where pending New York state lawsuits
    Will make him quake and cower…

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Well Batt, Tubularsock is for voting him out but that is NOT going to happen if the Democraps don’t put up a candidate worth voting for!

      If they put up DumbShitBiden Trump will win hands down.

      And in that case even Tubularsock may go Orange!

      If the establishment-corporate-Democraps still haven’t looked clearly at the reality of why they lost last time THEN Donnie here we come!

      Thanks for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sha'Tara says:

        I think (I do that sometimes and it upsets folks but we are what we are) that the Democraps are in the pay of the Repugnicans via the Deep State Pockets which reward those who give them what they want. The Democraps are in it for themselves, of course, even the naive ones with visions of sugar plum cookies past election time. Sanders, if he were 30 years younger would have made a passable, almost believable presidential candidate. After all, he is a turncoat and after losing to Killary, went over to her side salivating. That’s presidential material right there. Then there’s the fact that he won’t talk about Syria, or Palestine, or Yemen and US arms deals with the worst killer maniacs on the planet… or if he does, or did, it would have been in imitation of the God of the Old Testament who spoke to his prophets in a “still, small voice” – presumably so his opponents wouldn’t hear him… Sorry, I digress, it happens on bad hair days and I just saw a particularly mean looking one hopping by… hare, that is and he too was having a bad hair day, go figure.

        Liked by 4 people

  5. Lara/Trace says:

    I have my pocket copy right here. Had it years. Still read parts to refresh my brain cells.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Tubularsock,
    I continue to vote for “None of the Above,” and continue to wonder why we need a president or congress. And if there’s nobody making federal laws, we wouldn’t need a supreme court to interpret them. It would save us all a lot of trouble and taxes, as well as war casualties.

    Or, alternatively, we could put the president and congress on the front lines in all the wars the US is fueling around the world.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Sha'Tara says:

    Totally agree, Katharine.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I think your headline is a slight exaggeration, Tube. I think the event is more accurately described as an episode of flatulence.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Well DrB., you may be correct from your viewing position but Tubularsock was behind the podium. Many political positions are based upon positions of the source.

      But it is true that flatulence is an aid to defecation so in this case the amount of gas certainly increased the flow.

      On the other hand Mueller’s “gas” could cause an impasse.

      Thanks for your contribution to the conversation.


  9. tubularsock says:

    Now katharineotto, Sha’Tara, and sojourner, Tubularsock hopes you guys aren’t expecting a rant by Tubularsock about the goodness of government for Christ sake!

    Tubularsock has been in this illusionary reality that we find ourselves for a long time and haven’t exactly found a substitute for an orderly replacement for government.

    It does have to be recognized that we are dealing with the human being don’t you know.

    Even “God” has finally come to the conclusion that his “creation” is a failure. Back to the drawing board!


    Liked by 2 people

    • sojourner says:

      This is why I was so surprised that you still vote, Tube. Like I’ve said many times before, you are, and will remain, my hero!

      Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner the only reason that Tubularsock votes is to pick the direction Tubularsock wishes the country to go.

        The difference is Tubularsock doesn’t have expectations but the voice is still out there! And who knows …….. like a possibility!

        You NEVER win if you don’t roll the dice!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Sha'Tara says:

        It’s a crap shoot, Tube. Only thing is, in this one no one can ever win and everybody knows the dice are loaded (I think I just stole that line from Leonard Cohen…)

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Sha’Tara, if you are going to steal lyrics from someone it is best to do it from Leonard Cohen ……. Everybody Knows.

        “Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
        Everybody knows that the captain lied . . .”

        The guy covers EVERYTHING! If you Knows what Tubularsock means and Tubularsock knows you know ‘cause everybody knows.

        Now, to your point (took awhile).

        The dice ARE loaded and that has, Tubularsock believes, been recognized by a vast amount of the voting public. Maybe more than every in our history.

        In the last Presidential election the old scare tactics were attempted but a huge number of qualified voters said …….”no, I will NOT vote for the lessor of two evils”!

        “No! If you put up these two clowns I won’t vote at all …… fuck it!”

        AND the lesson still hasn’t been learned by the political class, hence Biden. They have got to be kidding …… they still haven’t learned and we’ll pay the price!

        If the Democraps would put up a REAL change of direction candidate they’d win in a landslide but they are still dicking around with corporate assholes!


