Tube heading news bottomCIA GRABS PUSSY?

You know, after listening to Rex W. Tillerson, Trumps pick for his Secretary of State and Jeff Sessions, Trumps pick for his Attorney General, all Tubularsock has to say at this moment in time is they are as bad as Tubularsock had imagined!

Really, it’s easy to know this because when any hearings are held and the main stream press direct all attention toward AN ALLEGED CLAIM that Donnie was involved in “perverted sexual acts” during stays in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2013, only means one thing …………….

lookAnd Tillerson and Session must BOTH be EXTREMELY NASTY men if to counter their conformation hearings the powers that be have to come up with the following to focus attention away from them.

Now the question is whether it is Trump trying to divert our attention or Trump’s opponents trying to undermine Trumps ascendancy. Either way we as citizens are fucked!

BuzzFeed News published a longer document than the two-page summary of the unsubstantiated allegations that were presented to Trump and Obama by the CIA, FBI, and the National Security Agency.

It said that “. . . during a 2013 trip to the Russian capital, Trump made Russian prostitutes defile a Ritz-Carlton bed where President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama had stayed on a previous occasion. It said the incident was captured on surveillance cameras.”

The accusations in the BuzzFeed News documents are unconfirmed.

It is true that Trump did travel to Russia in 2013 when he hosted the Miss Universe Pageant there and the Obama’s traveled to Moscow in July 2009. And they all stayed at the Ritz Carlton. But THAT is about all that is true out of this crap!




Anyone out there that may want to practice a little critical thinking?

Ok. Lets.

In 2013 Donald went to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant and not only stayed at the Ritz Carlton Moscow but took it upon himself to stay “in the same room” as the Obama’s had stayed in4-yearsand was able to locate the exact BED the Obama’s had slept in 4 years before and hired a number of RUSSIAN prostitutes “. . . to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him” ruining the bed!

The Ritz Carlton Moscow was WELL KNOWN to be under FSB control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.” (FSB refers to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.)

Remember common sense?

Is it logical for a well traveled guy in the limelight to even consider this?

Now Tubularsock doesn’t like Donnie much but this story is beyond dubious

Now to prove Tubularsock’s point …… are you thinking AT ALL about Tillerson and Sessions.

Tubularsock didn’t think so …………………



  1. Wick Burner says:

    Tiller-who? and Theraphy Sessions? What? Don’t know what you’re talking about… there’s RUSSIAN HOOKERS SPLASHING AROUND ON A HOTEL BED!!!


    “I hear, from A VERY CREDIBLE SOURCE, that the Drumpf has a specially-trained daschund dog that can smell trace Kenyan Muslim pheromones from 3 city blocks away. So… all stacks up. A very good nose!”

    See how I did a Trump-esque tweet there…?

    Liked by 4 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Wick, your Trump tweet ability is phonological! You may be able to obtain new employment by being a surrogate tweeter for Trump. Or known by the Secret Service as a STFT. Good luck with that …….. keep low.

      Once you’re in maybe you can get Tubularsock a job as a double for Trump. A couple of bucks more a month could help. Thanks.

      Liked by 4 people

      • “a double for trump” ??? You? Not on your worst-ever hair day — even you are not THAT great a master of disguise! Besides, one slip into anything approaching human behavior, and you’d lose your credibility, or do I mean your incredibility?

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Michael Fuhrig says:

    Nothing Trump does surprises me. By the time his administration is over he’s going to make Warren Harding look like a choir boy, Bill Clinton a saint, and John Kennedy a celibate. We all know how time was counted before Jesus Christ (B.C.) and after (A.D.). With Trump the decline of America will be measured B.T. and A.T. A.T. will feature wild, vodka driven parties with Trump-Melania-Putin- a Russian bear and Russian hookers all doing unspeakable things to each other. Russian-American relations will be at a new high. And some of that high will be with Colorado & California weed. We’re heading for a new era.

    Liked by 4 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Well Michael, seems like you are predicting “good times are here again”! Tubularsock hasn’t experienced a relationship with a Russian Bear but Tubularsock did one time meet a Russian that was hard to bear …… does that count?

