Posts Tagged ‘George Bush’


The main thing Tubularsock appreciates about OrangeDufus is that he has brought to the light what the United States has been hiding from its own citizens from its founding and this deception was and is to this day the deliberate fabrication that our country REALLY believes in and stands for Justice for all, Freedom for all, and a system that rewards the hard working with a future of prosperity for all.

And as for “moral” leadership? Just when did that EVER exist in our history?

Nope ……. never happened! And YOU know it and your neighbors know it but you push on believing it is true because IF IT IS NOT then who’s running things?

To Tubularsock, it is much like the entire 9/11 facade ……… the story of what occurred is a lie of the highest order but even today when it is brought up people will go the long way around the room to avoid facing the “possibility” that their government lied to them.

WHY? Simple. “If Daddy lies to me then who is in charge and who will PROTECT ME!
Even if the next day he beats me again.

And even more outrageous to Tubularsock and every THINKING person is that “OUR” government LIED us into the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Iraq War to name the short list and the citizens will follow like sheep into the next one and even allow their children to die …………. FOR NOTHING. NOTHING!

It is tiring to watch but the fear and propaganda is fast and furious. And people worry about the fucking Russians ……… go fucking look in the mirror America! YES YOU!

And with all of that we are entering into the 2020 election and if you haven’t noticed, NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

The Roman Bread and Circus in form of the CELL PHONE and social media runs more shit faster than in any other time in the history of the world BUT the population may be dumber. Go figure.

And with G5, when in full operation, we’ll ALL have an ORANGE TAN like the OrangeDufus mixed with fried brains with soy sauce courtesy of Huawei!

And yet the beat goes on …………

And we have the OrangeDufus to thank for the exposing all of this on the obscene level because he is so unfiltered.

He is a TOTAL ASS (not a 1/2 ass) and “thinks” (always a questionable endeavor with him) that what he does is “normal”. A classic deranged mind on steroids.

As opposed to the Step-en-fetch-it Kneegrow, Obummer who talks the smooth jive but was a slave to wall street banks and the military industrial complex and was paid handsomely for bending over and taking it up the ass for the gipper!

And we can’t forget, the total imbecile BabyBush and his fucking CIA daddy for lying us into war with Iraq and destabilizing the entire Middle East using the EVIL PERSONIFIED Prick-Cheney as his lead homey! Fuck them both!

Or how about President Blue Stain Dress Slick Willy and his besty friend Jeffrey Epstein spending all that time on Petalphile Island. Presidential material for sure!

And not last and not least but Tubularsock just has to bring forth head up his ass Alzheimer-Ron. A low time low for presidential standards.

Does any of this point to why the U.S. has been on a rapid decline which may really end with the Dumb-Shit-OrangeDufus?

But what OrangeDufus has done for us is to highlight just how corrupt and dysfunctional the U.S. political establishment is and has been ALL ALONG.

And that is why Bernie is a breath of fresh air and the reason that his CHANGE IN DIRECTION is so frightening the the status quo.

The corporate Democraps will lose their corrupt grip on the system and so will the corrupt Republicant’s!

And you can tell just how scary it is because the Clinton/Obummer wing of the corporate Democraps are willing to let the OrangeDufus win rather than support Bernie!


And the reason is as simple and as obvious.

With a Bernie win THEY lose power and the corrupt money they take along the way because they hold that power.

The Republicants are in the same boat!

You see, what we have here is THE CORRUPT DEALINGS of both as well as either/or parties: The Democraps and the Republican’ts and they trade back and forth the power so as to keep their corrupt government contracts and money flow.

Bernie is the monkey wrench in the gears of corruption and THAT is why both parties will do whatever necessary to stop Bernie and save THEIR gravy train. EVEN IF HE WINS!


Now don’t get Tubularsock wrong here. Bernie has his own baggage. His total foreign policy record is not to the liking of Tubularsock BUT it is not out of line with what traditional American foreign policy has been …….. complete domination of the world!