      • Sha'Tara says:

        The Dems CAN’T back a credible candidate because they are bought and paid for by the Establishment and the Establishment will of course only support one of their own. So far, with Bush the Nazi, Clinton, Bush the Shrub, Obama and Trump they’re batting a thousand and they are not about to allow their gravy train to get derailed by some well meaning chump saddled with a conscience. They have a duopoly and they own both parties – doesn’t matter which “wins” the results are the same as they were in the Soviet Union and their duopoly. Eventually the thing crashed and I foresee the same happening in your “country” – you know that nameless place you live in where people have to call themselves “Americans” because their country has no name? I know it’s off topic, but why didn’t the impregnators of America give their baby a name? Is it because it had no mother?

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        Sha’Tara, Tubularsock feels you have pretty much covered the basic political landscape of “AmeriKKKa”.

        And even if Trump has been a wake up call for many the underlying foundation is exactly as you described.

        But even collapse may not change this direction so see you are the bottom.



      • Sha'Tara says:

        The bottom suits me fine, Tube, I’ve never had any higher expectations of this society!!! But I give you full credit for following Leonard Cohen’s advice and ring the bells that still can ring!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        And don’t forget the crack that lets the light in.


      • Sha'Tara says:

        The crack that lets the light in… hmmm… OK, but when the darkness leaks out, where does it go? To let something in you have to let something out. Which brings up the thought, what if once upon a time there was a big sealed pot of darkness. It was watched over by very serious watchmen who knew their lives were forfeit if the thing was messed with and opened. And so, long before Pandora, the watchmen were attacked and defeated, the pot of darkness was cracked open and here we are. As the politician asks when caught in flagrante delicto… “Can I get this shit back in the horse?”


      • tubularsock says:

        Sha’Tara, there is NO darkness in the presence of light. If you bring darkness TO THE LIGHT you have no darkness. And if you bring LIGHT to darkness you have no darkness.

        Darkness is only the absence of LIGHT …….. turn on the switch!



      • Sha'Tara says:

        I dunno Tube, I’m still trying to figure out the speed of dark! I think it’s faster than the speed of light. Turn the switch off and right away, darkness! I mean that’s uncanny. Darkness doesn’t require a switch backed by auxiliary power to appear, it rules man. No matter how much light we create, and at great environmental cost, darkness is never beaten. I think darkness is the natural state of things whereas light is an artificial construct. The above said tongue in cheek… yet not.


      • tubularsock says:

        Oh Sha’Tara, now, now.

        Tubularsock will show you exhibit A:

        THE SUN.

        Every morning the Sun comes on without a switch AND EVEN when the Sun goes “off” all the stars shine light to the tune of billions of points of light!

        It may be truer to say that we always have light.

        It may be safe to say that a BLACK HOLE is void of light and our current “president” may be a product of that configuration. But THAT is a different conversation.

        Thanks for your thoughts, and keep a candle burning in the window until “the boys come home from war”!



      • Sha'Tara says:

        Thanks Tube! But…but…but… there’s lots of black holes in your argument. First darkness is reliable. The sun is not self-propelled,it’s a finite fusion furnace and when that runs out… poof! Light out and that’s all she wrote. The stars have the same problem and they’re so far away you can’t see anything by star light… All those nocturnal critters have the right idea. But sure I’ll keep a candle burning in the window for the boys but the only ones I’ll welcome are those who say they’re sorry and promise never to go to another war ever again. Best I can do as I wait for the darkness to return… and sing to myself… ‘Goddess of darkness, Goddess of Night…’


    • Sha'Tara says:

      The failure has been recognized and accepted. Those responsible are back at the drawing board designing a new set of Earthian humans. Expect these advanced mutants to start appearing soon, that is in 200 plus years as the failed race exterminates itself in the usual ways: climate change, famine, war, genocide and a host of diseases for which there will be no cure. When the failed race has shrunk itself down to a billion or less, the new people will begin to take over. Being true humans, or so I was told, they will not use any violence to establish their benign rule… nuff said, it’s a long story and who would believe me anyways, huh?