      Thanks for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Norman Pilon says:

    My question is: lets say the Trump in Moscow adventure was true. Sounds to me like he simply got his money’s worth, of which he has a slightly beyond obscene amount (which to my mind is the “real” scandal at hand, but whatever . . .), and although I’m sure there are people out there cringing at the thought of those poor prostitutes having to be “used” and “abused” in order to make a living, kinda like the rest of us — and I’m not suggesting, on the one hand, not even for one second, that prostitution isn’t a form of human degradation and, on the other and in exactly the same breath, that it’s necessarily a form of self-abasement if you yourself as a prostitute deem it a perfectly legitimate way of earning your living — you know, this is complicated, I mean if you are for “prostitution,” then you’ll be accused of being for “sexual exploitation;” and if you are against it, then you’ll be accused of being a prudish privileged snob who doesn’t respect a person’s inherent right to choose what is a perfectly respectable vocation so long, that is, as the workers of the night are granted their due in legal protections, medical care and decent working conditions, all of which I’m both for and against at the same time, since I entirely respect a person’s right to decide for themselves the sexual attitudes and mores they want to adhere to for themselves so long, that is, as they don’t try to foist them on me or others, in the same way that I uphold the principle of freedom of religion though I myself am a thoroughgoing disbelieving atheistic heathen (although it’s true, sometimes I wistfully wish they would, that is, foist their curiously usual and admittedly arousing sexual practices on me, not that I really know anything about them) — well, if Trump really did, I mean “defile” the mattress on which Obama and Michelle slept, and as if it hadn’t been slept on by others in the company of other bed-wetting prostitutes in the years intervening and thereby previously utterly “defiled” — and then, and then, “defiled” in what possible sense of the word, only God in heaven would know if he actually exists, as if that dam mattress for having had a venerated war criminal and his wife sleep on it had thereby been transmuted into a holy relic worthy of eternal religious worship — well, who the fuck really gives a fuck? But in America, eh, where ‘sex’ is in-itself the scandal of all scandals and the measure of all guilt and shame, well, hell hath no fury like a Moral Majority scorned! You guys really need to get a “grip” . . . really! On something . . . anything.

    And . . . now . . . what was it we were talking about?

    Liked by 4 people

    • sojourner says:

      Congratulations, Norm! You have written the longest run-on sentence in recorded history!

      So, Norm, would you mind repeating this again, I’m not certain I get the gist?

      Liked by 3 people

      • Norman Pilon says:

        I’m not certain I get the gist, either, Sojourner. When I finally came to the end of my verbal ejaculation, not only was I ready to smoke a cigarette, but I was just stunned at the way I had run on in the way that I had. I mean, all of “that” to and fro and tussling just to end up dribbling out eight words to say something that could have been said way more sparingly and in a fashion so much less compromising, that is, with something like two words and one question mark: who cares?

        So I don’t get it, either, no more than you do, so that I guess that you could say that I do get why you don’t get it, either, and why probably others won’t either. Honestly, I think this is whole deal is beyond getting. Don’t you think?

        (Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this stream of consciousness broadcast to inform you that what you are witnessing in real time are the effects of CIA induced Mk Ultra mind control, but means of the virtually printed word: we control what you can’t think so that you won’t think what we don’t want you to. We thank you for your cooperation in these matters of national security and now return you to our regular stream of consciousness programming induced by a deliberately organized series of words) . . . and then Session . . . and then Tillerson . . . and then Trump got elected . . . and then Putin’s gymnasts peed on the bed in which the President had lain, a bed that he himself had made, ruining a perfectly good mattress.

        (And to think that BuzzFeed had called Eva Bartlett to account. Can it get any more farcical than that? Retards, the lot of them.)

        Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        My head just exploded!;-)

        And what a relief it was! Thanks, Norm!

        Liked by 3 people

      • swo8 says:

        Yes he is rather wordy, isn’t he …chuckle

        Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        I’d say Norm’s almost paragraphy!;-)

        Liked by 4 people

      • swo8 says:

        FBL (full belly laugh)

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Oh, thanks sojourner for bringing to light that Norman doesn’t have a period.

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Oh sure Norman …….. the old, the CIA made me do it thing again!

        Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        The ‘American intelligence’ devil made the Tube do it!

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner, may Tubularsock remind you that Americans have no intelligence! Remember?

        Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Norman, just what were we talking about?