No, Bernie’s strength lies in SOCIAL REFORM and fairness within the U.S. boarders.

Medicare4All, the Green New Deal, free public college, universal free child care and always the resounding chorus of “HOW DO WITH PAY FOR THIS?”

We pay for this the exact same way we pay for CONTINUOUS WAR! That’s how.

Ever notice that there is ALWAYS enough to bloat the Pentagon Budget but never enough for child care? Ever wonder why?

Simple answer: there is more profit for the few with WAR than helping the citizen with a chance to live a prosperous life. Think on this! It explains a lot!


Even with a Bernie win (if that is even possible in a system of cheats and scoundrels) those who control the power are not going to give up nor are they going to roll over and play dead.

The powerful will stonewall the system BIG-TIME to prevent any changes where they lose power and PROFIT, period!

So IF Bernie does win, it will take those who elected him not to go back to sleep like American voters always do after an election (you know, “let daddy handle it from here”) but to stay active as a mass movement and support the changes needed aggressively.

Like: Shut down the system until it responds to the changes necessary for a free and fair DEMOCRACY!

Stop buying shit until change happens. Remember a loss of profit in this system speaks louder than photos of starving children!

Can this happen? Well, “Tubularsock Has A Dream”, and unlike other dreamers Tubularsock won’t be standing on any motel balconies any time soon.




Let’s put it this way, the president, although “not exactly clinically deranged,” is “not altogether stable.”

“Frighteningly he’s that far out of touch with himself. He constantly rationalizes his secret passive-aggressive attacks driven by deep unconscious fears of being attacked himself.”

We should all be alarmed “. . . that sitting in the Oval Office in the White House is “a near-madman at the controls of a nuclear bomb appearing rational on the surface.”

These observation were made by Dr. Andrew G. Hodges, a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice.

And many have agreed about the dangers presented by a top psychiatrist about the President’s, “Destructive rage beyond belief”!

How much more do the American people need to know about the President? ARE YOU SCARED YET?

The President, “. . . has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this means, mostly, is that he has rather desperate insecurities about himself, and compensates by constructing a grandiose self-image. Most of his relationships are either mirroring relationships–people who flatter him and reinforce his grandiosity -or idealized self-objects–people that he himself thinks a lot of, and hence feels flattered by his association” according to Dr. Paul Minot giving the psychiatrist’s point of view.

“The most disturbing aspect about narcissists, however, is their pathological inability to empathize with others, with the exception of those who either mirror them, or whom they idealize”, Dr. Minot continued.

So you can see that the President has issues as many President’s have had in the past.

Even “ . . . John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon—surreptitiously took daily psychiatric medications such as Valium and other anxiety treatments while occupying the Oval Office. Another—Lyndon B. Johnson—was so emotionally erratic that his top aides consulted psychiatrists and confronted the first lady about his behavior.” (Politico Magazine 1/4/17)

So as much as Donald Trump might be crazy as hell he has fallen in with a long line of bat-shit-crazy dudes. In Tubularsock’s view you have to be “crazy” even to want the job and then once you get it that just solidifies the madness!

You see, mental illness and asylums go together very well. And mental illness and the White House goes together very well because the White House IS an asylum. That is why there are guards around it.

TO KEEP THEM IN. A little known secret that Tubularsock is passing on to you.

And now for the big surprise. As you know, Tubularsock doesn’t have a very high opinion of Orange-Tweet and Tubularsock believes that Orange-Tweet IS fucking nuts BUT ……….

The two opening divided statements above are descriptions by psychiatrists about Obummer and Baby Shrub respectively.

So what’s new?





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15 Years … Happy Birthday 9/11




No really, 9/11 wasn’t an INSIDE JOB … it was an out-sourced job … The United States out-sources ALL it’s terrorist activities! It’s the American Way!



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tube says lie


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Known war criminals


White House War Criminals



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