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Sha'Tara says:

    I just knew there had to be a connection,Tube. Congratulations on choosing yourself as the prototype.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. wolfess says:

    Well … I live in Nebrasky where a true Democrat hasn’t been elected in decades — truly, a guy named Ashford got elected on the dem ticket in 2016 but he only ran as a dem b/c someone else was running on the reptoxicon ticket. Ashford was a DINO thru and thru so he got fired in 2018 and now we’re back to having toxic reptardicons. Course, this was partly my fault b/c I voted “none of the above” and “NEVER REPTOXICON” if only reptoxicons were running; some would say that voting NOTA or NR is choosing NOT to vote, but I say I voted my conscience and THAT gives me every right to complain!

    Concerning Trump, I say we need to be more like the good people of the UK — harangue the hell out of the prictator until he gets so angry he has a heart attack AND a stroke so there’s no chance for him to EVER come back! I’d really like to see the demreptards get their asses in gear and officially start impeachment proceedings, but that might mean they lose some of their millions and we all know what whores our elected terrorists really are, so maybe our best line of defense is to call our elected whores once a week and remind them that we peons want the orangubrat impeached, or at least GUILLOTINED!

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Ahhhhh, YES! Guillotined!

      However, even that may not work ……. Trump’s head is the least functioning part of his body!

      Thanks wolfess for at least starting the heads rolling ………. we shall see.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sha'Tara says:

      I read that article, that is, I speed-read it, I don’t have the kind of time such a long-winded and repetitive article would need for in-depth perusal (there, I can also use big words!). He makes good points but he could have said the same with much more impact on a quarter tank of words.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. selizabryangmailcom says:

    I’ve gone back and forth, forth and back like a yo-yo. I used to think, too, don’t impeach IT, because ITS slobbering followers will start a war. But there’s a guy out there (just wrote a book; forget his name; but he looks like he has a toupee on, for sure) who’s predicted the last nine elections in a row or something, and he says UNLESS we impeach, we will be stuck with IT for four more years!!!

    RE: Civil War, BTW….have any of you heard of John Titor? Most internet searches immediately claim scam, hocus-pocus, bullshit. But if one digs deeper……there’s some things… that one simply can’t fully explain……

    Long story short: the prediction is IT will lose the election but refuse to leave office, ignite a Civil War, and Russia will bomb the coastal cities that are anti-IT folks in order to help the middle of the country IT-followers (because they play so sweetly right into the dictator’s agenda), we’ll bomb Russia, China joins in somehow….. and, yeah. Not good.

    I don’t know anymore. I never believed for A MINUTE that IT would win the election.
    But how wrong was I? Very, very, very, very, very, very, completely, entirely, overwhelmingly, disgustingly, naively, idiotically wrong, wrong, wrong. And now I have two more books in my series that I need to write and I’ll never be able to ’cause I’ll be too worried about radiation sickness and rampaging gangs of murdering marauders!


    • tubularsock says:

      STOP IT RIGHT NOW, selizabryan!

      First, just because you have “writer’s block” don’t create a fantasy invasion from Russia as an excuse. The Democraps have already failed attempting to use that scenario!

      WRITE your two damn books NOW!

      Part two: No civil war. Dumps followers can’t get off they fucking dysfunctional couches to get their fat bellies outdoors let alone organize anything greater than a shopping spree at Walmart!

      Americans don’t do civil war. It would mean commitment and that requires turning off the TV and getting off of SnapChat and Twitter and THAT ain’t going to happen!

      Just sit back and relax, selizbaryan. Tubularsock has it all under control. Cheers, BOOM!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Well, if it’s any consolation, it was Russia’s last bad decision, bringing their ultimate fall.

    BUT…I pray to God the siren call to Twinkies and Ice Road Truckers is deafening over the call to arms and vengeance for IT. Perhaps the numbers of morbid obesity ARE higher than we’ve previously known and will quickly halt any thoughts of “running” while holding a rifle or going more than five minutes without air conditioning, or at the very least the humid, recycled air of fans.

    I have leaned over much closer to the “impeach” crowd. I think the risk has to be taken, damn the torpedoes! And here I go, ’cause the world can’t and should not live one more day without Day For Night, take 3 or Day For Night, take 4! (my paranormal comedy sequels). BOOM !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Tubularsock can’t wait and is very excited waiting for Day for Night take 7!

      Hmmm. Could it be true that in today’s world “paranormal” IS the only “normal” and the comedy of errors that impeachment would expose is just how the system has always worked?

      Liked by 1 person

  14. While in his bunker, does Tubularsock partake in braille pornography?

    Liked by 2 people

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