Tube book headingSAVED AGAIN!

It is perfect. Our American “leaders” are out to “protect” us again!

And where do they rush to ban travel from but Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan?

All countries, with the exception of Iran, that THE U.S. HAVE BOMBED! And Iran has been advertised for years TO BE BOMBED!

So once again the U.S. Governmental “leaders” send the cavalry in the WRONG DIRECTION. And pump up and puff out their chests like something meaningful has been accomplished!

On 9/11, 15 Saudi Arabian Terrorists, 2 United Arab Emirates Terrorists, 1 Egyptian Terrorist and 1 Lebanese Terrorist attacked New York and killed close to 3000 people.

So did we RETALIATE by bombing the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia?

OR Egypt? Lebanon?


The United States RETALIATED by attacking AFGHANISTAN and we are still attacking Afghanistan.

And then we took our mighty JUSTICE and started a war with IRAQ!


Yep. Our country just HAS TO get the Academy Award THIS YEAR for BEST AT BEING WORSE!

Sure there are a lot of supporting actors that have helped this on its way and Tubularsock would be amiss if he didn’t thank Pathetic George and his sidekick Tortured Cheney. Hey, you live with fucking Lynn for five minutes and you’d be tortured too. But he likes it! Beat me, beat me.

And sure there was known-unknown Donnie, and brain dead Condo, old blue douchebag Barbara who does have to be given some credit for spawning Pathetic George. It is a little known alternate fact that Tubularsock is mean-spiritedly making up on the spot, that Pathetic George was really aborted and was left on the Capitol steps only to found by a wandering-cheney and brought to life.

Oh my how Tubularsock has digressed.

There also was Step-En-Fetch-It-Hope-And-Change-Obummer who lulled the lost back to the possibility of changing the direction of our country only to take a HUGE SHIT on their heads that was so convincing that they all rallied around the Wicked-Bitch-From-The-West-Hillary who promised “MORE OF THE SAME SHIT”.

And just as luck would have it THE RUSSIANS SAVED US!
Well the maimed stream press seems to be promoting a different slant to their alternate-fact news but Tubularsock is going with his own alternate facts.

Which leads us to OUR very own ……….. President Orange Tweeter Feed!

My my my ……….. the child in the oval office.

Oh look, oh look ……… gosh, POTF can sign his name.


Oh another signing, another crayon.

Oh, oh, hold up your work. It’s so pretty. Good job!


The GREAT thing about having America Great Again is that now the DEPLORABLES have someone to believe in.

Now the brain-dead “liberals” had step-en-fetch-it and now the brain-dead deplorables have Orangie-Tweet-Boy. See how GREAT America has become! Just like Leave It To Beaver.

So with supporting actors like those and a 15 BILLION DOLLAR WALL Americans deserve the Academy Award!

Hell, Thelma and Louise isn’t the only movie that can GO OVER THE EDGE!

See you at the bottom.


  1. Jeff Nguyen says:

    I feel safer already. The only reason Iran is still on the do not bomb list is they might be able to actually bomb us back. Not as media friendly as a shock and awe campaign.

    Liked by 6 people

    • tubularsock says:

      Now Jeff, Tubularsock is happy that you feel safer. But Iran doesn’t have “the bomb”. Or rather there is NO EVIDENCE of them having one. But what does evidence have to do with it anyway?

      They do have a very good friend that does have several and THAT only goes to show your that it’s good to have friends. Now isn’t that positive? Damn near a Hallmark Card!

      And don’t forget who is responsible for Iran having ANY nuclear technologies, Dick Cheney and Halliburton. As late as January of 2005, Halliburton sold key components for a nuclear reactor to an Iranian oil development company even though it was against Federal “law” at the time. And THAT only goes to show you that Hallmark Cards are popular.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Jeff Nguyen says:

        Point taken, I was more alluding to the perception that Iran might have the capability to retaliate in some meaningful way, unlike most other countries the U.S. has engaged with in the past few decades. The retaliation could be direct or by proxy from its allies. What they don’t want is another Vietnam.

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Tubularsock gets your drift Jeff and is in agreement but just recently the U.S. has started to sell armaments to Vietnam. Now just how does that fit into the Grand Chess Board? And really, what the fuck is this attempting to remilitarize Japan by the U.S.?

        Seems what once was isn’t any longer ……… much like the U.S arming ISIS! The stated plan isn’t the “real” objective. But what’s new?

        Liked by 2 people

      • Jeff Nguyen says:

        Good to see your sense of humor is still intact despite all the doom and gloom, my friend.

