Posts Tagged ‘jill Stein’

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Tubularsock has always rejected the idea that gender made any difference when it came to strength, competence, or intelligence.

That’s “MAN’S WORK”!

That’s “WOMAN’S WORK”!

Are both stupid and limiting thought patterns.

So when Tubularsock hears from both men and women that “It is time to elect a woman for President” Tubularsock would say IT’S PAST DUE!

However voting for just any woman DOES make a difference.

And a vote for Hillary Clinton is just a false choice if you want something to change in the direction of this country.


But you may have noticed that WE never got a choice of women to pick to run for President. We got the one chosen for us.

Let Tubularsock give that to you again ….. WE GOT THE ONE CHOSEN FOR US!

There are a lot of very strong competent intelligent women in the United States but Hillary is the one chosen for us ………. folks, that is not the best we can do!

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii comes high on Tubularsock’s chart even if there are areas of disagreement with some of Gabbard’s positions. She is honest, intelligent and fair minded.

And Jill Stein of the Green Party has integrity and is intelligent and honest.

But Hillary Clinton was CHOSEN FOR US!

Now what does THAT tell you?

RIGGED comes to Tubularsock’s mind.

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Now Tubularsock knows that you know that the election game is rigged. And you know that the American public really doesn’t care because to really care one would have to take some responsibility. So staying in the “dream” — of America is great — is all this fantasy requires.

Now Trump supporters are basically limited in “smarts” and really don’t think much past the next state fair caravel ride.

And Clinton supporters are more highly educated which only goes to show just how poor the educational system has become. They too prefer a ride but more often than not it’s in a Prius. But with all their “smarts” they still “believe” that their vote counts for something.

And then there are the greater part of the American electorate that is being tricked into voting for Hillary on the bases of FEAR alone. They don’t like her BUT they are afraid of Trump!



For generations now the old adage has been thrust forward every four years that YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS that are running. And people have done just that until this election! WE HAVE BOTH EVILS ……. now there is a dilemma for you.

It’s just simple math really. If you divide EVIL in half to just short of infinity, well you reach this point in time. So here we are!

So what if …………………… You vote for EVIL in the name of Trump? Would that break the mold?

Americans have voted for the lessor of the two evils for years and look where that has gotten us ………….

So a vote for Trump is a vote for change! Tubularsock would just like to see how BAD THAT COULD BE.

Seriously, the only real difference in the complete decline would only be slowed by a tiny bit with Same-As-It-Ever-Was-Hillary as opposed to a complete collapse immediately with Look-Out-It’s-Falling-Trump.

The advantage is that the rebuild could be sooner. Tubularsock is always so positive.

As for Tubularsock, a vote for Jill Stein and the Green Party is the direction that Tubularsock can believe in. There is REAL change in direction in what the Green Party stands for but Americans would rather go down with their ship.

Tubularsock can’t wait to “. . . groove in the rubble.”



You know, there has been an email question that Tubularsock has received several times now and that question is this, “Why is Tubularsock so mute about the debates and the election of 2012?”

Well, let Tubularsock clear this up for those of you that are wondering.

Some time ago the elections have been compromised to such a degree that they are totally meaningless. The system is rigged and already bought and the “people’s vote” is a facade.

You know in your heart that this is true but you are afraid that you are correct.
Tubularsock knows exactly how you feel …………. hopeless.

Oh I can hear it now …….. but America is a democracy, blah, blah, blah …….. and the people are the government. Horse Shit!

If anyone is under that illusion you really are pathetic.

Do you really think that Obama or Romney are any different from George Bush and Clinton or that fucking Alzheimerized Reagan? Give Tubularsock a fucking break. They are all in the same club and you ain’t in it and you will never be in it.

I saw a tee-shirt today that a black woman had on that was a collage of black faces and the caption that read “The heroes of hope.” Obama’s face was in the middle of it all.

How pathetic. This black woman is as stupid as a stone. Malcome X, King, Gregory, Baldwin (oops! Black folk can’t handle gay folk, fucking christian hypocrisy) are “hero’s of hope” BUT uptown Constitutional lawyer Barack not so much. I’ll take Malcome X as my black hope model. At least Malcolm X saw it like it is! He even foresaw Barack Obama!

“If I have a cup of coffee that is too strong for me because it is too black, I weaken it by pouring cream into it. I integrate it with cream. If I keep pouring enough cream in the coffee, pretty soon the entire flavor of the coffee is changed; the very nature of the coffee is changed. If enough cream is poured in, eventually you don’t even know that I had coffee in this cup.”    ……………………  Malcolm X
Obama is the white man’s KNEEGRO!