      You do make a good solid stand for the First Amendment Freedom of Religion as well as the 34th Amendment Freedom of Prostitution. (granted it hasn’t been ratified by the states yet.) Well done.

      And you do make a very good case for the lack of interest on “God’s” part about this “defiled” mattress as well as anyone’s interest. As in “. . . who the fuck really gives a fuck?”

      And as for your final advise that Americans need to get a “grip” on “anything” really is the problem. So many have a grip “on it” but are just embarrassed about it because it’s a “sin” to have a grip “on it”. They then take out their guilt on the rest of us which in their eyes makes them moral!

      Thanks for your enlightening words.

      Liked by 3 people

      • sojourner says:

        Wait! Hold on (no pun intended)!

        It’s a sin to have a grip on “IT”?


        This explains why I am almost blind, not too bright, and drunk!

        I need to lose my grip, methinks!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. sojourner says:

    What’s with the title about cats?

    Tube spaketh:

    “Either way we as citizens are fucked!”

    BINGO! You have figured it out! No matter the way, we are all fucked!

    And I know you too-cool-for-school kids don’t watch the boob-tube, so let this not so-cool kid fill you in. The editor of BUZZFEED was on MSNBC last night, and get this, the MSNBC talking-head went after this asshole. Imagine that!

    And this BUZZFEED editor admitted that he had no real verification of this information on Donny, but he went ahead and published the piece anyway. Now imagine that (again)! Talk about your fake news, I mean….!

    It’s 2017, and so it’s “THE SAME AS IT EVER WAS!” Or… SOSDD (same old shit, different day)!


    Liked by 2 people

    • tubularsock says:

      As for the title sojourner, sometime Tubularsock just likes to play in the litter box!

      Tubularsock does find it amazing that BuzzFeed or anyone would publish SHIT in the name of “journalism” but will not publish “REAL” news because don’t want the public to be informed!

      And that boob-tube sanitizes the American killings in the world so as not to disturb American families eating dinner! It is just part of the greater American Freedom, the freedom NOT TO KNOW.

      Thanks for your interest in cats.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. swo8 says:

    Good Lord, what on earth is going on down there?

    Liked by 4 people

  6. sojourner says:

    Tube, did you note the quote markings?

    ‘American intelligence’

    The quote markings were meant to imply that Americans have no intelligence!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Michael Fuhrig says:

    Donald Trump…prostitutes…? The Hell you say! Yes Tube….”good times are here again…” We’re in for a 3 ring circus..and Donald Trump is our ringmaster.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Tubularsock, As ever, you are absolutely right — I’m now too busy, wondering why a supposedly “luxury” hotel chain doesn’t change matresses more often, to pay much attention to still more appalling cabinet choices. Had they even washed the sheets in the meantime? Remind me to take my sleeping bag next time I leave home!
    But … Worse than we imagine? I doubt it! At this point, we can all imagine some pretty hideous shits pretending to have our best interests at heart. Once long ago and far away (2000) I told someone that my only consolation was Bush probably would not be as bad as I expected. I’ll not make that mistake again! – Linda

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Now that you mention it Linda, Tubularsock has never much thought of “who slept on that mattress and what did they do” …… until now. Yep, sleeping bag all the way!
      Tubularsock didn’t see even a glimmer of hope in Baby Bush and it was because of that election that Tubularsock started blogging!
      And from that moment on Tubularsock has not been a loss for words!
      Thanks for your thoughts, Linda.

      Liked by 3 people

      • “And from that moment on Tubularsock has not been a loss for words!” That must be the only positive outcome from our previously-worst political shambles!
        (I digress, but … have you noticed that superlatives have lost their potency; I fear — we now need words denoting things exponentially worse than the worst … we have the nightmare reality of it, just no suitable terms to express it. Lucky us.)

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        You are so correct! No matter what word you can come up with it just doesn’t go far enough in any direction. What to do, what to do?