        Liked by 2 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Jeff, there is NO doom and gloom just business as usual with more outward flair. But now we get the added benefit of alternate facts. Oh yeah, and it will get better than that!


  2. Michael Fuhrig says:

    Be careful Tube..Trump,may be comin’ for you!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. sojourner says:

    So how do you really feel?

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Lara/Trace says:

    Maybe the Bush clan will move to Paraguay after all – they have a bunker compound like you Tubular. All hell is breaking loose.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. swo8 says:

    I see you were there for the signing, Tubularsock. Can you explain that??

    Liked by 3 people

  6. sojourner says:

    Leslie, my guess is, the Tube will stop spying long before he gives up his do!

    And “the wet head” has been dead for a long time. Although, this does bring up another interesting question: Just how does the Tube keep his do up there?

    This, perhaps, beyond any other question all of us might have at the moment, is what the world is awaiting an answer to!

    Tube, how do you do it? Is it Brylcream? Or is it just a natural do, which conforms to the shape of your head?

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Well gang … it’s great to see we have our priorities absolutely straight! Yes indeed, Tubularsock’s hairdo is the main thing! Sigh. Who says the sixties are dead? Me, I’m too busy hoping my damn hair won’t get any thinner to worry about others’ coiffures. Apart from the orange one’s bizarre headgear — now, THAT! is a clear and present danger! Who’s gonna protect us from that fright wig?

    Liked by 3 people

    • sojourner says:

      Yes, Linda, we have taken a break from the never ending nightmare for a while. And believe me, I need it, as I know we all do!

      It seems that this is the age of the bad hair day all right: Trump, Tube, the pseudo science assholes on the boob-tube, etc. I’m just glad my Goldy Locks are “just right”!

      Stop pulling on your hair, Linda, and the thinning will ease a bit!;-)

      Or, on second thought, keep on pulling, and we will all join you!

      Liked by 4 people

      • Sojourner, Actually … hair-pulling is about all I don’t do! Because I’m too busy snarling and swearing? Glad your hair’s okay though … you could be the one person I know not fretting about that. Me, I’ve decided my nose is all right. And maybe my belly button. The rest of me we won’t discuss!
        And as for all the real problems … we’ll get back to them soon enough. Or we order our own bunker kits … I’ve considered that before. Too bad I’m afraid of caves and tunnels … besides, the bats might mess up my hair. You and Leslie keep up the good work, and do let us know how our hero keeps his hair in such astonishing shape!

        Liked by 3 people

  8. sojourner says:

    Linda, when it comes to caves and tunnels, we are on the same page! Just kill me, but don’t put me in a cave or tunnel!

    I’m sure we’ll be hearing from the Tube shortly!

    Liked by 3 people

    • wolfess says:

      OMGoddess I loooove tunnels and caves — they’re dark with all kinds of interesting creatures inhabiting them!!! When I was young my father used to honk the horn whenever we drove into a tunnel; THOSE were the days — much like Tube’s upstanding hairstyle! 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

      • sojourner says:

        I know, there are many folks who love caves, and I understand why!

        But some of us are cursed with the claustro-bug! It’s wide open spaces for folks like me!

        “Upstanding hairstyle” is right. I’m surprised the FAA hasn’t made the Tube put a airport-grade strobe-light up there!;-)

        Liked by 4 people

      • wolfess says:

        My bug is heights — the mere thought of standing in the Orange ape’s gilded cage all that way up there scares the hell out of me; well that and, how sickeningly gawdy that dump is!!!!! Come to think of it, it fits that misfit to a small ‘t’ (like his small hands, mind and nether region)!!!

        Liked by 4 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Interesting wolfess. Tubularsock’s father always stated that it wasn’t a good idea to use the horn in a tunnel because of vibrations could bring rocks down. Never stopped him from doing it but that was his warning. Hmmm. Just maybe he was attempting to kill Tubularsock.

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        wolfess please! Let’s NOT discuss Orangeboy’s “nether region”! NOT before breakfast anyway.

        Liked by 3 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Obviously sojourner you haven’t seen Tubularsock in your neighborhood after dark!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. tubularsock says:

    OMG! This is intense. Tubularsock steps away for a minute and Leslie, sojourner and Linda have gone bat shit crazy!

    Tubularsock has been APPROVED by the Congress of the United States to be Trump’s Secretary of the Deplorables. THAT IS AN ALTERNATIVE FACT you can believe in! Of course Tubularsock will be at the signings statement party!

    And as far as “bunker” living ……. underground tunnels and caves??? Review the BUNKER TOUR to remember what we are talking about when “bunker living” becomes the discussion.

    But really ………. when push comes to shove it is ALL about hair!