Where is the surprise in that for Christ sake! Have black men been emasculated to the point that they have to emulate white men?
The white left progressives were lost in their 1960’s thinking with all that shit about “the first black President” showing historical progress. Not so. You can’t prop up just any black man to become President. You got to find a white-black-man to become President.

And thus our very own KNEEGRO President that followed in the footsteps of our white-fraternity-boy President.

And Romney? Do you even think that that white-cracker-cock-sucking-Mormon-fuck would really let Obama into the country club? Give me a break. You can’t really believe that a black man of substance would become President. Name a white man of substance that has done so. (Can’t) But it is no surprise that Obama would sell out to the power interests in order to drive around in a shiny car! Isn’t that what black people do in Americka?
A Black Man of integrity would not do that and in turn would never be allowed to become President.
We as a nation have to realize that the established “rites of passage” are rigged. Don’t think so?

Try this:
Did you know that the “debates” are scripted and agreed upon beforehand?
You can’t be surprised ………. in fact you know this already.
The RNC and the DNC are both corporations. Both supporting a product.

The CPD (Commission on Presidential Debates) is a corporation too. And they masquerade as “nonpartisan” but that only means that their product promotion only includes Democrats and Republicans. Isn’t that all there is in an election?
The networks that put on the “debates” are corporations. Supporting a product.
That is why there is only the voice of the two parties …….. do you know what the Green Party has to say about the issues? The Justice Party? Libertarian Party? The Peace & Freedom Party? Even the Socialist Party?
No. But isn’t a “democracy” BASED UPON all positions?
Guess not. Maybe that is why Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee for President, and her Vice Presidential running mate, Cheri Honkala were arrested outside the second debate in Hempstead, NY. They were not allowed in because they didn’t have the proper credentials. But remember when Ralph Nader was not allowed into the 2008 debates because even though he was invited and had a ticket to enter the orders went out to prevent him from entering to even hear the debate. Hmmm. So much for the proper credential argument!
But the Green Party is on 85% of the ballots in the United States and that doesn’t warrant a place at the debate table.
Now why would the leader of the free world and the magic underwear guy not want to stand toe to toe with Jill? What kind of questions would they be afraid they would have to answer?  Or better yet, what kind of REAL questions would be posed?
Well, go to  and see for yourself. And because you are in an exploratory mood you might as well check Rocky Anderson too or why not Peace and Freedom or how about the Socialist Party These are all recognized parties with ideas on how this country should be run but none of them get to debate the issues with the Democrats or the Republicans. Why is that?
That is only an easy sign for you that we don’t have a democracy here. But in your heart you already know this!
You already know that your vote won’t count. It is rigged. Every voting cycle there is talk by both parties for improving the voting machines but it never happens. Both parties are always so concerned about voting fraud but nothing is ever done to correct it.
Every state in the United States rest on the decision of a handful of “swing” states but there is never anything done about it.
Why? Because the election has already been won ……… period!
All we have to do as citizens is wait for the announcement in that grand ol’ Stalinist tradition and be happy that the nation has been saved or that the nation has been destroyed. Doesn’t really matter. The same power structure is directing it.
You know it is true in your heart but you are afraid to accept it because then, what?…………..
So what do the power structure want for us ………….
…………. the private sector can and “should” create jobs.
…………. Medicare is an “entitlement”
…………. climate change decisions are to be derailed
…………. NAFTA is a great thing
…………. Social Security has to be gutted
…………. Wall Street speculators deserve to be bailed out but fuck the families of  foreclosures
…………..Palestinians should be occupied, dispossessed and ignored
…………  drone murder
…………. torture is ok
…………  Iran is bad
………… .Africa should be destabilized
………… the President can kidnap and kill American citizens
………… oil and GMO’s and “clean coal” get a free ride
………… the war on drugs has to be continued
………… Iraq, Afghanistan forever
And this is just the top of the iceberg ………….. Democrats and Republicans agree on all of the above ………. wow, lets have a debate!
The amount of shit that oozes from Mitt’s and Barack’s mouths would fill a septic tank as  large as a Wall Street bankers basement!
There is no debate in this country. There is no “other” side. But there is a difference between the Democrats and Republicans and it goes like this:
The Democrats will fuck you in the ass and tell you that they are doing it for the poor and the unions and the teachers and the middle class.
The Republicans will fuck you in the ass and tell you that they are doing it so it will trickle down to you from them.
The result ……… you get fucked in the ass and they all get in their limos and go off to the National Press Club for a roast where they all play “boys-will-be-boys”, even the girls.

But really what we have here is slow death as a country with Obama or rapid death as a country with Romney.