        Liked by 3 people

  9. Norman Pilon says:

    Ah, what a delightful way to end the evening, ending up down here, at the bottom of all these comments, my ribs completely destroyed, gasping for dear breath, and now typing horizontally from the floor, on my belly, craning my neck to view the monitor, because I can’t manage to get myself back up into my — ( I was going to say “La-Z-Boy,” but since a great many of you here are, well, you know, silver tongued Americans, if admittedly ‘witless’ (pay attention to the inverted commas, there, Tubes), I will resist giving you another chance to go wildly off-piste . . .yet again — even if it were at my well deserved expense, inventing bad intent where none of “that” kind could rightly be attributed, for otherwise I really do risk ending up in the hospital on life-support, and wouldn’t my kids and my wife, as well as the medical staff, be more than a little bemused by the smiling and now life threatening rictus fixed upon my face) — chair.

    Additionally, I just want to add with my usual terseness, reserved only for commenting here, Tubes, where I can let my hair down, so to speak, how I, too, have also been struggling with the issue of words simply no longer being able to go far enough to express the utter nightmare, because that’s truly what the fuck it is, an utter nightmare, and you will forgive me if the tone now shifts a little, but then that is why I permit myself to extemporize, here, because I know that I will be forgiven even before I will ever need to be, here, somewhere at the edge of things, at the edge of the world, at the edge of our sanity. But Linda, by the miracle of serendipity, seems to have been struck by a solution to our mutual problem, and it only needs to be spelled out a little, namely, that all we need to do is to write words in exponential form, so that what used to be full-bodied “outrage” in our youth, but has now become merely “outrage” in our weather-beaten years, can once again adequately express our Twenty First Century malaise; all that it needed was to be raised to a power, mathematically speaking, for an elegant emphasis without practical limit, as in, for example, an “outrage to the power of three,” otherwise written as “outrage^3;” or an “outrage to the power of ten,” otherwise written as “outrage^10,” so on to infinity. And so it was that “outrage” had now been set free from its previous limitation of only just always having been but ordinary barely felt “outrage,” to now being unconstrained and limitless “outrage” to exactly match the immeasurable monstrosities of the crimes still being perpetrated in our world and in our time. Armed with this new physics of pain, we will once again be able to really grind our noses in the shit and really smell it; and once again, we will be grateful for being able to feel what should and cries out to be felt.

    (Have I ever mentioned that sometimes I get depressed? It doesn’t last for much, however. It’s almost as though I really have a purpose for living.)

    Thank you for listening. And thank you all for your blessed humor. No, really. From the bottom of my heart.

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Thank you so much Norman for putting all our feelings into a mathematical context. This is like mathematical social studies aka linguistic psychology!

      So from that construct, Tubularsock is at an “outrage^infinity^infinity”!

      Wow, Tubularsock feels so much better getting all this rage off my chest and free of the “”””””BarcaLounger””””” ! (taking into account the inverted commas, Norm).

      Thanks for our new door to expansive superlatives which has no end!

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        Tube & Norm,

        “”””””BarcaLounger””””” !

        This reminded me, when I got married I had one of these chairs, and the wife hated it. She said it was dirty and took up too much space in the living room. So finally, I gave in (after ten years later) and threw it out. And to this day, the x and I still reminisce about the chair, only now I call it a woof-a-lounger, with an actual woof first! It always gets the x to laugh a bit, which means I’m not pissing off or boring her at the moment!

        Just a little side note that no one gives a shit about, I’m more than certain. I’m at that age where the entire life movie runs in front of my eyes almost constantly, and so I ramble a tad bit too much!

        Liked by 2 people

  10. tubularsock says:

    Well sojourner it only goes to show all of us that if the memories of a “”””””BarcaLounger””””” can bring about “happy thoughts” between you and your “X” then this is an opportunity for what is now known as “”””””BarcaLounger””””” diplomacy (“””B”””D) between the U.S. and Russia! And people thought these next four year weren’t going to be fun.

    Liked by 2 people

    • sojourner says:

      Good one! I almost shot some coffee through my nose from laughing! Leave it to the Tube, the master, the guru, to turn an old man’s story into a political thought!

      I think we should all secede from the “union”, and then proclaim the Tube as our new emperor, the oligarch of the known universe! The new empire could be called the Tubular Empire, and we could all be referred to as Tubularians!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. sojourner says:

    “Tubularsock appreciates the enormous, overwhelming, outpouring of support but what do you mean only the known universe?”

    Sorry, mein Fuhrer! I, of course, meant to say the oligarch of the known and unknown universe, the whole cake, the cat’s meow, the universe times a googol!

    Liked by 1 person

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