    And sure, you too can have the Tubularsock “LOOK”.

    Fill several brown paper lunch bags full of unmarked Franklin’s and send them to:

    Hairstyle Makeover and Sake Lounge
    123 Lost Souls Lane
    Newoldsview, CA 66666


    Liked by 4 people

    • Tubularsock, I doubt I have the flair for your distinctive look, but I do thank you for the kind offer!
      As for our bat-shit bit … perhaps we are assisting you in your new gig … by trying to be deplorabl-er than usual? That’s my story, anyway!
      Great post, by the way — and I do almost feel safer now. – Linda

      Liked by 4 people

      • tubularsock says:

        Linda, Tubularsock thanks you for helping Leslie and sojourner be deplorable …… like those two really need help? But Tubularsock does have his new job to do so every deplorable counts!

        Liked by 2 people

    • sojourner says:

      Tube wrote,

      “…Leslie, sojourner and Linda have gone bat shit crazy!”

      What do you mean we have GONE bat shit crazy? Maybe we are already in this state? I’ll speak for myself, here, I have been bat shit crazy for years now! Why else would I be reading this blog and commenting?


      Forgot your cabinet appointment, Tube. My bad!

      Liked by 4 people

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner, you do make an outstanding point here. And Tubularsock does admit that the bat shit crazies do find Tubularsock which seems odd that such a regular guy like Tubularsock has friends in all the wrong places. Sound kind of like a country hit tune, doesn’t it.

        Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        “…a regular guy like Tubularsock”

        Okay! Yeah!

        And yes, it does sound like a Nashville hit!

        Liked by 2 people

  10. Michael Fuhrig says:

    Tube–you seem to know everything so maybe you are aware of these statistics too. Since Sept. 11, 2001 there have been 180 terrorist type attacks or incidents in the US. And 85%-of them were carried out by people who were born here or became naturalized citizens. So we really don’t have to ban people coming in at airports. What we should ban are people like Trump becoming president.

    Liked by 3 people

    • wolfess says:

      Not to mention banning and DISBANDING those
      b4 they can get anymore power!

      Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      And 80% of those “home grown” terrorists all had some links to the FBI and/or the CIA!
      So, of course we need a wall! AND to close all the airports because airplanes can fly over walls unless they are really really high!

      Liked by 2 people

      • sojourner says:

        I agree, the wall is another dumb ass idea. And it won’t work. But Bill Clinton wanted to build a wall. In fact, it seems to me this wall bullshit has been around for a long time.

        See, I told you guys the Trumpster would follow suit, just like all his predecessors!

        Liked by 1 person

      • tubularsock says:

        sojourner you are correct about the wall only to show that Orangeboy hasn’t cornered the market on stupidity …. yet! Monica should have built a wall but Bill’s charms underwhelmed her.

        Oh and sure the Chinese but even THAT wall proved ineffective over time.

        So here we are in 2017 and the solution to ALL our problems is not having a tall enough wall. Wow, things have become so simple minded.

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Wick Burner says:

    Thanks Tubularsock; here I was starting to get a teensy bit concerned about goings-on, but you have put my worried mind at ease. Very comforting to see that you were in charge of crayon selection… but I’m a bit alarmed that you haven’t adopted the shit-eating grin/smirk needed for these photo-ops. Then again, you always were a rebel…

    Liked by 3 people

    • tubularsock says:

      WB, thanks for your keen insights and Tubularsock is so happy that your weary mind is somewhat relieved. Tubularsock does have a Doctorate Degree in Crayon Selection Protocol and happens to be one of the worlds foremost CSP practitioners. As for the “shit-eating grin/smirk” Tubularsock prefers the debonair-scoundrel look. Much classier.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. sojourner says:

    Tube wrote.

    “Interesting wolfess. Tubularsock’s father always stated that it wasn’t a good idea to use the horn in a tunnel because of vibrations could bring rocks down. Never stopped him from doing it but that was his warning. Hmmm. Just maybe he was attempting to kill Tubularsock.”

    Here’s something we have in common. My father was always trying to kill me, he even tried to kill the doctor who delivered me. Dear old dad!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jay says:

    It’s a bad sign that just a few days in he’s already abandoned good sense.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Sha'Tara says:

    I can’t believe I read the entire thread… not intending to cast aspersions but you guys are too funny! And… yes, I’m here too now… sorry about that, just couldn’t resist it any longer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • tubularsock says:

      Welcome Sha’Tara. Tubularsock is happy that you have stopped by. They certainly are a group of “funny” people for sure. Tubularsock has done everything in his power to keep them in line but they all seem a bit out of the box. Tubularsock, being normal, has his hands full!


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